Impressing All Might!

After I and mom got back home I went to sleep early. It was the middle of the night and I go outside to get some water, and then I hear my mom on the phone she was talking to my dad.

Hiashi(dad): " Inko listen to me, go drop Izuku at an orphanage, we don't need a son that doesn't have a future."

Inko: "Hiashi are you stupid, he is our son, we can't just abandon him!😡"

Hiashi: "Inko listen the boy doesn't have a future so leave him, or I will leave you!"

Inko shocked, and then water starts collecting in her eyes and she starts crying: " hiashi I can't leave Izuku but I can lose you, you have cheated on me lots of time in America I know it, so I want a divorce."

Hiashi: "...ok fine I will be there in a week for the divorce."

meanwhile, Izuku was listening to the whole thing in the hallway, Izuku was crying because of him his mom had to go through a divorce. he also didn't like his dad now, but he doesn't care he can go die if he wants. Now he has a goal to help his mom with the money.

{on monday}

It was Monday and Izuku was going to his school he told his mom to hold off the martial arts dojo for a while because he knew there financial situation will drop after a while. Inko has applied to three more jobs before the funeral, and she also got some money for her friend Mitsuki Bakugou. Kacchan started calling me deku after finding out I was quirkless and before I could even tell anyone the entire school knew about it. It didn't affect me I still stand at the top of my class in everything so some students don't tease or bully me, I don't fight back, because I know there are not bad people, so I always keep a smile on my face and to make sure my mom doesn't worry.

After a week my parents got a divorce. and this week I also made a manga of Dragon ball. I told my mom to go to a publishing company to publish it. they were surprised that a 4-year-old wrote this, but they gave me 15% royalties which were good. and after a month it was one of the best manga in the world, I also became a celebrity. My dad tried to come back but we rejected him, he tried to attack mom so I put him down easily with my strength and speed. He was arrested and taken to jail, and after left for America.

I increased my training difficulty by doing 2 days of high difficulty day workouts a week. and like that 9 years pasted, Izuku is now 13 years old. In these years izuku has added one piece, and one punch man to the list of the manga he has written. he has intensified his training with martial arts and he has learned and mastered a lot of martial arts. The world doesn't know that Izuku is quirkless they just think that he is hiding his quirk, but his school knows the truth.

His mom stop working and is now relaxing and having a good life. bakugou considers Izuku a rival because he was able to defeat bakugou with him using his quirk. Izuku is just waiting for the day he gets attacked by the sludge villain. and today is the day. bakugou walks up to izuku and shouts.

Bakugou: "there is no way I'm going to let you beat me in the entrance exam"

Izuku: " ok kacchan, I won't let you beat me either"😁

Bakugou: "tsk...whatever deku"

Izuku takes the same route that izuku from the anime took. he gets attacked by the sludge villain but he keeps dodging every attack like it was moving in slow motion. after that, all might comes and sees this kid moving very fast, so he thinks he has a strength or speed enhancement quirk. All might doesn't wait any longer and attacks with a smash.

All Might: "Detroit SMASH!!"

The sludge villain is blown away and Izuku is left there looking at all might. Izuku knows that this is his chance to get one for all. Izuku goes up to all might.

Izuku: " hey all might do you need help collecting the villain and thanks for helping me."

All Might: "well that will be very helpful young man and your welcome."Izuku helps all might pick up the villain and ask him a question.

Izuku: "umm, all might can I ask you a question?"

All Might: "Yes you may, do you want an autograph?"

Izuku: "yes I do want an autograph but that not the question I want to ask, Can someone like me that doesn't have a quirk, be a hero?"

All Might froze at that question and he thinks: 'what he is quirkless, but he was moving so fast' "your quirkless but you were moving so fast then?'

Izuku: "oh I trained my body really well, so that's why I can move so fast, I just want to help people and my body was the only thing I could train."

All Might:'what! he trained his body, but to get that speed you need to keep doing limit breaking workouts, all for him to became a hero to help people, AMAZING!! Could he be the one I'm looking for, no don't get carried away Toshinori you just met him, so let's research his background.' "yes if you try hard enough you can become a hero, now goodbye." all might jump off in a hurry and accidentally drops the bottle, and Izuku sees this and does a facepalm.

Izuku starts walking towards were the bottle fell and while walking there he hears an explosion. Izuku: "what who would be stupid enough to open the bottle." Izuku starts running and he is very fast, he gets there and there is already a crowd with heroes and reporters, he shuffles through the crowd and sees kacchan being a hostage. Izuku looks around and he sees skinny all might in the back.

Izuku takes this chance and runs in and through all of his pencils and pens as Kunis in the eyes of the sludge villain. before the sludge villain could recover he had already lost bakugou and Izuku is carrying him to the heroes. Then he hears all Might's voice: " how cowardly of me to not even practice what I preach and go beyond my limits!...DETROIT!!!...SMASH!!!" all might once again beat the sludge villain. before the heroes could get to Izuku the media surround him and start asking the question.

Reporter: "Are you the famous manga writer? what is your quirk? Do you have any relationship with the captive?"

Izuku: Yes my name is Izuku Midoriya and my quirk? I don't feel like telling you, and yes he is my best friend.

Reporter: "Why did you take matters in your own hands?"

Izuku: "because If I had waited any longer he would have died. anyways I need to take him to his mother, bye"

Izuku runs off with bakugou on his shoulder shouting at him. all might then jump off because he needs to talk to the young man. while All Might was on a ruff resting he pulled out his phone and tipped Izuku Midoriya in google. He is shocked at the kid his quirk is unknown, he as made manga and is very rich, even all might like the series. Now All Might knows that Izuku Midoriya is going to be his successor.

Meanwhile, Izuku has dropped off bakugou at his house and now is walking to his house, and when all might comes in front of him and tells him about his injure and his quirk.

Izuku: "ok I accept"

All Might: "Ok great, meet me at the beach tomorrow at 5:00 am, bye" and from now Izuku's training for the entrance exam is starting.


Author: Hey guys I hope you like this chapter and the ship is going to be IzukuxOchako the next chapter is coming out tomorrow.