The Crimson Lord world-

" Its good to see that he managed to break-through to the Qi general level. We can finally begin that." The puppet was excited. He was making lots of preparation to help Long Tao improve his strength.

"He has just gone through an intense battle." The Keeper narrated the whole event to the puppet. " He successfully managed to reign control over his consciousness while being demonized. So the predicted results were up to the mark. "

" Well, the changes occurring due to the opening of all his meridians and the up-grade to Qi general level did help his body bear the burden. The main applause should go to the powerful soul he managed to cultivate. It is at the soul master peak now. He could break-through soul-grandmaster anytime."

" If he wants to gain control over that ability, he needs to practice it continuously. The skill is a huge asset in battle."