Cultivating is hard??

Inside Lenin's back yard there were four people gathered. There was lenin, Owen, an old man, and Rea was also there. She was there since she was worried that lenin would faint again.

The old man was named Fredid, he was the current village chief. Even though he was old, Owen has told lenin that there was no one in the village who was this old man's opponent. including Owen who was known to be the strongest.

" Ok, lenin close your eyes and tell me what you see" Fredid instructed.

"I see a bunch of blue light." lenin answered.

"good that's what we call "Qi". Can you move it? " Fredid asked.

" I try touching it but I cant"

" this time try commanding it with your mind."

lenin tried as the Fredid instructed and surprisingly the qi immediately started moving as we willed it.

" it's moving!" lenin shouted in excitement.

" good, now try to move it into your body."

lenin did as he was told and the lump of qi came into his body. He felt a chill run down his body as the lump of qi started moving inside his body.

" It's inside me what do I do now?" Lenin asked.

" Try to move it towards this area," he said as he poked Lenin's lower abdomen.

Lenin willed the qi to move towards the stick but as he got to the are right below his chest, he was unable to move it any lower.

As if already anticipating this, Fredid said " You see that is one of the ten barriers obstructing qi from getting to the dantian. Once you break a barrier your body's strength increases by nearly 100 pounds each time. There are 10 such barriers in the body. Each barrier represents a stage in the body refinement realm. Now, why don't you try breaking the first barrier? " After he said that he pulled Owen into the house.

"I've never heard anyone describe qi like that in my entire life. " the chief said solemnly. "But you are wrong he is not a genius..."

" but he felt qi on his first..." Owen interrupted Fredid just to be interrupted by the latter.

" let me finish, will you? Your son is not a genius because he's simply a monster. even the young masters and misses of those big clans cant compare to him. " when Owen heard the old man he was stunned on the spot. " I've never heard anyone being able to feel and control qi as easily as he does."

The two men looked at the nearby boy sitting on the grass with a serious face. Before they could say anything a small shattering sound coming from the boy.

"I broke it!!" lenin shouted. " Wow, it's so easy. I thought cultivation would be harder."

When the two men heard lenin they almost threw up blood on the spot. easy!! you say cultivation is easy!! do you know how long it takes people to break these barriers?!! weeks! maybe even months!! God, why is life so unfair?!

The two men felt like crying when they watch lenin being hugged by Rea. Fredid started laughing all of a sudden. " Hahaha!! A five year old taking only a few minutes to breakthrough. what kind of bullshit situation is this? hahaha!! "

No one could really blame him since this situation was quite absurd. One has to witness it to actually believe a five-year-old took only a few minutes to achieve a breakthrough.

Owen and Fredid decided it was dangerous to let lenin just attack the barrier every day, so they made a rule, which only allows him to attack the barrier once every month. The rest of the month was him just gathering the qi onto his body.

Just like that the legend of a super genius, no, a monster was born.

Through this incident, lenin found out that his father was a 3rd stage qi refinement realm cultivator which was a realm above body refinement. Fredid was 2 stages above his father. Aside from them, no one else was in the qi refinement realm in the whole village.

Every day all lenin did was stay at home and occasionally play with the qi in the air. As for friends, well, he didn't have any. It's not that he was antisocial it was just weird being friends with kids when your literally their parent's age. So Lenin decided it was best to just stay home.

Of course, Rea was worried about her son but since he was growing up fine she eventually let him do his thing.


9 months later

"Yes!" Lenin shouted happily. He had finally been allowed to break the last barrier bring him into a new realm of so he thought.

Owen, on the other hand, felt like he was about to cry. It was all great and all to have a genius son but it just feels soo unfair.