"Are you okay?" The keeper was concerned about Li Meng's condition.

"How long was I out?"

"You were in trance for two whole days." Li Meng was surprised to hear the actual time he was within the dream. Just two days had passed in the outside world whereas he had lived around a thousand different lives, not knowing how many millennials had passed.

"I saw your soul being shackled into some weird space as I tried reaching you but something restricted me from reaching in there. Just what did you find in that world."

"I met the remaining consciousness of a very powerful cultivator in that world. I was forced to experience 1000 of his reincarnations one after the other as he always made it to the top of the cultivation world."

"You seem to have gained a lot by coming here." Keeper commented.

"I don't know about that." Li Meng was still uncertain as to what he had learned from the experience.