We all went to sleep sometime later that night after Frank had come to pick up Aunt Alice and the two babies. Before going home Aunt Alice told me that I can come to play with the babies any time I want.
The next day I woke up feeling really good and I was able to go back to my routine of doing the meditation exercise in the morning, magical control in the afternoon and trying to levitate two objects at the same time at night. I also added some light stretching exercises and some light running around in my room to my schedule because I wanted to have a body that is really flexible and has good stamina when I grow up.
The next few days passed very quickly, I would spend most of my time in my room cramming knowledge or training my magic. I had gone to play with the babies twice in the last few days and it was a good stress reliever. I had fun and Aunt Alice made really good cookies.
A day before the trial, I threw the first tantrum of my new life. While my father and mum were talking about the trial that they were going to attend the next day. I asked them if I could also go with them, and of course, they said no but I was not content with losing without putting up a fight. So I pleaded with them by using my puppy dog face and when that trick didn't work I even threatened them with not eating any food but alas they did not indulge me. I think they were a little relieved to see me throwing a tantrum like a normal child because I had always been such a well-behaved child so they were happy to see me act like a child.
The next day my parents left early with my father going to St. Mungos while my mum went to attend the trial after telling tweaky to take care of me. The whole day I kept thinking of some way in which I could attend the trial but unfortunately, no flash of insight came to me so I gave up and went back to reading.
My parents came back around 5 pm and judging by the look on their faces I could tell that the trial had gone well. From what I could pick up after eavesdropping into their conversation, the trial went somewhat like this.
The first trial was for all the death eaters who had been caught, and because all four of them didn't deny being death eaters and instead proudly proclaimed themselves as their Lord's most Faithfull followers and how they would get rewarded when the dark lord raised again, they were sent straight to Azkaban with a life sentence.
After lunch break came and went it was time for Sirius' trial. The minute the session started, Fudge stood up and told the gathered members of the Wizengamont that there's no need for any kind of trial and that they should just chuck him straight to Azkaban and that Sirius' whole family was dark and that obviously Sirius was obviously following into their footsteps. No one denied the proclamation and many members were nodding along until Aunt Alice stood up and told everyone that every person had a right to trial and that just because Sirius comes from a bad family doesn't mean that he doesn't have the right to a trial. Fudge kept on vehemently opposing it until Aunt Alice threatened everyone that she would take the case straight to the ICW if she did not get justice here.
Everyone went silent after that because no one wanted Britain to look bad on an international level.
So the trial started smoothly after that, Sirius was called in and right after the charges were heard, the lawyer stated that his client was ready to take the Veritaserum potion to prove his innocence. Most of the people present were left speechless because normally only a person who was telling the truth would agree to do that because there was no known way to counter the effects of the potion.
And after dosing Sirius with the potion the truth came out for everyone to know and everyone learned that peter was the real secret keeper and a death eater in the service of Voldemort. They were all really furious, and even fudge telling everyone that Sirius had learned from Voldemort how to lie under the influence of veritaserum didn't dissuade anyone.
Almost immediately Sirius was cleared of all charges and a manhunt was being conducted for peter, with his name going on the list of most wanted. My mum told my father that according to Alice the order thinks that Fudge was bribed heavily by the Malfoys to incarcerate Sirius. They think that he did it so that his son could become the next Lord Black.
After the trial, they took Sirius straight to the hospital because he had been thrown right into the highest security prison in Azkaban and he was still not able to accept the loss of his best friends. He will be needing proper healing and some therapy but he will be better eventually.
After that, my mum asked me how was my day and if I would like to spend the weekend at Alice's place. I answered her in an affirmative and then we had a nice family dinner and we all went to bed feeling content.
Time passed fast after that and I spent most of my with my mother learning from her basic English, mathematics, and all the stuff that wizarding children are homeschooled about before going to Hogwarts.
I had already shown my mum that I was capable of understanding all the things she had taught me and she had already accepted that I was a really smart kid. I had her promise me that when I was 5 years old she would start teaching me potions, ancient runes or arithmancy or anything that I like.
I can't wait to be a 5-year-old...