Chapter 40

"Why you called me and why you are in such a hurry?" asked Tae Jin to the detective. He was in the office of the detective and they were talking about had s case.

"Tell me one thing, Did you drink something special on that night?" asked Leo. Special?

"Ah, yes. I drink special drinks in America. But we all drink that. Why?" replied Tae Jin.

"Maybe someone mixed some medicine with your drink. And, after you drink that, you can't remember much about that night," said Leo worriedly.

"What? But who could do that? We were all together and we all have the drinks together. How could anyone mix anything in my drinks? But, why you are saying this? Do you find anything?" asked Tae Jin being worried. Maybe, Your blazer was not washer by your dry cleaner. She just wants to remove the bloodstains from your shirt. That's why she washed it. But when she fails, she changed your clothes with Chi Won's and hide your original clothes. And, I found a medicine on your blazer. It's a very little amount. But, We think that medicine is help doctors during surgery. They inject the medicine in patient's blood so that they could get some deep sleep and the doctors can do their surgery properly." said the detective with a certain voice.

"I don't get it. What did you just say? Why anyone...." said Tae Jin with a very worried face and he begins to think something. But he could not understand yet.

"Just wait, maybe I could catch that girl. She will answer your questions," said Tae Jin slowly and anxiously.

"You can? Do you know where she is?" asked Leo curiously.

"I don't know. but someone knows and she will find it. I am sure." saying this Tae Jin took his phone on his hand.

"Ah, Right! You should listen to this clip." saying this he opened the clip of Eun and Ji Na. Leo was listening to that clip and heard that a girl said to another that she saw the girl in her area. And also, one lady could say anything about her. "Where is the girl? I need to meet her," said Leo.

"Okay, Let's go to my home. You will find her there," said Tae Jin and start moving.

"Your house? This girl is in your house and you didn't find out anything yet!" surprised Leo and said to Tae Jin.

"I didn't know that she could help me. I knew then I certainly figure out about this," said Tae Jin and go outside. Leo was also walking behind him.

"I have to solve this case soon. So, stay with me and help me to find the girl." said the detective.

"Why? Why you are in such a hurry?" asked Tae Jin.

"I have to go to London for another case as soon as possible. So, I don't have much time." said the detective.

"Oh! Okay, then we will solve this as soon as possible. First of all, let's go to Eun." said Tae Jin and start moving faster than before. When they came to the home, Tae Jin saw that Eun was reading a book in his room.

"What are you doing in my room?" asked Tae Jin.

"Ah! You are back! I was just reading..." said Eun and noticed the detective.

"Hi! I am detective Jin Jung Suk. I came here to ask something from you." said detective Leo. Leo is his nickname but everyone called him in this name. But as he told Eun her real name, she could not understand that she is finding him.

"So, where did you saw her?" asked Leo to Eun. Eun answered him to him every question. And after hearing all this, Leo told them that he will return tomorrow very morning and both of them have to go with him somewhere.

"Okay, We will wait for you," said Eun and smiled. The detective left and after he went away, Tae Jin said to Eun,

"Hey! Can't you hand over that pendrive to him? If you do that then you will be safe."

"No, That lady told me not to trust anyone," said Eun and she remembered about that lady. She wanted to know about her condition as she was feeling sad for her.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. I will help you to find that guy. As you are helping me now." said Tae Jin and touch her chin. When Eun looked at Tae Jin, he saw fears and hurt on Eun's eye. It seems someone hurt her so deeply and the wound has not dried yet. Feeling sad for her, Tae Jin pulls her to him and hold her with like he is Eun's dad. Eun was feeling good while she keeps her head on Tae Jin's chest.

"We both have different issues, right? But we have to overcome it. We have to help each other. Do you know, why I want to help you?" asked Tae Jin quietly. "Why?" asked Eun. She wants to stay like this but she also felt embarrassed so she pulls Tae Jin away and he leaves her. "Not today. I will tell you another time."

It was 6.00 am when the detective came to their house. Tae Jin and Eun was awakening and was waiting for him. All of them leave the house after some moments. There was a car standing outside of their house.

"Get in the car," said Leo to them. Both of them get inside the car's backside. After they sit in the car, Leo closes the door and he sits in the driver's seat. He is going to drive the car. He was so serious about his job.

"Where are we going?" asked Eun curiously. To your home. I have to meet that lady and find the girl." said Leo while driving. Tae Jin was silent but he remembered that day when he and Eun were sitting beside each other on a bus. He feels something strange. He wants to look at Eun's face but he cannot. So, he was sitting being silent. And Eun doesn't talk when she doesn't need it. So, all of them were quiet and they were sitting like statues. Leo also has a full concentration on driving. When they reached near Eun's home, he stopped the car and told them to go inside. He has to go somewhere.

