The beast flame was being rapidly absorbed by the Acupoints. Long Tao initially tried to let the power flow freely, but soon enough he noticed the wastage.

"As expected, although most of the power is being absorbed either by your cultivation base or the acupoint, there is still a big loss of energy."

Long Tao was getting nervous. He only had two beast cores to draw the flame from. He can't let there be too must wastage. "Do you have any technique to help me control the flow of energy?"

"The Crimson lords weren't a major body cultivating group. The only knowledge I have regarding body cultivation was from the scriptures and written documents left by the previous owners. The very few who did walk a bit on the body cultivation path didn't go any further than their tertiary meridians. I could even say that in terms of body cultivation, you probably are the one who has come farthest."