To commemorate the acquisition of school shares, Claude Alejandro invited everyone for a dinner celebration.Though Kaye didn't like going to restaurants before, after Ivan took her to different places, she had grown to like the crowd and the environment.

"Kaye is a very nice girl. You would see how she would develop this school soon." Claude boasted to his friends during dinner.

Nobody disagreed since it was his decision and they could see that Kaye was a sensible girl as well.

"Say, Ms. Jimenez, do you have a boyfriend? My youngest son seems to be of the same age as you." one of the shareholder asked which everyone laughed at. His intention was as clear as a sunny day.

"There's someone." Kaye stated which silenced the man but she didn't specify her status with that someone.

"That man is really lucky." stated by a woman who gave Claude a nudge on his elbow.

"What can I say? She's both pretty and smart." Claude echoed with a smile. "But I'm just a guardian. Her love life is not for me to intrude."

Kaye didn't mind their chatter and questions. She answered those that didn't pertain to her love life and avoided those questions which were private.

In the middle of their conversation, Kaye's phone rang with a distinct song of Castle in the Sky. That was a song she set for Ivan's ringtone.

She picked up the phone and excused herself to answer it. She went out and found a corner with a bench.

"Kaye speaking." Kaye greeted as if oblivious to who's calling but her heart was beating like crazy already.

"Hey sweetheart. How's your day?" Ivan asked as if it was a natural thing to do.

A tint of redness crept from her neck to her face when she heard Ivan's endearment. "Stop calling me sweetheart. People might misunderstood."

"Sure honey." Ivan teased while flipping his documents to sign on the contracts. "Are you blushing?" He knew Kaye would blush easily that's why he loves teasing her.

"I'm not. I'm having dinner with Mr. Alejandro and the others right now. Is there something you want to tell me?" no matter how much Ivan would tease her, Kaye would just deny it and change the subject.

"Mr. Alejandro of A University?" Ivan asked to know that he heard her right.

"Yes. I'm having dinner with the university shareholders." she responded to him nonchalantly. She had mentioned to him that she has a surprise but it looks like it couldn't wait until he comes back.

"Why are you having dinner with them?" Ivan frowned at the thought of dinner with a bunch of people that he wasn't so familiar with. "They're not setting you up with a blind date, right?"

Kaye laughed out loud after hearing his question. "What are you talking about? I wouldn't show up if this is a blind date. I'm one of the shareholders so I'm with them. Stop thinking some nonsensical things."

Ivan made an 'Oh' sound to express his understanding but his mind was still hung up on the 'shareholder' word.

"You're one of the shareholders?" Ivan asked with a surprise coating his voice. He put down his pen to give her his full attention.

"Didn't I tell you that I have a surprise? I acquired 53% of the shares from uncle Claude. He gave me the school and his other properties. I'm his heir. Are you surprise?" Kaye wasn't a boastful person, but at this moment, he was boasting to Ivan.

Ivan had a proud smile plastered on his face. His face was mellow and he badly missed her. "I'm beyond surprised. I never thought you're associated to him. Looks like I have to work harder to be your match." Ivan commented but the last statement was said in a whisper so Kaye didn't catch his words.

"What were you saying? I couldn't hear your voice clearly." Kaye checked her phone but there was nothing wrong with her signal.

" I said I'm proud of you. Super proud." Ivan answered which made Kaye smile from ear to ear.

"It's not something I built from scratch. I'm not like you who made everything from scratch. What I have were all given to me." Kaye felt sad after realizing this truth. "But I'll work hard to make the school and company better than today."

"That's my girl. I know you can do it." Ivan cheered on the other line to lighten her mood.

"Thank you." Kaye's response was simple but it was from the bottom of her heart.

"Alright. Go back to your dinner. No alcohol and make sure to go back home at 10 o'clock. No later than that." Ivan reminded her specially that she's easy to get drunk.

"I'll remember that. I'll let you know once I'm home." Kaye promised to him before ending the call.

Even though their relationship status wasn't clear, it was a tacit understanding that Kaye should inform Ivan once she's home. It was already a routine.

Ivan finished all the things he needed for the day. He called Eva to give her the documents and contracts so that she could send it to the respective company.

They still have two days before going home but since those days were scheduled for a trip to relax and buy souvenirs, Ivan decided to cut his trip and scheduled his flight back earlier than everybody else.

"You're not really coming with us? You missed her that much?" Alex asked after Ivan got confirmation for his return flight.

"I have two weeks before her birthday comes. I need to prepare everything and spend time with her as much as I can." Ivan admitted while facing his back to Alex.

"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure you'll succeed with your proposal." and before Ivan could ask him what he meant, he ran out of the room and went back to his hotel room already.

Ivan stood there in silence. He was confused with what Alex said but knowing that the punk loves to joke, he decided to let go of the matter.