Outside the Village

" what the heck!! " lenin exclaimed with confusion.

"what? what happened? " Owen asked with concern.

" there's another barrier"

"what!? let me see " Owen walk up to lenin and put his hand on his abdomen and release his own qi to probe Lenin's abdomen. "hmmm that's strange. There's really another barrier."

After pondering for a bit Owen decided to let Lenin break the barrier. "remember as soon as you feel any type of pain stop alright?"

"yes, dad" with that Lenin started gathering all the qi close to him and rushed it towards the barrier. It looked like a giant tsunami hitting the barrier.

In the next moment, Lenin was stunned. Even more so than finding out about a new barrier. this was because the barrier was still intact even after this attack from him. This was just unlike any of the other barriers where it breaks in just one try.

hump. With a snort, Lenin immediately gathers qi, this time even more than last time. Bang! the invisible barrier broke into pieces with a bang.

Lenin could feel an extremely strong burst of power rising throughout his entire body. This was unlike any of his previous breakthroughs. This felt like more than just an increase in power, it felt like his entire body grew.

When he tried to push his qi into his dantain he nearly flipped out. Instead of his dantain, he felt another solid barrier. This time the barrier was much sturdier than the previous one. When Owen found out he nearly laughed to death. " The heavens are truly fair."

This time it was Lenin's turn to be gloomy. 'humph it's not as I can't just break this by assaulting this barrier like always.' Lenin sat down and gathered as mich qi as he could before attacking this barrier. after using up all the qi gathered not even a single budget could be felt.

'Ok let's try again ' he gathered another batch of qi and assaulted the barrier with all his might.


maybe third times the charm. yes, that's gotta be it.






After the 20th try Lenin had to give up. Even if he was a monster he still needs to rest his spirit before can continue. What's more depressing was that he couldn't even budge the barrier.

"its ok son this is what we call a bottleneck in cultivation. it's completely normal for people to get it. Just stay put and maybe it will loosen on its own" Owen said in a rather gentle voice. 'you little monster. now let me hear you say "cultivation is easy" let me hear it. mwahaha'

'bastard I know you're enjoying this.' Lenin almost rolled his eyes when he heard Owen. " It's ok dad ill just wait for it to loosen on its own. "

'Should I ask him that? well, I won't know if I don't try.' "Hey, dad can I play outside the village?" Lenin put on the biggest puppy eyes he could muster.

Owen turns around and stares at Lenin's big puppy eyes. "Can't you just play inside the village, like the rest of the kids?"

"It's so boring and they are immature."

Lenin's reply stumped Owen. 'You arent even any older and you say the rest of the kids are too immature?'

"Well go ask your mother" with that Owen was nowhere to be found.


" Nope absolutely not" Rea didn't even think about it.

"But mom, I'm not even going that far out. Pleaseeee" Lenin put on the most pitiful puppy look he can muster. 'oh how far I've fallen. sigh'

Rea was immediately affected by it. "Sigh. Fine but you can't go too far into the forest be back before sunset. promise?"

"I promise mom." Lenin ran straight towards the entrance of the village at a speed where normal people can't even comprehend.

From what he's seen over the past few years the plants in this world werent that much different from earth. Ofcourse what hes seen was only the few vegetables his mom cooked.

Outside the village, Lenin walks through the forest studying his surroundings. Most of what he was seeing looked just like Earth except some weird looking plants. Just when Lenin was busy looking at a strange flower he heard the sound of rustling leaves.