Su Menqi remembered being held in Long Tao's arm. The search was on. Suddenly it seemed that Qin Wen found something out and decided to try his theory. The next moment, she could feel a rapid descent in space. All she could do was scream with a little panic. The drop seemed to be quite deep, and she couldn't make sense of what was happening until she finally made contact with the ground below.

The first feeling was a short yet intense pain. Although they were Qi general level cultivators, the height seemed to be quite deep to hurt this much. She opened her eyes, and all she could see was the darkness around her. The group-maintained silence for some time, recuperating from their injuries.

"Can anyone feel the same thing I do? The ground seems to be damp, and the moisture around me is quite high. In a pure snowy region, this shouldn't be the case. I guess there is a body of water nearby." Qin Weng stated.