Momo or Ochako? Why not Both!

Izuku Is getting ready because he needs to meet All MIght at 5:00 am, So he wears a tracksuit and snickers and Jogs to the beach. After he arrives at the beach he sees a skinny man wearing oversized clothes. Izuku runs up to him.

Izuku: "Hey All Might!"

All Might: "shhh! call me Toshinori when I'm in this form."

Izuku: "Oh! ok, so are we training or what? You know the entrance exam of UA is in 10 months."

All might: " yes I know, we are going to be doing training. Now take off your shirt, I want to see how much you've trained your body."

Izuku takes off his shirt and he is ripped, so ladies that were walking on the side look at Izuku's godly body and can't help but say "OH~WOW~" cause remember Izuku has the perfect body, and he is 6.1 or 187 cm tall. so same height as Shoji.

Izuku: "umm All Might I have to tell you something, I also have an immunity to all poisons and Immune to electricity, also I have 5 times faster the healing factors normal humans have."

All Might froze and then he starts short-circuiting in his head: "And young midoriya how do you have that?"

Izuku: "I was born with it"

All Might: 'yes I knew I had a good eye for successors.' "anyways so It looks like your body is already ready for the backlash of the quirk."

Izuku playing dumb: "wait what backlash?"

All Might: "Right, one for all is an energy stockpiling quirk, and each time it's passed on the user cultivates that power makes it stronger and passes it down to the next user, So you have to learn how to control that energy or it will break all your limbs." All Might pulls out a hair and hands it to Izuku.

Izuku playing dumb: " umm why are you giving me your hair?"

All Might: " EAT THIS!!"

Izuku: " what you have to be kidding me, right?" All Might shake his head and gives the hair to Izuku. Izuku looks at the hair and eats it and drinks his water to push it done. All Might then tells Izuku about his goal to move all the trash. It's been an hour and Izuku feels a surge of energy in his body, he looks at all might.

Izuku: "Hey Toshinori I think the hair is digested."

All Might: "ok young midoriya come here, ok now I want you to clench your butt cheeks and shout smash will punch forward."

Izuku clenches his cheeks and shouts: "SMASH!!" and a huge force comes out of izuku's punch and it creates an opening in the sea and it stays like that for 10 seconds. Izukus have is destroyed It's not purple but it's red. All Might runs up to Izuku who isn't even affected by the pain, because of his Immunity to electricity he can handle pain a lot more than anyone else.

All Might: "Are you alright young midoriya?"

Izuku: "yeah this is nothing, just give it 2 days and it will heal."

All Might: ' so badass, I've chosen a super cool successor.' " oh I see then good for you, now since you are injured you have to go home."

Izuku: "Oh all might I can't be available on Saturday (it's Wednesday) because I have a meet and greet with my fans for my manga so sorry."

All Might: "Oh I see, you can have the day off then, now go home and say home until that arm heals, bye"

{On Saturday}

Izuku: "Ok mom I'm going to the meet and greet, bye"

Inko: "bye, stay safe"

Izuku gets to the meet and greet place and sits at his table. All his fans cheer for him and he answers some questions and he is asked about his quirk and he tells then this time it is a body enhancement quirk, and then he finishes the day off with autographs and photos. Now there are only three people left and he is surprised these three are going to be in the future class 1a.

Kaminari: "Hey man I love you manga and anime series there the best, can I get an autograph and a photo"

Izuku playing dumb: "Hi nice to meet you Mr...?"

Kaminari: "Kaminari nice to meet you."

Izuku shakes his hand and gives him a t-shirt with his signature and a photo. they say goodbye and the next person.

Momo nervous: "Hel hel hello my name is momo yaoyorozu and I'm your biggest fan, I love everything you do. Can we be friends?" Momo hands her phone while bowing.

Izuku is stunt momo wants to befriend and wants him to give his number to her:' woohoo she is one of my favorite girls' " sure I'll be your friend" Izuku takes her phone and types in his number. Momo doesn't leave because she wants to talk to him after the last fan is gone.

