Third PoV
On the ship, Zena was looking at the scenery and on the way, she sees a massive army was now facing someone on the other side which discharging a large amount of Lightning.
"Well, look like we have found our missing Electromaster!" she said as she looks at this.
"You found her Nee-san?" asked Touma.
"Just look at this!" she said and enlarged the feed to let all of them see.
On it, there was Mikoto facing an army of Albion holding a sword in her hand and iron dust hover all around her.
"Hooo, how come she become level six in just two days? Does the time here and back home that different?" she asked to herself.
" It's not the time for that Nee-san! We have to help her!" Touma said in an urgent tone clearly worried about her.
"Calm down, Touma! Of course, we will help her!" she said and start to operate her ship's control.
On the screen there start to appear lock-on targets that now targeting the Albion army that was at the back which is where the magician is.
" Let's clean up the Magician first as she can easily deal with the Soldiers!" she said and pushed the fire buttons and her ship's start to bombarded the army with both bullet, rocket, and laser beams which easily decimate the Magician. Even though they deploy a barrier, it was useless in the might of science. Especially science in a place where superpower sprouts here and there.
"Done, now you go down Touma! Help her clean up the rest! I can't shoot them since they were too close to her! Aisa, you go too! Take it as life training!" she said and she opens the door to let them out.
Touma and Aisa look at each other and nodded while jumping out. Touma uses Geppo while Aisa was able to fly. They arrived at the ground and start to decimated the army from behind.
Mikoto seems to find them in the midst of fighting and starts shouting at them asking how come that they were here.
With Mikoto.
It's been two months that I live here in this world. Because of the runes, it seems to accelerate my growth in Source Index Power as a week after I arrive here, I broke through the barrier to the Level 6, though Zena-senpai already told me that I was close to level up it will still be a few months before I was able to.
All the time I'm here, I've been staying at the Library searching for a way home. There is also a scruple with the man named Gramont who is a womanizer which she makes him taste a medicine by arranging a meeting between the three of them, which result in him asking her for a duel which she just defeats him by using her iron dust whips destroying all his golem then she gouged the ground up till it was close to him making him pissed himself. That was a day after she arrived in this world. It was after this that she got herself a friend in the form of a Maid named Siesta.
The night after the duel the red-haired girl who always mocked Louise and also mocked her as a commoner start to bother her which she just zapped her ala Kuroko and left her alone.
Louise did not bother her too much after being acquainted with her zapped three times. After hearing from the old man that this rune will help her master any weapon, she decides to go search for a weapon to try it and asked Siesta to guide her to the town.
Louise found out about it and insist that she will come together with us. She said it was master duties to look after their familiar/servant. Which she never agree and ignore it since she is not a servant.
Arriving in the town she immediately goes for a blacksmith to search for a sword to try on. She found a unique sword who can talk and seems to be the sword of the last Gandalfr so she decided to buy it. How did she pay it? With Iron Ingot of course, she can use her magnetism to make it without much impurities. She is not about to borrow the money from Louise in case she got a big head because of it.
After her purchase, they explore the town as she looks for amenities and a change of clothes. They were later joined by the red-haired girl Kirche and her friend Tabitha who was stalking on them.
After buying everything they go back to the Magic Academy and she holes herself up in the library again. The next day, she found out that her friend Siesta was forced by a Noble that visit the school to work for him.
Angry that someone forces her friend she immediately goes to his mansion after asking the chef where they are. She barges into the mansion and zapped the Noble for long until he begs for mercy that she stopped and took Siesta back.
A few days later, the Queen visits the school and she got acquainted with her which she likes as even though she was a Queen she is not arrogant and haughty like the nobles in her country. She asked her for the Void magic book which she said that she has to search for it first.
Then there is the Thief incident in which the perpetrator was the headmaster Secretary and she stole what they say the staff of destruction which she found out that it was a rocket launcher from back in the world war. She captures her and destroys the rocket launcher since it was dangerous.
But from seeing this she got to hope for a way to go home since it seems there is other like her who got to come here from her world.
Many things happen after that and now she tries to help Henrietta to fight off Albion who has declared war to Tristain. She was pretty confident with her power after she reaches Level 6 so she goes alone to the battlefield and fight of the army.
As she was fighting there was a shower of the bullet a rocket bombardment and laser shoot aimed to the back of the enemy army. She looks up and sees a spaceship that she once sees at Zena-senpai home.
Then two people jump down and start to attack the army from behind. As she got the better look of them she found out that it was Touma and Aisa senpai, which means that Zena-senpai must be on the ship.
"You! How come you are here?" she shouts at Touma as she working on zapping her opponent.
"I got summoned here by someone!" shouted Touma back and she looks at him in surprise then see his hand and there was a rune.
"You don't tell me the one that summoned you is a girl?" she asked.
"Yeah, she was an elf that got pursued because of a noble want her to be his mistress." he answers her nonchalantly.
"D-d-don't tell me that you got a kiss from her!" she said a little mad now.
"Huh! How did you know?" he asked back.
"Bastard!" she shouted and discharge a large amount of lighting.
"Oi oi, be careful with that, I almost got caught in it!" he says and she shouted.
"It was meant for you to be caught! Damnit after my first to be stolen now your first also got stolen!" she shouts in frustration and starts to channels her anger toward the advancing armies.
On the ship with Zena.
"Hahahaha, she got mad because their first kiss got stolen by other person! Hahahaha" laugh Zena as she looks at the screen.
Index was starting dagger toward Tiffania who stole Touma's first kiss while Illya looks at it in amusement.
"So, how is my brother first kiss?" she asked while looking back to Tiffa who just got red and look down.
"Hohoho, please just look after him. He is quite dense so you have to be patient. He has to create a harem with this many girls took a liking on him!" she said to herself and laugh again.
Not long after, the fight ends and she let her ship down to pick them up.