Lizard Thingy

"Who's there?!" Lenin immediately put his guard up. Even though he was not that far away from the village, he never relaxed once.

The rustling grew and whatever was making it was coming towards him. A white rabbit jumped out from the little bush.

"oh, it's just a little rabbit." Lenin let out a breath of relief. The rabbit didn't even acknowledge his existence and ran off.

' Whys it rushing off' That's when he heard the heavy stomps that were heading right towards him. Before he could do anything a giant lizard thing jumps out at him.

Instinct kicks in and lenin immediately rolled to the side evading the creature. "the fuck?!" Lenin got up and took a fighting position. The lizard didn't move and just stares at lenin.

Lenin was sure this was a demonic beast his dad was talking about. It was important to know that Sky village was located on the outskirts of a giant forest. This forest according to Owen was called Desolate Beast Forest. It was a huge forest littered with demonic beasts.

When lenin first heard about this he was very confused. "If the forest was so dangerous then why are we even living here?" Of course, Owen never answered the question but Lenin was sure he had the same question as well.

'Come on think of it like a big dog, just a lot lizary and much more dangerous. Focus Lenin focus' Something magical happened at that moment. The lizard thingy pounced towards lenin but it was like he did in slow motion. Lenin sidestepped and watched the claws brush pass him.

"Holy Shit! " Lenin was completely stunned. The lizard pounced again and the same thing happened. Just when the lizard pounced the world felt like it went on a slow-motion, giving him plenty of time to think.

This time even the lizard was confused, but then it growls angrily and pounced one more time. Instead of dodging Lenin kicked the lizard as hard as he could. His leg connected with the lizard's head, smashing it to the ground.

"Shit I'm pretty strong huh. " lenin was excited. he was about to win his very first fight in this world. He watched the lizard get up and was ready for it to pounce again. To his surprise the lizard didn't pounce, instead, it started running in the forest.

" Hey get back here. " Lenin was not ready to stop yet. It was his first fight and they just started. " Hey, you ugly dinosaur get back here!"

The lizard was unexpectedly agile as it smoothly ran through the trees. Lenin himself was not slow by any means. The speed he could run in was way faster than the fastest man on Earth.

After a few minutes, the lizard beast suddenly stopped in front of a cave. When Lenin caught up he was ready to beat the crap out of the lizard.

"Is this your house? Well just because you have some kids doesn't mean I would let you go." Lenin was ready to charge up when he heard a low growl from the cave.

Lenin watched as another lizard head pops out from the cave, it was followed by a massive body. Not only was this lizard much bigger it was clearly way stronger than the previous lizard.

The oppressive aura of the giant lizard made Lenins legs wobble like jello. "Listen, ma'am, I, I was clearly just joking" Lenin was scared shitless as he stared at the giant lizard which he assumed was a lady.

The 'little lizard' was already behind the big lizard with only its head sticking out. If the lizard had a human face lenin was sure it would have a huge smug smile on it.


The oppressive aura grew much stronger making it hard for lenin to even breathe much less move. Lenin watched as the giant lizard raised its claws ready to turn him into a meat paste.

'No, I just got here. Please somebody save me.' Lenin closed his eyes as he braced for the impending doom. As he thought about his new mom and dad he suddenly felt a deep regret from the bottom of his heart.

After a few seconds the much-expected pain didn't arrive. 'so death is painless huh. I didn't even get to live that long. I hope the old man reincarnate me again'

"Hey kid you ok ?" A man's voice rang in lenins ears.

'im not dead?!' Lenin opened his eyes and sure enough, he was still in front of the cave. However there was no giant lizard creature and instead, a middle-aged man stood in front of him.