Long Tao was currently running through the halls, trying to find the treasure room. "We can't waste too much of time here. We need to find the room as soon as possible and then get out of here."

He captured every human in his path and used soul-scourging on them. Most of them were low-level soldiers and hence didn't have any information about the vault. Long Tao continued his search.

He finally managed to get his hands on one of the high-ranking officials of the stronghold. "Would you like to speak by yourself, or should I torture you to speak." The figure tried to use poison to commit suicide, but Long tao was able to use soul scourge in time. He knew the way to the vault.


Outside the stronghold-

The whole forest surrounding the place was on fire. After blocking all the exits, the troop detonated the bombs. The blasts, along with the apparent damage, mange to incinerate the fuel, and hence a vast fire came into existence.