Chapter 39

"Maybe I saw her somewhere," said Eun. "Maybe! What do you mean by maybe?" said Tae Jin surprisingly.

"I am saying that I am not sure but I saw her somewhere. But where, I can't remember," said Eun and come to Tae Jin. She was standing a little far from him. But now, she comes close to her and sits beside him. And she begins to thinking of something.

"Maybe you saw her in any video or TV," said Tae Jin and look at her.

"No, no. I saw her in front of my eyes. She was very afraid of something. But where I saw her? Ah! Why I could not remember?" said Eun and trying to remember that girl.

"If you saw her, then it's good news for me. Please try hard to remember," said Tae Jin. But he didn't expect that Eun saw this girl and she could know where the girl is. So he felt disappointed and look at the floor. The floor was looking so beautiful today. It was so clean and his face was clearly seen on the white floor. He looks beside his shadow and saw Eun's. She looked pretty there. Actually, he never noticed that this girl is not less pretty from the other girls. But for her glass, she looked different. But it is not a bad difference. He liked her this way. He was looking at Eun now. He even doesn't know how he was lost in his mind while he was watching her. But Eun didn't notice anything and she kept thinking. Suddenly she remembered where she saw the girl and shouted,

"Ah, Right! I remembered. I saw her." She felt happy but she was saying proudly that she could remember it.

"Where? Where did you saw her? Do you know where she lived?" Tae Jin gets back to his sense by heat ng Eun's scream and said.

"I saw her that afternoon when I and Ji Na was going to your concert!" said Eun excitingly.

"Our concert? Where? Which day?" asked Tae Jin.

"In our city. All of you come to our area for the first time. And we were going to watch your show. When we are walking on the road, Suddenly this girl comes while running and hit by Ji Na. I saw her face clearly and I will never forget that face because she didn't say sorry properly. Ah! Now I got it! Why she was in such a hurry! Ah! Don't you remember that day when we met first?" said Eun and look at Tae Jin with her questionable eyes.

"Yes, how could I forget that day! Why?" asked Tae Jin.

$I saw this girl that day. I think she lived in our area. But I never see her in our area. Maybe she shifts there not long ago. If she shifted there, we could find her." said Eun and look at him smilingly. "Yes! That's it! Thank you so much. We will find her now." said Tae Jin and hold her cheek and pull her to him out of excitement. He did that without thinking anything. But when he gets back normal, he noticed that he holds Eun's cheeks with his two palms and she was too close to him. Suddenly he felt something strange. He felt someone was saying him from his inside, "Kiss her." Eun was surprised because she was not ready for this. She also felt embarrassed and she wants to move. Tae Jin moves his hands from her and moves aside. Eun also stands up and said, "I am borrowing your phone for some time. I will give back it after some time." saying this Eun left from there and enter her room. She could not understand what just happened to her. Because she felt so nervous when Tae Jin holds her. Her heart was pounding so fast. Why this happened, she could not get it. She somehow controls herself and called someone with Tae Jin's phone. The phone received by a girl. "Who are you?" asked the girl from the other side.

"Ji Na!" said Eun from this side.

"Euna! Where are you? We are so worried about you. Where is your phone? How many times I called you but you didn't answer me. Why?" asked Ji Na. She was going to say more but Eun stopped her and said, Wait, wait! How could I answer you so many question's?" said Eun and smiled.

"Okay, just tell me where are you?" asked Ji Na.

"I can't say it to you. But don't worry about me. I am fine. Can I ask you for a favor?" said Eun. Ji Na surprised because she didn't talk to her like that. If she needs something from her, she(Eun) usually ordered her.

"Sure! Anything for you. But why you are talking with me like that? Are you really Eun? Or someone else?" said Ji Na with doubt.

"Hey! I need help from you and you are helping me. I don't want to listen to any excuse. Got it?" said Eun loudly.

"Okay. You are Eun. I believed it. Just say what could I do for you?" said Ji Na and get happy. She was so tensed because she thought that Eun has been lost and she would never find her. But now when she listened that she is alright, she became happy. But she got angry at Eun.

"But why you didn't call me yet? Don't you know how much U was worried about you? Why do you remember about me just now? You are such a selfish person!" said Ji Na angrily.

"I am sorry my sweetie, I will tell you later. That's a long story. But now, I want a little help from you." said Eun very gently. She felt that she didn't do it right. She could communicate with her just once. But she didn't.

"Okay, tell me," said Ji Na with a little anger.

"Do you remember about that night when we go to SBS concert?" asked Eun.

"Yes, Why?" Do you remember that girl with whom you hit by?

"When?" Hey! Don't you remember when we were going to the concert, a girl ran to us and hit you? You fall on the street and start got hurt on your knee?" "Ah! Yes. What's wrong with her?" "Nothing wrong. I need that girl."

"What? But why? And how could you find that girl?" asked Ji Na surprisingly.

"She is in our area. You just need to find her," said Eun surely.

