Two days ago at night, Accelerator was walking on the way to the convenience store. As he walks, he got himself a stalker in a chibi form that uses a blanket as a cover.
After confronting the chibi, he got to know that she is the last Misaka to be produced after a few weeks ago where Zena rescues the new one and got her hand on DNA map so they won't be produced again. The reason she follows him was because she know that he was one of the groups that saved the Sisters.
He brought her to his apartment to rest for the night and sent her to Zena tomorrow. The next day, before he even gets to call Zena, she already annoying him and so he gives in and takes her to a family restaurant and bought her clothes.
But, He just let go of his sight for a while and she got herself kidnapped by a scientist named Amai Ao. After searching for information for a while he got helped by another scientist that has worked once with Amai Ao before this which is Yoshikawa Kikyo.
After finding what he wanted to do and his whereabouts, Accelerator goes to hunts him down. He got him when it was already in the night at an alleyway that is quite silent.
When he reached him Amai Ao already gave Last Order some sort of a virus that will control all of Misaka Network. After getting Amai out of the way. He works on countering the virus with his Vectors Manipulation.
Who knows that as he almost finished cleaning the virus. Amai got himself up and shoot him right on his head which almost kill him if not he finished at the last second. But, the bullets already reached his brain a little making him disabled because of it. He was saved by Zena who found out about what happened and come to save him and here he was at Zena labs as she looks at his injury.
Zena PoV
And here I thought that after he reached level 6 he won't have a problem with that twit Amai. I guess I'm wrong about it, maybe the Universe wants it to happen that it happened. I thought as I look at Accel and probe his wound.
While I work Last Order was sent to the Sisters for them to look after. Thinking for a while for a solution I got one that will work. I bought many herbs and chemicals after that and when I got them all I work on making the cure. Which is Extremis Virus, with Yuan yuan and the other Robot help by connecting using their computing ability I was able to create it in a day and perfect it two days later. I also make the antidote in case something goes wrong.
Accel got healed after one hour I injected him with the Virus and since he did not receive a side effect. I let him go with the enchantment as a reward for saving the Last Order.
"So, what have you say now? How can you let yourself get done in by a chump like Amai Ao? You are Level 6 for God's sake!" I shout as I am face to face with Accel who just got himself recovered.
"Tch, I let my guard down when I tried to save Last Order!" he answer clearly annoyed.
"Hooo, why can he attack you then? You should have eliminated him the first time around so he won't be able to attack you when your guard down!" I say and he got silent.
"Sigh, anyway! I make a fake report so you will have to stay in the hospital for a while now and act like an invalid. We have to deceive the Board Director since I don't want them to know that I have a technology to heal brain damage. Are you okay with that?" I ask him.
"Tsk, whatever you want." he said looking to the side.
"Haiz, where is the cute Accel-chan now? He becomes rebellious to Onee-chan." I said faking sadness and making him go red and run out of the room. The next day, he stays at a Hospital I choose and the news of his accident was spreading about.
Today, I was hanging around with The girls. They've been copped up training with Aisa along with Illya our new addition in the Diorama for a while. Frenda even get herself reached level 5.
Aisa got herself quite strong now that she can take on Level 5 her main element is Water with sub-element Blood. It seems her Deep Blood influence her element. Illya learns both Magecraft and Magic from Negima since she was enthusiastic at learning new magic. After I test them, I told them that they can start their own research on new spells that will become their signature. My own Magic study already reaches the Level of Evangeline at her peak from Negima after all this year. But, I never use it since there are no opponents for it. I just learn it for the sake of learning it as Zelretch said, I like to hoard knowledge. Now, there is a new thing to learn that makes me excited.
We were minding our business when suddenly there is a panic in front of us. I look up and there are evacuation signals shoot up. Instead of evacuating. We just got closer to it, and see Shirai got herself trapped by a golem.
"Isn't that Shirai-chan?" ask Kanade.
"Ohh, that is Shirai? What is she super doing there in that super golem hand?" Ai-chan confirm.
"We should help her!" Shout Frenda.
"Who is that?" asked Illya.
Rikou and Aisa opt to silent and just look at me.
I used Soru and kicked the golem with Armament Haki on, destroying it and catch Shirai in my arm.
"You okay, Shirai-san?" I ask her and put her down into the ground.
"Ehh, Zena-senpai! Thank you for the help." she said with a quiet voice and a red tint on her face.
"Haha think nothing of it! Can't let a cute girl like you got hurt after all!" I say while holding her chin.
"I-I-I gotta go to Judgment work! A-See you later senpai!" she shouts with a red face as she runs away using her teleports.
"Hehe, what a cute girlt! It's okay for me to take her right? Since you did not swing that way, Mikoto-chan." I ask as I look at Mikoto who just prepare her railgun but did not shoot.
"Well, if Kuroko was happy with it. It's not like I can receive her feeling. Besides, I know senpai will take care of her. Even though you are a womanizer." she answers me with a deadpan expression while mumbling the last part.
"Heh So, how is it with my brother? Last time I heard there is an Aztec Magician seeking for your love using Unabara Mitsuki's face. He even fought Touma for it." I ask with a smirk.
"Wh-wha-what are you talking about Senpai? I-I-I don't understand you're implying." she said with a red face and look away.
"Really? Well, whatever you say. Just telling you, he's quite popular in the Magic side so you will get many rivals." I told her and got a reaction to it.
"Who says that I like him? I just don't like losing so I want to challenge him." she says with a red face and pout.
"Haha Tsundere much!" I jab and she was about to answer.
"Now now, don't tease Mikoto-chan too much! She's just not honest with her feeling." said Kanade.
"You're not helping!" shout Mikoto.
"Ahh. Mou! I'm going senpai!" she said and run away.
"Be careful! In rooting for you as a sister in law!" I shout and she was about to trip then run again faster this time.
"You really like to tease her!" says Kanade
"What can I do? She is cute when flustered. Besides it's a sister job to tease her brother and his female friend." I told her.
"Now, let's continue our outing." I says and suddenly my phone ringing.