" You want our help. Why not do it yourself?"

"As you would be aware by now, that neither of us is going to last for a very long time. We are waiting for someone who could help take care of the evil soul with our help, and either of us will die along with it."

"Why should we help you then?" The Keeper asks in a questioning toe.

Both the tree and the altar are silent as they couldn't find a feasible reply. " You are asking us to accompany you into a situation whose severity is not known to us, nor is the success rate. You want him to risk his life, and in return, the only thing which motivated him to come here is going to get destroyed. So where is the logic to help them."

"It would be much more feasible to help the evil soul and take your weakened bodies forcefully. If I absorb you, much of my powers will be restored and I would go through a series of transformations, enabling me to contain the evil soul. Hence I would like to reject your offer."