The Attacks

The next morning when I woke up a little calmer and thought back to my plan of saving Alice and Frank by attacking the death eaters, I realized how stupid and reckless my plan was, I was acting like a hot-blooded mc of an eastern fantasy novel. I mean no matter how many times I ran the scenario in my head, I can never have the chance to beat 4 highly trained and dangerous adult wizards, that consist of Bellatrix who was more than a little insane, with just the help of Lumos and the levitation charm.

I don't know what I was thinking, imagining that I would just waltz right into the middle of the fight and throw rocks at them one by one and save my aunt. I mean I don't have any kind of plot armor the protagonist around the novel world seems to have and expecting a 3-year-old child to win over a group of 4 adult wizards and witches is just lunacy, no matter how weird and talented the child is.

Now instead of thinking like a tantrum-throwing child, I should do my adult soul proud and think like an adult. Alright, first let's take the big picture into consideration first and think about all the information that I have.

I know that Frank and Alice will come out of hiding after hearing about the attack on the potters and how Voldemort is not alive more. I also know that in the time range of a week after that Bellatrix, Barty, Rodolphus and Rabastan will come to their house to torture them for information on the location of Voldemort. And after they had been tortured for quite a while, help arrives and tries to save them but the damage is already done and Frank and Alice are turned into mindless husks.

Now, let's think about all the plausible ways in which I can save them, the first option and the one that has the highest chance of success is that I could try to send them an anonyms letter to warn them of them being targeted after the attack on potters. The second way would be that I could send tweaky to keep an eye on them and the second they are attacked to let the Aurors or someone in the order know about it. Third and the solution with the least probability of success would be that I could go there somehow and during the fight, I help them by distracting the attackers giving an advantage to Alice and Frank to help them win a fight. After I had taken all different kinds of scenarios into consideration I calmed down and sighed in relief.

After that day my routine went back to the same schedule but now I started trying to divide my concentration and tried to levitate two objects at the same time. Most of the time instead of levitating both objects at the same time they would just hover alternatively.

It was really hard trying to divide your mind into two and concentrate on the image of two objects hovering at the same time.

While I was not having any success in levitating two objects at the same, I had another pair of spells that I started practicing on. It was the severing charm "Diffindo" and the repairing charm


I tried the new charms about 2 months after Alice and Frank went into hiding when I had reached about 30L in my magic. I wanted to try perfecting the reparo charm first so that I can mitigate any kind of damage I do with the severing charm.

At the start, I would just tear a piece of cloth in my crib with my hands and then try to repair while saying the incantation and imagining a clear picture in my head of the cloth mending. It only took me two days to be able to do it with a good chance of success. By checking the amount of magic I had left after the charm I found out that the charm took about 12L of magic.

After getting somewhat proficient in the repairing charm, I was ready to try the severing charm.

I was really nervous before doing the charm because this would be the first spell I would learn that is somewhat offensive in nature. I kept imagining things like accidentally cutting my fingers or my hand or things like that.

And when I finally tried that charm on the sheets it went fuss..., and no matter how much I tried nothing happened at all. I kept pointing at the sheets in my crib and saying diffindo again and again but got no results to show for it not even a small tear.

After failing for 5 days consecutively I finally understood that if I keep getting afraid of the spell I would never be able to do it. So I took a day of rest and when I was feeling good the next day I decided to give it another try. Before doing anything I cleared my head of all my thought and did the mediation exercise for about 10 minutes. When I was sufficiently ready I pointed my hand at the sheet and while chanting the incantation I imagined it ripping at the seams and getting tore in half.

The result I got was very disappointing all I got was a little bit of tear in the sheet but my magic was dangerously close to being emptied. I was really exhausted after that and started to feel sleepy immediately.

I woke up about two hours later feeling a little faint, I never imagined that the charm would take so much out of me. I swore to myself that day, that I would not try it again until I had at least 50L magic as I would look really stupid if my body couldn't handle getting magically exhausted and I lost my magic because I didn't have enough patience.

Time passed and my 3rd birthday came and went without much fanfare, every other week there would be articles of attacks on muggles and notable people leaving the country in groups in the newspaper.

In the month of June came the news of the attack on the lily's parents, and with it came the information that the death eaters were searching for the Potters and Longbottoms and that they were attacking anyone related to them. That day after my father and mother discussed it, they also decided to leave the country for a while.

We left for a country house that our family had in France with my grandparents. This threw a wedge in my plan of sending tweaky or going there myself to help my aunt because elves can't travel between countries and also there's no such thing as having an international floo connection, I had found out about it earlier by asking my mum if we could come back every day by floo.

My final hope rested in a piece of letter that I will send them anonymously after the night of Halloween. Let's hope it all goes well...