4 Wishes!!

In a very rich looking house, there was a 15-year-old boy laying on his bed while clenching his chest in pain. The boy was having a heart attack. He was not any ordinary boy, no he was far from that. This boy's name is Alexzander D Charles, he is the heir of one of the biggest companies in the world, and because of this reason he had to mature a lot quicker than most, Not including the fact that he was a genius. Alex had multiple PhDs in different courses, he was praised by everyone, but he didn't let it go to his head, he always helped others in need, he was a kind soul. Alex had a lot of hobbies, so he shows to the public like sports or playing a musical instrument, but he also has a secret hobby that no one knows of except his best friend, who also has the same interest, And that is watching, reading manga and anime.

Alex's favorite anime is My hero academia, and his favorite character is Izuku Midoriya. The reason why he loves Izuku as a character is because he is always kind to people. He did have is dislikes for Izuku, like how dense he is about his goal. He just wanted to correct those mistakes he made, but he can't Alex was born with a very weak heart so he doesn't do cardio-related sports, and here we are, Alex, having his heart attack. Alex over these years have done a lot for the people, he has solved water and poverty in countries, he has created a new school system and made schools for kids all over the world. After a while, Alex stops struggling and accepts his fate and die, he then wakes up in a white space with yellow balls floating, it looks really majestic.

Alex after a while finds an old man sitting next to a table while drinking tea. Alex walks up to him and asks politely if he could sit.

Alex: "Hello, may I have a seat?"

The old man turns to look at Alex and smiles warmly: "Yes you may young man."

Alex takes a seat and a cup of tea appears in front of him, he is shocked, but he already figured out what this situation he is in, so he takes the tea and thanks the old man: "thank you, and I'm sure you already know this but my name is Alexzander D Charles. What is your name Mr.?"

Old man(GOD):" Just call me GOD"

Alex: "Hmm so you are GOD, ok so what happened to my parents?"

God: "they are fine, they were sad, but they knew you would be in a good place in heaven because you did very good in your short life."

Alex: "So is this heaven?"

God: "no it's not this is my office, and before you ask me you have 3 options. 1 go to heaven, 2 go reincarnate back into your old world and have your memories erased, or 3 reincarnate into another world and have your memories intact. The third one is exclusive to you because you are a kind soul."

Alex thinks for a moment trying to absorb the information: "ok if it is exclusive then why not, fine I will pick number 3."

God: " ok since you pick number 3 you get 4 wishes, and get to choose which world you want to reincarnate in or who you want to reincarnate into."

Alex: "Wishes this is just like the fanfiction, ok let me think," Alex thinks for 30 minutes and answers. Alex: " ok I want to reincarnate in MHA as Izuku Midoriya, Ok first wish, 1) I want a healthy body, a body that is immune to diseases, viruses, poison, my healing factor is 5x faster than normal people, and it is very adaptive in combat." God nods: " ok that was like 3 wishes but I can change it to a perfect body, then it will only be 1 wish so it's fine, next."

Alex: " ok 2) I want the MHA anime and manga to be completely memorized in my head so I don't forget the plot. 3) I want 20x cultivation allows my training to be multiplied 20, and fighting experience by 20, with no fatigue backlash." God shakes his head: " no can do, the most I can do is 10x cultivation, 20 times is too op, and it will get boring over time."

Alex: " ok that's fine, 4) give me a high talent in learning things, like martial arts, and weapon mastery."

God: " Ok is that all any questions before you go?"

Alex: " yes this is an important one, do I get the protagonist plot armor?"

God: " yes you do, so watch out for accidental boob grabs and girls falling on you, oh and number 1 heroes looking for a successor. Now bye"

Alex sees darkness and then he feels like the space around him his pushing him somewhere, and then he is pulled out from the space and he tries to open his eyes but there is liquid on it so he doesn't want to. Then he feels a sharp pain on his butt and he screams but all the cums out was crying, because of the pain he opened his eyes and sees a doctor looking start at him as someone just so the most cutest thing in the world. He is then given to his mother or Inko Midoriya.

Doctor: "OMG!! he is the cutest baby I've ever seen in my 20 years at this hospital. Here Mrs.Midoriya you have a very healthy and cute baby."

Inko: "thank you, doctor, WOW he really is the cutest baby I've ever seen. I wish your father could see you but he is in America right now. Hmmm, what should I name you? Oh, I now Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku: 'hmm so this is actually happening, I can't believe it, I'm in my favorite anime, as my favorite character, you just wait I will make this world a better one, no matter what. Hmmm, so my father isn't here, does he even care about izuku, or did he abandon him because of izuku being quirkless? I need to find out after I turn 4, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep.

{Timeskip 4 years later}

It's been 4 years since my rebirth into the MHA world as Izuku Midoriya, and I've had it good, I found out that because my wish for the perfect body I am really cute and will be very handsome in the future, and being cute and handsome is very different, being handsome means I look attractive to other females or males but they mostly stay away from you because they are shy, but cute is when you get your cheeks attacked every time you go outside by the older females. it's honestly getting depressing it's worst then bulling.😭

Me and Bakugou or should I say Kacchan are good friends and he doesn't call me deku, but it's only a matter of time before he does😩. Anyways onto my training, I've been doing light training twice a week which is still getting the result of 20 days of light training a week, so pretty strong for my age. I'm going to really start training after I turn 4 and take martial arts classes.

Just a few days ago Kacchan got his quirk and he is acting all high and mighty and especially rubbing it in my face because I was the best at everything in school sports and grades, and I was a role model to a lot of people and them, but I never got too close to them because I know they are going to treat me like trash on the road after they find out I'm quirkless. anyways It's Saturday and I'm going to find out what my "Quirk" is at the doctor's office. When I and my mom are going to the doctors, I notice that my mom keeps looking at me nervously, I figure out is that she is worried that I won't get a good quirk because of her, so I try to calm her down.

Izuku: "Mom, don't worry even if I don't get a quirk I still won't stop trying to be a hero, and If that does happen will you help me?"

Inko shocked: "what how did you...no nevermind but yes sweety I will help you and support you."😊

Izuku: "thanks"😁

Izuku and Inko arrive at the doctor's clinic to have and quirk examination test. they go in and wait for the doctor when he does call them he checks Izuku and does X-ray scans on him and finally breaks the news.

Doctor: " I'm sorry Kid, but you don't have a quirk and will never get one."Inko is shocked.

Izuku: "hmmm, so that was the case, ok let's go, mom."

Izuku and Inko walk out and go to there car. Inko: "izu honey are you ok?"

Izuku: " yeah, I'm fine...Hey, mom, can you sign me up for martial arts class, a place where there are all sorts of martial arts teachers?"

Inko: "umm...ok sure thing, leave it to me"


Author: hey guys thanks for reading and I hope you liked this first chapter, I really liked it. Thanks bye.