"How could you know she is in our area?" asked Ji Na.

"I saw her another time. She was on our street and she was returning after some shopping. And why she will go to that street after a lot of shopping? I am sure she shifted there. Do you remember her face?" said Eun from the phone.

"No, You know this well that I could not remember people's faces by watching them for one time. So, how can I find her now?" asked Ji Na. She was happy for Eun but she was also curious about her. "I will send a photo of her," said Eun.

"But why you need that girl? Please, tell me the truth. And, where is your phone? Do you buy a new one?" asked Ji Na and she want the answers from her friend. How could I buy a new one? I have no money and my phone is lost accidentally." said Eun sadly.

"So, who's the phone is it?" asked Ji Na curiously.

"I am with someone and it's his phone," said Eun simply.

"Ah! You are with someone! Maybe someone special, huh? Don't you meet me with him?" said Ji Na jokingly.

"Hey! Did I tell you that I am with someone special? He is just helping me. Nothing else." said Eun loudly.

"Oh, right, huh? Okay, When you are returning? I miss you soooo much." said Ji Na.

"I don't know. But I will return soon. Don't worry." said Eun with an uncertain voice. "But won't you tell me how I will find that girl?" asked Ji Na. Listen carefully,

"I know a lady who has all kinds of and everyone's information in our area. So, you have to go to her and ask for the girl. I am sure she could tell you." said Eun. And,

"Who's the lady?" asked Ji Na.

"My landlady," said Eun shortly and smile.

"What?? She is a too dangerous lady. How could I talk with her?" shocked Ji Na. "Please, Do it just once. For me?" requested Eun.

"You are requesting me? Ah! I can't believe my ears! Okay, I will do whatever you say." said Ji Na.

"Thank you," said Eun.

"My pleasure," said Ji Na and cut the line. She looks like she had lost something valuable and she gets back it just now. She was so happy that she didn't notice Kang Ji Hyung behind her. "Boom!" Kang Ji Hyung wants to surprise her but Ji Na startled by this and shouted, "What?"

"Oh! I am sorry but who was that on your phone?" asked Kang Ji Hyung.

"Eun, Yes Our Euna. She just called me. She is fine! I am so happy" said Ji Na happily.

"Really? Did you found our star? Where is she?" asked Kang Ji Hyung.

"I don't know. She didn't tell me. But she will return soon. She promised me." said Ji Na. Kang Ji Hyung looked at her. She was looking too much pretty on her smiley face.

"Now, let's go! We have to do an important thing," said Ji Na and pulled him with her.

"Here," said Eun to Tae Jin and return him his phone. Tae Jin was pretending that he doesn't know anything and he wants to know what she has done with his phone. But, Eun didn't know that while she was talking with Ji Na on phone, Tae Jin was behind her and listened to all their talk.

"Ah! I called someone."

"Oh, was that your friend? Or, boyfriend?" Tae Jin was kidding with Eun. Listening to this, Eun got angry and replied,

"Yes, My boyfriend. Do you have any problem with it?"

"No, Why I have a problem? Carry on. Best of luck." said Tae Jin and smiled at her because he knows all about her talking. And he feels happy to think that she wants to help her. But he didn't listened to her talk from the beginning. So, he wants to know. And there is a way to listened to that because his phone has an auto call recorder but Eun didn't know that. So, all of her works have been recorded on his phone.

"Yes, I will. Hmph," said Eun and left. After Eun left, Tae Jin starts listening to the record. And, when he listened Eun requested her friend for him, he felt very happy. "I will always keep it. I will never delete it," he said to himself. When he was thinking about Eun, he got a call from detective Leo and he received it. "Can you meet me in my office? Right now?" asked Leo.

"Okay, I am coming," said Tae Jin and get ready to go outside.

[In the Gangnam's Central Hospital] "Please, open your eyes. Please! I request you. Don't leave me. How could I live without you? We have so many things to do. I promise I will never ever quarrel with you. I will do whatever you want." said Woo Jin to his wife who is lying on the hospital bed in an unconscious condition. She seems like she is sleeping without any tension. But Woo Jin was like he is going to be mad.

"It's check uptime. Can you please wait outside?" said the nurse who was on duty. Woo Jin wiped his eyes and said, "Yes" Then he left outside. After some moments, a doctor came to check her and after he did his work, he came outside. Woo Jin come to him and asked, "How is her condition now?"

"Not really good." replied the doctor. "Please, do something and save her. When she could get back in her sense?" asked Woo Jin to the doctor again.

"I will try my best and I told you many times that she is in a comma. And nobody knows when she would wake up. It maybe takes some months or some years. Now, please, excuse me." Woo Jin's face turned pale and he became hopeless and he sits down on the floor of the hospital. Tears are dropping from his eyes. He could not move and he remembers her. How he spent time with her, how she reacts when she became happy. When she became sad or angry. He loves her a lot but now she is dying and he can't do anything for her.