Chapter 33

Zena PoV

We were at Touma's training room studying the magic that summons him. After six hours of work. We were able to pinpoint the world destination and Index was now looking at her archive for a way to world travel while I myself also looking through the Troll's note of Kaleidoscope. Since even if Index told me her way, I won't be able to use this world Magic because of the rules.

"You know, if you are in a hurry you can just use me!" said Ruby as I was concentrating on the book.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You forgot who made me! Since he is a user of Kaleidoscope he also gives me a function of Kaleidoscope, though just the aspect of taking Mana through the AU, but I also can help you go through dimensions if there is already a channel like this. I can just make a portal here." she explained to us of her function.

"Ahh, Please do it then." I told her.

"Okay, Illya-chan are you ready?" she said and Illya nodded and start to change.

Index seeing this immediately shout.

"Aaahhhh, are Magical Girls Kanamin friend?" she said with stars in her eyes while looking at Illya Magical Girls Outfit.

"Huh, No I don't know her!" she said a little confused since she hasn't watched the anime, and Index was disappointed.

"Anyway, let's start, Illya-chan." I said and she nodded.

"Yes! Ruby please." she said.

"OkieDokie Illya-chan. Now, Gate Open!" she said and all residual magic starts to be absorbed by Ruby and she starts analyzing it then opens the portal.

We look at each other and start to walk inside it. First being me, then Aisa, Index, and last Illya. Arriving at the other side, we didn't see Touma but a bunch of knights lying around fainting with broken bones all-around their bodies.

"Huh, why do I feel that Touma got involved in trouble again and got himself with a girl?" said Index with a scary face. What are this girl and her intuition about what happens to Touma?

"Well, this is Touma's work I am sure. Since I was the one who trains him after all!" I said and look around for his trail which I easily found since I was the one who teaches him how to mask his trail as a former assassin and spy I got plenty of skill about that.

"He is going this way and he seems to be with a girl!" I said and start to walk toward Touma's direction with the other follow after.

"Now that we are here. I forgot to ask, Ruby you can send us back right?" I asked and she replied.

"Yes I can Zena-sama! You don't have to be worried about that! It's just I will have to rest for a week. So, Illya-chan Until next week!" she said and deactivated, Making Illya go back to her School Uniform.

"Uhh, what should we do that we have to stay here for a week, What about school?" asked Aisa a little worried.

"Haha, it's okay it's okay! Just leave everything to me when we goes bac. I'm one of the directors after all. Just treat it as a vacation." I told her with a grin and as we talk I can feel Touma through Observation Haki.

"And we found him!" I said and start to run and see Touma walking along with a Busty elf.

"Now now, just I leave you for a few days. Now you got yourself a Busty elf huh?" I said and Touma immediately turns his head fast which is lucky that he didn't break it.

"Nee-san! Index, Aisa, and Illya-san too! How come you are here?" did you get summoned too?" he said a little surprised.

"We are here to look for you, and while we are at it we will search for Mikoto-chan. So we open the portal ourselves and come here." I told him while Aisa and Illya just wave at him. It was Index who has been glaring at him for a while. Just as she about to pounce on Touma and bit him, I held her back.

"Just what do you think you're about to do?" I said to her while glaring at her. Even like that he is my brother, like hell I let her abuse him like in anime right in front of me, the one who can abuse him is me, as his onee-san. She was about to retort but shut herself up from seeing my glare.

"Uhh, nee-san! What do you mean about searching BiriBiri?" Touma asked, breaking the tension.

"Ahh, Right! Mikoto-chan also got herself summoned two days before you. It's just I got the news about her the next day that I can't investigate how to go here. As for you, I go to your apartment as soon as you were summoned so we were able to study the lingering magic and open a portal here." I told him. Hmm, while I'm at it, I should see if I was able to learn about this world magic especially Void magic. With that I can study about dimensions travel quite easily.

"Anyway, I already know where she is. So, we can just go to her position. So, who is this lady? Why don't you introduce her to us!" I asked him.

"Ahh, yes! This is Tiffania, the one who summoned me here. She was pursued and in desperate attempt tried a Familiar summoning which she summons me!" he said.

"Hello, My name is Tiffania Westwood!" she said and all of us attracted that that two globe of hers. I also noticed that Touma got himself a Familiar Runes though I forgot which one. I'll ask them later, and also what will happen if he activated his Imagine Breaker? Will it get erased? Well, whatever! Let's think about it later.

"Nice to meet you Tiffania. My name is Kamijo Zena, this guy older sister." I said to her and she nodded.

"Hi, Tiffa-chan. I'm Illya, nice to meet you!" introduced Illya.

"Aisa, please take care of me." said Aisa.

"Index!" she said still pouting from being glared.

"Nice to meet all of you! Please take care of me." Tiffa said bowing at us again which stole our attention again with her globe. Damn Touma even though you're my brother I'll curse you for now. Damn you lucky bastard! Fuih, that's relieving.

"Anyway, let go to Mikoto-chan!" I said while taking out a small spaceship from Lunar Mark and we get aboard with Tiffa in awe at our mode of transport. The ship started to hover and then we go toward our new destination Tristain!