The Whole Story

The second my mum saw Aunt Alice come out of the floo she immediately went to her side and hugged her hard while still being careful of the babies.

"I was so worried about you, you suddenly went into hiding, without giving any indication and you didn't even write to me. And why are there two babies in your hand?" my mum asked her while speaking really fast.

"Slow down big sis, I will tell you everything just let me sit down first" she spoke exasperatedly

"Of course, sorry sit down. Tweaky could you please serve some tea" my mum said while steering her to sit on the sofa.

"Hey aunt Alice, so are both of them, my baby cousin," I asked her innocently while hugging her after she had put the babies down.

"No ruby, this is Neville your baby cousin and this one here is Harry Potter, you know lily right, he is her son," she said while pointing to Neville and then Harry, but she choked up a little while saying lily's name.

"Ruby can you play with the babies while I talk to your Aunt" My mum asked me.

"Yes, mum," I said to her happily and went to make faces in front of the babies while eavesdropping on their conversation.

"So tell it to me from the start what happened and is it true what they are saying about you-know-who," my mum asked while giving aunt Alice a cup of tea.

"Yes it's true, Voldemort is really gone and Lily and James are dead," Aunt Alice said quietly with her eyes getting watery. She stopped talking for a while and then suddenly as if a dam broke she told my mum everything from the start.

"Right after our babies were born Dumbeldore came to us with news that I can't really tell you because he made me vow on my magic to not tell anyone, but thing was that because of this piece of news Voldemort was targeting Neville and Harry, so Dumbledore said that we had to go into hiding immediately and that the fidelus charm would be our safest bet. We were both really scared for our babies so we immediately went into hiding immediately. While lily and James left for their ancestral home in Godric's Hollow, I and Frank moved with Neville into our holiday house. Our secret keeper was Frank's mum and dumbledore warned us to give our location to no one, not even you. At first, I argued with him about it but after he told me that it would put a target on your head I relented" She took a pause while taking a sip of tea, the room was really silent with the only sound in the room coming from the wood churning in the fireplace and the babies laughing.

She continued while staring into the fire,

"It was ok at first when we went into hiding, I took care of Neville while Frank spent most of his time destroying dummies in the basement while training. It got frustrating after a few months and frank tried to leave a couple of times to check out the situation outside but I was able to convince him not to go."

"But on the morning of the day after Halloween Dumbledore came to us with the news that Lily..." she cracked up a little at that " that Lily and James were attacked by Voldemort and that both are dead and that little Harry was the only survivor. I asked him how was this possible and how did Voldemort break the fidelus charm because it was supposed to be impenetrable. He told me that they put their faith in the wrong person and Sirius gave their location to Voldemort. I almost slapped him when he said that because he didn't know Sirius as I did and Sirius would give his life before even thinking about betraying Lily and James. He said that it was the only explanation and that lily had told him that they were making Sirius their secret keeper. I still didn't believe him, I told him that I would not believe that until Sirius told me that himself"

"And you know what, Dumbledore even suggested that we give Harry to his aunt and uncle while putting some kind of blood protection charm around the house for harry's safety. How that man is known as the most intelligent wizard I'll never know, he didn't even know what kind of people they are and he was going to put a baby in their care."

Of course, I told him no, that little harry will not live with them and that they are very horrible people and that I am his godmother so I would take care of him. He didn't believe me at first, thought that no one in this world is capable of being horrible to their blood related child. I broke his naive world view right there, by giving him the example of Sirius and how he was abused in his home, he finally relented after that."

"When you sent me the letter asking me if you could come to visit I was going to say yes at first but then an anonymous letter arrived saying that we were being targeted, Frank didn't believe in it at first, but I told him that it wouldn't hurt if we took some precautions so we took the letter to Dumbledore, and he finally showed us his brilliance because after dropping me and the babies in a safe house he laid a trap for them with the help of the whole order. And it worked, they really caught that insane bitch Bellatrix along with her husband and her brother in law. But the real surprise was the last member of the group. Because we never knew that Barty Crouch Jr. was a Death Eater, it was really shocking to all of us."

" There will be a trial for them along with the trial for Sirius in a week, and I am gonna be there to make sure that Sirius gets a fair trial and not be discriminated against because of his dark family. Frank is out there right now arranging for a good lawyer for him and handling the adoption papers for harry"

As I sat there while looking at the babies, I thought 'The plan worked even better than I had expected it to...'