Ochako: "Umm... I love everything you do too. Can I also be your friend, Oh! where are my manners, my name is Ochako Uraraka nice to meet you I'm also your biggest fan" Ochako hold out her flip phone and gives it to Izuku.

Izuku is surprised that Ochako also wants to be friends: "Ok that's cool, It looks like we three will be friends from now on." Ochako and Momo look at each other and smile. "yeah"

Izuku: "ok let's introduce each other. I'll go first, My name is Izuku Midoriya and I like my Mom, my best friend, My teacher, Martial arts, playing musical instruments, and drawing. my dislikes are bulling, villains, heroes that are after fame. My goal is to be the next symbol of peace."

Momo: My name is Momo Yaoyorozu and my likes are reading, learning new things, and practicing my Quirk. My dislikes are perverts, fake heroes, and bullies. and my goal is to be a good hero one day.

Ochako: My name is Ochako Uraraka and my likes are sweets, reading manga, and helping my parents out with there jobs. My dislike is heroes that only work for money and fame, and people who treat other people like trash, and My Goal is to become a hero and help my parent's financial situation.

Izuku and Momo look at Ochako sadly. Izuku gets his phone and calls his manager and tells him to send 1 million dollars to the Uraraka family that has a 13 to 14 your old daughter whose name is Ochako Uraraka. Ochako hearing this conversation tries to stop Izuku from doing it, but she starts to cry when she heard his word: " were friends right and friends help each other and 1 million won't last forever, It will at least give you a clear mind and you will be able to focus on being a hero, and you won't be worried about your parent's financial situation." Ochako starts crying and momo starts to comfort her and is smiling that Izuku would do such a nice thing. After that, they go to a lot of places to have dinner and go home.

{10 months later}

Izuku in these 10 months has learned full cowling, he doesn't have shoot style because he already incorporates martial arts in his fighting style, Instead, he calls him using air pressure attacks shoot style. Izuku could use 30% of One for all at the beginning of his 10-month training, and after it, he can utilize 40% of One for all and 45% in short bursts. Now the reason the percentage is much lower than it should be after 10 months of training, Is because Izuku Unlocked Black Whip when he reached 20 to 25% range so he still trained to increase his percentage, but after finding out about the quirks and the souls of the previous users, they started to focus most of there attention.

Also during this time Izuku and All Might bonded a lot and All Might also meet with Izuku's mom, and they got along great and they are trying to figure each other feelings for each other. So Izuku seeing this Makes Izuku Happy because he already considers All Might as a father figure. he also hanged out will Momo and Uraraka, he met Ochako's parents because they wanted to thank Izuku. Izuku also realized that he is starting to have feelings for both Momo and Ochako. He wasn't the non-confident Izuku, so he talked to Momo and Ochako about it, and they also had feelings for him.

Before he could say anything the two girls decided that they will share him, and he was going to stop them, when they told him that polygamy is legal so it will be fine. Izuku was shocked he doesn't have any info from the show if it is legal so he checked on his phone and it was legal. Izuku starts to think if it was the God who did this or something else, then he remembers.


Alex: "Oh right I do have one last question. Will I still have the protagonist aura?"

God: "Oh yes the world will be helping you out, Accidental Boob grabs, Accidental haram, but if you want one. So be careful, Bye."

{End of Flashback}

Izuku: 'damn protagonist aura, but at least I won't have a harem that too many girls to deal with.'

Momo and Ochako: "So Izu what do you think of dating both of us?"

Izuku: "wa...umm but are you two ok with that?"

Momo and Ochako: "yeah but no more girls, Ok?👿"

Izuku scared: "Ok!...sign" Momo and Ochako: "yeah now let's go shopping tomorrow" Ochako: "Oh! wait tomorrow is the entrance exam."

Izuku: 'I guess these two aren't that bad and they are my favorite female characters too, And I will make them the happiest females in the world.'


Author: I hope you guys like that and he is not going to f*ck them he is just there boyfriend, so don't give me shit. Thank you for reading and bye.