The Letter

As the day of Halloween was approaching, my concentration kept slipping up and I was very nervous most of the time. And as my concentration kept slipping up I found it really hard to do any kind of magic and even the simplest Lumos became hard to do. I don't think Ron Weasley was capable of concentrating that much, according to the books, so he should not have been able to do any magic if it required this much effort, so the only explanation for it would be that when you're doing wandless magic it's a totally different kind of magic than the one you do with a wand. Something that I am going to be experimenting upon when I get my wand.

A week before Halloween I stopped doing magic altogether because I was not getting any kind results anyway and instead of getting frustrated I focused on thinking what I was going to write in the letter.

I needed to write the letter in such a way that after seeing the letter they should assume that the letter was written by a person in a hurry and it should be taken seriously. And I also need to make sure that it can't be traced back to me in any way by using some kind of magic.

When my mum and dad were asleep for the night, I whispered:


"Yes, Little master" she popped into my room silently.

"Hey, tweaky can you get me a pen and a paper from my dad's study I need to write a letter to my friend," I asked her.

"Yes, little master" she pooped away and came back a second later with pen and a paper.

"Where did you find these, I mistakenly asked you for pen and paper but I thought there were only quills in the house," I asked while taking the pen and paper.

"These be the grand mistress' things, she uses them whenever she be coming" she squeaked.

"Oh... Ok then, can you wait a moment while I write the letter " I asked

"Yes, Little master" she squeaked and went silent.

I wrote the letter with as good handwriting as I could manage, which was not much considering my baby's hands, it looked like it was written by someone who was not really used to writing. I kept the letter really short and only mentioned main points like that they were being targeted by Bellatrix for information about the dark lord and that they should be carefull.

I wrote the Dark Lord instead of Voldemort because I wanted them to assume that I was a death eater who had a change of heart and wanted to make amends after discovering that Voldemort is gone. After finishing the letter I turned to tweaky and said:

"Now tweaky, I need you to listen very carefully. You are to post this letter on the night of Halloween with an express delivery so that it reaches my friend by the next morning in England and

not before that. Do you understand" I said to her while looking very serious( well as serious as a 3-year-old can look anyway)

"Yes little master tweaky be understanding" she squeaked while nodding her head up and down.

"And before you go, can you do something on the letter so that no one would know that I wrote it"

"Yes little master, tweaky can clear your leftover magic from it"

"Thank you and one last thing, you know that you can't tell my parents anything about it otherwise you would be know as a very bad elf who can't keep his master's secret"

"Yes little master, tweaky not be telling anybody " she shook her head vigorously and popped after saying that. I felt really bad saying those things to her but it was either this or risk my parents asking questions that I would not be able to answer.

I was really relieved after giving that letter to tweaky, it felt like there was some kind of weight on my chest and I had just put it down, I felt really light.

The days after that passed very quickly and I spent most of the time playing with my grandparents or "learning" to read and write from my mother.

On the day of Halloween, it started like any other and passed away like any normal day but no one would know that that day was the turning point for the whole wizarding world. Before going to sleep that night I called tweaky to confirm if she had posted the letter. She told me that she had gone to the local magical post-office and posted the letter just after dinner.

The next morning as I sat on the table wondering if the morning paper would have the news about the attack, but unfortunately there was no mention of any attack on potters or the apparent demise of Voldemort. And after I gave it some thought I realized that Voldemort has just attacked the potters last night so it would take the paper at least until the evening to get any kind of news.

And I was right, in the evening came a special edition of the paper with the news that the potters had been attacked and that harry potter had somehow survived while apparently reversing the killing curse on Voldemort which killed him. They were already calling him the Boy-who-lived.

Now I just had to wait for the news from my aunt to know if my plan worked or not. After reading the newspaper my parents decided that we would leave for home the next day. As my mother was packing, she kept talking about how I would meet my baby cousin and how we would immediately go to their home after arriving in England.

As I was playing on my broom I saw my mum writing a letter to Aunt Alice and asking if they are out of hiding and if we could come to visit.

The next day we went home with the help of an International portkey, when we arrived in France we had come by plane with the help of my grandma. But because this time everyone was very eager to go home my father had decided that we should take a portkey.

As we landed in the ministry designated area for the arrival of potkey in the minister of magic, I thought that travelling by portkey was not really that bad and that it was a lot like riding on a rollercoaster but just much faster.

The ministry was filled with people going to and fro who looked really happy and every other second someone would shoot fireworks in the sky and everyone else would applaud.

When we reached home everyone was very happy to be back home. As my mother was unpacking, a letter arrived from aunt Alice that told her not to come and that she would come to our home instead.

As I and my mother were waiting for their arrival in the evening, the floo chimed with aunt Alice coming out of it with not one but two toddlers but one who had a lightning bolt on his head...