Chapter 16

Zena PoV

The retrieval mission goes on smoothly but with a little spice to it. It seems that my little brother meets with one of the new clones and learns about the level 6 shift project. Not liking the situation he goes to confront the collaborator of the project which is Kakine Teitoku and beat him up until he gets hospitalized for a month. With his intervention, he saves the should be first victim of this project.

The Misaka's did not only go around take the sisters but also steal all research data and laboratory equipment with them. Utilizing the Diorama, they can just send the sister with the equipment inside it.

Thinking of this I thought of creating a storage device like Lunar Mark for the girl. Although I have a storage ring inside the Lunar Mark it's capacity is small that it is only able to store a month's worth of ration. I will just give them that for a while until I get to be able to create one with bigger storage.

Two days after the Sisters incident, Touma was sent out of Academy City by the Board Director. Must be Aleister doing, this must be because of the Angel Fall incident which I won't get myself involved and let Touma deal with it. It's a good experience for him.

The night after Touma left Academy City I deployed my power all night so that I and the girls didn't get affected by it.


In the morning, I wake up thinking that there won't be any incident today since all the incidents will be centered around Touma which is Angel Fall only to be proven wrong.

I walk into my living room only to see a White-haired girl that I know from another reality which I really like sleep in my sofa with a letter And a ring at the table beside her sleeping form.

'Ugh, what with this cute power. She makes me want to cuddle on her.' I thought as I resisted the urge and open the letter.

" Hello, Zena-san.

I want you to take care of this girl which have an unfortunate life in my home Universe. I know about you and I know that you are a reincarnator, I also know that you will take care of her since she is your favorite like she was a favorite for me. Also, cure her of her lifespan problem which I know you have many way to do it. For your payment, I put it inside the ring beside the letter, inside is many Books that I collect all this time. You like to hoard knowledge right.

Sincerely Yours, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg.

P.S She is her FSN version"

I sigh as I look at the girl, Illyasviel Von Einzbern. If she is the FSN version, she must be older than me. Well she is cute so I don't mind taking care of her.

As I just about to put the letter, Kanade comes into the room.

"Ohh, is that who I think she is?" she asks as she also recognized her. I just give her the letter and while she read it try to check the Ring.

Inside the Ring is full of books about Magecraft and there also book about true magic. Especially Zelretch specialty which is Kaleidoscope.

"Hehe That's so like him to just drop her with a letter." she said as she put the letter and at that time our guests woke up.

"Uhh, where am I? I thought I was about to die when Gilgamesh attack me." Illyas says as she gets up.

"Good morning Illyasviel! My name is Kamijo Zena. You can just call me Zena!" I greet her as I help her up.

"Hello Illya-chan my name is Tachibana Kanade!"

"Hello, as you may have already known. My name is Illyasviel Von Einzbern. Can you tell me what happens?" She asks in her cutesy way.

"Well, Zelretch happen. You've been sent to different Universe all the way. Not your Universe AU, here there is no Gaia and Alaya! So, you can practice Magecraft without their interference." I says, if only she knows that her lover is Gaia herself, Not Nasuverse Gaia though.

"I see, why is that troll save me though?" she asks confused.

"Haha, you are his favorite so he wants to save you! Anyway, let's go to the lab. I have to cure you of all that enchantment your grandfather put you and raise your lifespan to normal!" I told her as I lead her to the lab.


Five days, five days is all it takes to get Illya lifespan back to normal. Her body is close to breaking. Good thing I'm good at doing this from curing all Misaka clones.

While I was curing her, JARVIS work on making her identity in Germany and her transfer to Academy City. After she was cured she starts to go to school. She decides to start middle school and she goes to our school middle school division. Since she can't go to Tokiwadai since the minimal requirements to go there is to reach level 3.


Touma just got back from his adventure and now in front of her telling her about what happened when he left and about their new home that ends up destroyed.

"Sigh, I want to just send Dad money to build a new home. But he won't receive it. Whatever, I will just force him when he and mom were here for the Daihaseisai." I told him as he finishes his story.

"Nee-san, who is that white-haired girl? Your new girlfriend? You really become a womanizer nee-san."

"Hehe, I still haven't got my hand on her. But it won't be long! So, when you will get yourself a girlfriend?" I ask and he just looks away from me.

"Sigh, why is my brother so dense and cowardly in this type of situation when usually he is quite dependable." I say to myself.

"Anyway, is that all you want to say?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, I will leave now. Index's has been insufferable ever since the Angel Fall incident." he says and leaves.


Two weeks later.

"This is it! I have to expand my economic power. Having to feed 20 thousand Misaka Sister drain my fund. I have to search a new source of income!" I say as I sit in front of my computer thinking for a while.

"Why don't you just build a new company outside Japan?" ask Kanade as she heard my shout.

"Hmm, that can be done. But, who will have care of it?" I say as I thought about it.

"Okay! Let's make JARVIS and Yuan yuan a body and send them to America to build Stark Industry. Hmm, that will be nice." I say, as I get up from the chair and start to build a body for JARVIS and Yuan yuan.

It takes three days to build a body for Jarvis and Yuan yuan. I build them base on my favorite character. Jarvis got the body and face of Sebastian Michaelis while Yuan yuan got Nezuko body.

I send Jarvis to America to start our new Company while Yuan yuan take over Jarvis's role to help me with work here.

A month later, the world got surprised from a new company that makes waves in America. This company got bigger and bigger by the day as the technology it sells is as advanced as Academy City technology.

The pity for the American Government is that the Stark Industry did not make a weapon to compete with Academy City. But, they will make do with what they can have.

The CEO Jarvis Stark state that he was just holding the company for his own master that did not want to be exposed and all Stark Industry tech is his master creation. This creates a mysterious air of the company owner and gives so much rumor about him/her.


While Jarvis is making a wave in America, Zena is now also busy at looking for a way to restore Accelerator.