"Ten days seems less. The back-up troops from other regions might not be able to make it before the war." Troops from around the country were slowly re-grouping at the border regions. Time was a crucial factor.

"You are underestimating the urgency of this matter. Due to the compromise of our stronghold, we are currently blind within the forest regions. IF we delay any further than this, they would be able to set-up enormous amounts of ambushes within the path."

"We can't take that risk. The war will be lost if you are exhausted and eliminated by the time you reach the enemy's doorstep."

The situation demanded immediate action. The council of ministers was called.


The Crimson Lord world-

"The creation of bombs and grenades is going well. We would be able to achieve the required numbers within the next 15 days." The Keeper reported the current situation to Long Tao.