"Aren't you coming with me?" asked Tae Jin.

"I will join you after some time. I have to visit someone here," said Leo and start the car.

"Oh, right! Keep this pen to your pocket. By this, I can able to know your position and situation. I will be watching you. Go inside and talk with the lady. If you find something about the girl, inform me as soon as possible. Got it?" said the detective again.

"Okay. I understand," said Tae Jin and keep the pen in his pocket. When they come inside, the landlady was not in her house so they went outside because Eun wants to meet with her friend Ji Na. When they were walking to Ji Na's house, they saw a weird lady who was calling Tae Jin with her hand. Tae Jin was going to her but suddenly Eun holds his hand and stopped him.

"What?" asked Tae Jin.

"Don't listen to her. She is a crazy lady. She is pretending like she could see the future and give a description of your dream." said Eun and keep walking. Tae Jin also walking beside her.

"Really? Then I should visit her once," said Tae Jin. Eun thinks that he was kidding but she didn't know that he was serious.

"Never go to her. She will make you crazy too. And she will snatch all money from you by telling fake stories about your future. Don't believe someone that easily." said Eun and smiled. They were in front of Ji Na's house but suddenly Eun saw a man and got very afraid. She holds Tae Jin's arm and pulled him with her. They entered into a restaurant near there and take a seat there. Eun covered her face with her hand.

"What's wrong?" asked Tae Jin surprisingly.

"It's one of them," said Eun afraid. She was so afraid that she could not talk properly.

"What should I do now? They are still finding me," said Eun again.

"Don't worry. I am with you. So, I will save you from danger. But are you sure this guy is one of the goons?" said Tae Jin and look at her. There were fears in her eyes.

"Yes, I am sure. It's that man who taught me that night and hurt me. I could never forget his dangerous face." said Eun.

"It's not safe for you to stay here any longer. Let's go back," said Tae Jin and stand up.

"No, we can't go back without finding that girl. I am sure we are very close to catching her," said Eun surely. When they came to the landlady's house, She was at home and she was working on her house.

"Ms. Lee!" shouted Eun.

"Ah! Euna! Where were you? And who is this guy with you?" said the lady and surprised to see her.

"I have a different situation so I have to stay far from home," said Eun.

"Oh! But now you come back and that's very good news for me! You know, I can't live anymore without you. It's so many works at my house. Ah! I am so tired." said the lady with a tired face. "But, At last, you got boyfriend, right?" said the lady again and smiled.

"No, He is not my boyfriend. We just stay together," said Eun. She didn't mean anything else but the lady shouted, "You are living with someone before marriage? Oh my god! Ah, I have to see this day? I can't believe it. I am sure I am dreaming."

"No, no. That's not it. I am working in his home and he needs some help from you so I take him here." said Eun quickly and being embarrassed.

"Oh! Then you find a new job! Then who will work here?" said the lady angrily. Eun used to work in her house also after she came back to her job. And, that's why she could live in this house without giving any rent.

"I am sorry. I have to tell you about this before. But, do you know this girl?" saying this Eun show that girl's picture to the lady. They collect the picture from that video.

"Why? Why you are finding this poor girl? Do you need to meet her too? And you have to tell something bad to her too? I know where she is but I won't tell you anything." said the lady being aggressive.

"Why we would tell her bad things? We just need her badly," said Eun gently. Tae Jin was silent from the beginning but now he could not stays calm anymore. He put off his mask and said to the lady, "Ms! I have to meet with her. Please tell me where she is. I promise I will not do any harm to her. I will meet her just once. Please!" Tae Jin requested the lady. When he put off his mask, the lady shocked to see him and she got afraid by remembered about that night when she saw him in Eun's home. He was sucking Eun's blood. And he wants her too. But she controls herself and said slowly, "You already harm her badly."

"I swear, I will prove myself that I am not a criminal. But for that, I need to meet this girl. Please, tell us just once. We will never come back here again." said Tae Jin.

"Please, Ms. Lee. If you do that, I will give a personal picture of ROK," said Eun smilingly.

"For real?" asked the lady being excited. "Yes," said Eun.

"Come with me." said the lady and go straight to Eun's home.

"Why you are going there!" saying this, Eun looked to her bedroom and saw that girl. The girl didn't care about Eun but when she saw Tae Jin with her, she got very afraid and wants to flee away but she could not because there was just one entrance and Eun was standing and block the way.