Everyone was happy to see Kaye safe and sound. Her parents were delighted specially that Ivan came back and visited them as well.

"Are you surprised? Ivan came to visit you." Margaret teased her daughter who never smiled since she came back.

"Yeah. Very surprise." Kaye answered blandly. She didn't even look at him or even take a single glance after the small confrontation earlier.

"Kaye, can we talk for a while?" Yvonne asked Kaye tentatively not sure if Kaye would still talk to her.

"I don't have anything to see at this point Miss Maine. Let's talk when I feel things are better." Kaye answered coldly.

Sensing something was off, Margaret asked the visitor to leave her daughter alone for a while. She asked Kaye to get inside her room before she turned to Yvonne.

"Is there something we need to know as parents?"

Yvonne looked towards Ivan for permission. When she saw him nod, Yvonne sigh a breath of relief and asked her if there's a place they could talk privately.

Margaret and Robert took Yvonne, Ivan and Chadwick to their study room. The other visitors left already so there's no need to worry.

"So what happened?" Robert asked no one in particular when everyone was seated.

"I think Kaye misunderstood something." Yvonne started. "Ivan here was the same person she knew when she was young. Remember the boy that she would tell you about, Ivan and that boy were one. Kaye liked that boy so much. Yesterday, I think she figured that out but we aren't sure. However, she could be assuming something. Ivan was with her sister yesterday and before we could explain, Kaye was missing." Yvonne summarized the most important part of this mess.

"I can't believe this. What a work of fate?" Margaret exclaimed while looking at Ivan. "Who would've thought that you were the boy she was looking for?"

"Auntie, I just found out about this when I came to stay with her. But I wasn't sure since I was blind but I could feel it was her. I just want to make things clear to her." Ivan told them the honest truth of his intentions.

"Ivan, we don't have anything ill against you. This problem is between you two. We won't interfere with your plans but Kaye must be hurting with so much misunderstanding. We want her to be happy but I don't think it would be easy for you. Well, good luck." Margaret responded with an encouraging smile.

"Don't add more pain to her. If you can't even do that, I suggest you to stop." Robert interjected on their conversation.

"Uncle, I know that this mess is hurting her. I know that it won't be easy. I know that there's a chance that she won't even talk to me. I just hope to make things clear. Either we could still be friends or not, all depends on me after clearing everything." Ivan persuaded Kaye's father one more time.

"Well, good luck." Robert said and stood up. He knew how much Kaye wanted to find that boy that she likes. All these years, she held on to the promise that he would take her away from his evil parents. She held on to the promise that he would be strong for her. No one predicted this kind of encounter. They were actually spending time with each other for couple of months. He wanted his daughter to be happy as well. And if this man will make her happy, he will support her.

Ivan, together with Chadwick and Yvonne, left the place and went to the Harley's mansion.

"I'm glad they didn't hold a grudge against us." Yvonne commented as she glanced to her son who was driving.

"You're lucky that her parents were understanding." Chadwick also expressed his opinion.

"That's the reason why I recommended Kaye to them during the adoption program. I knew from the start that they would take good care of her." Yvonne responded while trying to recall the past.

"Mom, thank you for being always there for Kaye. Thank you for taking care of her." Ivan spoke to his mother with so much gratitude.

Since he was young, from the first time he saw Kaye or Therese as her name back then, he promised to take care of her. He promised to become strong for her. He promised to make sure that no one would bully her.

However, he was taken away from her. When he came back, both women were gone from his life. It was a painful memory that Ivan didn't want to revisit but he had to so he could keep going.

When they arrived to the Harley's mansion, Lexi and Gabbi were also there. "How was she? Isn't my best friend pretty?" Lexi asked Ivan immediately.

"Very pretty." Ivan answered before knocking her forehead. He then walked away towards the kitchen.

"Ouch!" Lexi massaged her forehead softly. "You're such a violent dragon!"

Seeing them with their banter, Kathleen laughed at Lexi. "Your best friend was really pretty, but I don't think bro would have a smooth sailing with her."

"Who's fault was it again?" Yvonne jokingly asked her niece indicating her indirect involvement.

"Hey auntie it wasn't my fault that she misunderstood me. I was just sitting there doing nothing." Kathleen pouted after being wrongfully accused like a child. Well, she wasn't really at fault here.

Yvonne just laughed at her before turning to her sister. "I've heard you met Kaye before?"

"Yes. I've met her a couple of times. Such a wonderful child. I was even thinking of pairing her with Ivan." Grace told her younger sister the truth.

"Ivan liked her for a long time, since he was a kid. However, your lovely daughter caused some misunderstanding. I think Ivan would have a hard time pursuing her." Yvonne winked at her sister meaningfully.

"No way! That little girl back then was really her? What a coincidence! No wonder she was very similar to the child in one of Ivan's treasured pics." Grace lamented when realization hit her hard.

"Mom, it wasn't really my fault. I didn't even know it was her or did I do something to upset her" Kathleen argued after hearing her statement.

"I was just joking." Yvonne loved teasing her niece so much specially when she made a pouty face.

"Guilt has been ripping me off my heart everytime I see Ivan with a distant look. I know he didn't really want to gain his eyesight back when things turned dire. Who would've thought she'll come in his life and brought light to him. She's really a blessing." Grace commented with a slight smile.

Remembering the years that Ivan suffered with blindness just because he couldn't find the little girl he wished to protect was really heart breaking.

This time, they will support him no matter what happens.