As promised, Kaye visited A University on Thursday to process all legal procedures regarding shares acquisition from Claude.

She was wearing a black pencil-cut skirt which highlighted her legs perfectly, a 3-inch heel black sandals, a white turtleneck blouse draped with a black trench coat.

She wore her hair in a high ponytail, showing her small face which was glowing without using any cosmetics.

She parked her car inside the campus parking lot before getting out with her bag. Her presence at school made students turned their head to look on her way.

She was really grabbing their attention with her pretty face and her sexy figure.

"Oh. Look at that. A new student? What department could she be from?" whispered one of the male students who passed by from the cafeteria, still holding a sandwich on his hand.

"Must be from the Music or Arts Department. I heard they've got some pretty faces there." another student murmured while stealing glances from her.

"With her face and figure, I bet she's a model." a female student said before walking towards another building.

Kaye felt anxious from their gaze so she took her shades and wore it to hide her eyes and almost half of her face.

She didn't need to worry about commotions since there were many securities around the campus and her body guard had been following her in some distance.

Kaye approached a group of girls who were looking talking and taking glances at her.

"Excuse me." Kaye interrupted their conversation with her soft voice.

"How can we help you?" responded one of the girls who looked rather smart with her glasses.

"Where can I find the building for the shareholder's meeting? The campus is really huge and I am not good with direction." Kaye admitted while scratching the tip of her nose awkwardly.

"Shareholders? You're one of them?" the woman asked with disbelief since she looked really young. They have seen the shareholders and the board of directors already, but she wasn't familiar to them.

"I'm going to be, I guess. Can you show me the way?" Kaye asked again. It was a lie that she's bad with directions but she didn't want to walk alone around the campus with all the obvious stares thrown at her.

The girl turned towards her friends to bid her farewell momentarily. "I'll guide her first. I'll meet you at the library."

"Thank you." Kaye spoke when the woman's friends had left them.

"No big deal. And no offense but it's really surprising to see a young shareholder." the woman admitted with all honesty.

"I'm not young anymore. How about you? What year are you now?" Kaye retorted back to gather information about the woman she met. All the exchange of words was relayed to her bodyguard which was sent through the Bluetooth earpiece.

"I'm third year now." the woman answered while walking ahead of her to show her way towards the meeting room.

"That's nice. I wish you all the best and thank you again for sending me here." Kaye said when they have reached the double door that would lead her to Claude.

"Alright. I'll go ahead." the woman waved at her then turned around and left.

When Kaye was about to open the door, three men in black suits came out. "Ehh, Ms. Jimenez?" asked one of them, who almost bumped into her if not for his quick reflex to move on the side.

"Yeah?" Kaye raised her eyebrow at them since she didn't what they're up to.

"Oh. We're about to set out and get you. This way please." the man responded before bowing his head and led her inside the building.

It was huge like all the other buildings of the campus, but it has a European touch to its architecture which must be designed by Claude's late wife.

"Darling Kaye, you're here. Everyone's already in the meeting room." Claude greeted her when she came into view with the security following her.

"Hello uncle. Sorry I'm late." Kaye apologized since she was taking so long from locating the building.

"You're not late at all. We're just too early. Come here." Claude walked beside her towards another room where twelve people were already seated.

"Good morning everyone." Kaye greeted them with her soft voice and pretty smile. People stared at her in agape which made her felt a little nervous, after all, she would be dealing with them once she became the new owner.

"What a lovely child. I wish my daughter is already big and sensible like you." An older woman spoke with a melancholic face.

"Claude indeed found a gem." an old man, who's probably the same age as Claude, spoke to the crowd.

"We should no longer worry about the school. Once our young'uns grow, they can learn from her." another man echoed.

"Aheem! Aheem!" Claude coughed exaggeratedly to get their attention. When they have settled down, he introduced Kaye to them. "Everyone, this is Kaye. A child that I've witnessed the growth. She's someone I personally asked to take over my position as the head of this university. We will undergo with all the legal procedures and have you witnessed it." Claude stated with a serious face.

"We trust your judgement sir." his subordinate spoke before giving Kaye a stack of documents.

"This is quite a lot." Kaye stated while looking at the documents that she would need to sign as part of the procedures.

With the lawyer's guide and the shareholders as witness, Kaye and Claude signed all the documents that would prove her authority as the head of the school. While they're at it, Claude asked his lawyer to read his will too, which indicated that all inheritance shall be given to Kaye.

It wasn't just her who was shocked to this news, but everyone around her too.

"You're the only one I could entrust all these belongings." Claude pet her to calm her nerves.

"Uncle, your trust involves so much wealth. I can't take it." Kaye whispered in concern since she would be a target for some rivals who aims Claude as their target.

"Not only my wealth but my best security team will be yours."

"This is really too much." Kaye insisted in refusing the inheritance.

"What can I do? It's written already and I'm too tired to change it. Just let it be." Claude persisted in persuading her which he won.

"I'll do my best to take care of your possessions uncle. I won't let anyone ruin it." Kaye said since she wasn't given a choice but to take it.

"That settles everything. Starting today, you are the sole successor of me, Claude Alejandro." Claude announced which earned a loud cheer from everyone.