Chapter 65

Whenever Eun comes to the village, she bathed in the river. But as she is now grown up, she gets into the water when the riverside is empty and there is no chance to come people there. So, as always she comes to the river in the very morning. There was no one instead of her. So, she put off her long clothes and get into the water wearing a short dress. Actually, she loves to swim in this river. When someone gets into the water, they could see the green hills of the next village. And it's an amazing sight. She was swimming without noticing around her. And she was enjoying the view all alone. The water was not too cold so it was comfortable to swim this time. She was lost in somewhere. But suddenly, she hear a sound of walking. She want to turn around and see who was that. But she couldn't because she was feeling awkward for having a short dress. But whoever was the guy, he come near and Eun could hear the sound clearly. She stopped swimming and stand like a statue in the middle of the river. She could understand, that person gets into the river now and start to come near to her. She drove her full body into the water just her head was up from the water. She got afraid and turn back. She recognizes the person and gets shocked. It was Tae Jin. But when she was leaving the home, she saw him sleeping. So, she didn't expect him to come in the very morning.

"Hey! Don't you see I am swimming here?" asked Eun with a hard voice.

"Yes, So what?" said Tae Jin simply. "What do you mean by so what? You should not come here," said Eun hesitatingly.

"Why you wake up so early?" asked Eun again and look another way.

"Star!" said Tae Jin softly.

"What? Just get out from here! I have to go out too." said Eun with an angry face. "Yes, we have to but just answer my one question before," said Tae Jin. He was talking slowly and with a soft voice.

"I will. But not here. You know, I am feeling awkward now." said Eun hesitatingly.

"Why? Because I am here?" asked Tae Jin.

"Wise men don't need any explanation," said Eun and look around. There was nobody without them. The whole place was watery around them. They were not too far from the side of the river. So, both of them were standing inside the river. Eun's head was just top of the water and Tae Jin's chest was sunken in the water. Tae Jin stands still and holds Eun's hand from under the water. Eun's heart starts to beating it's top speed. He took her hand and put it on his chest. Eun stopped moving and look at his eyes.

"Do you feel something?" asked Tae Jin very slowly.

"Yes" said Eun while looking at Tae Jin's eye. His heart was also pounding very heavily.

"Star!" said Tae Jin.

"What?" asked Eun.

"Do you love me?" asked Tae Jin softly. "How can I?" said Eun and look at the water. It was flowing so slowly.

"It's not important. Just tell me, do you love me or not?" said Tae Jin.

"Yes." replied Eun very slowly.

"Then why you stay far from me? Why you do not let me come close to you?" asked Tae Jin with a soft voice.

"How could I trust you? You are too handsome, you are too rich, you know so many pretty girls, you have a different life. What if some day you like another girl and...." said Eun but she could not finish. Tae Jin put his hand on her mouth and said,

"Don't say anything like that. I will never be like that. I just love one girl and that's you. And you will always be my love until I die. And also, don't compare me to anyone. I am not like other. My heart only belongs to you. Nobody could take your place. Never. And also, if you love me, you have to trust me. Love can't be fulfill without trust. If he broke the trust, that means he never loved you. But I love you Star. You are my blinking Star. You have to always stay beside me. Will you?" saying this Tae Jin remove his hand from her mouth.

"But, it would be affect on your career." said Eun. She was very confused in her mind.

"No, career is in it's own way. I will stay strong in my career. But besides, I am a human too. I have rights to love someone." said Tae Jin. Eun was looking at down and she could not say anything more about this.

"Let me help you to get out from your confusion." said Tae Jin.

"What?" asked Eun and look at his eyes. He pull Eun from the water and now he could see her shoulder clearly. He hold he touches her cheek softly and then pull her to him. He kissed her lips strongly and Eun was standing like a statue. After some seconds, she hold him tightly and close her eyes slowly.

"Woo-hoo! Let the race begin." said Chi Won. He was so excited for the race. He always swim in the pool. So, he was very excited to race on the river. The participants were in their costumes and they were ready for swimming. They all stand beside the river and ready to jump in the water. Eun and Damien was there for look after them. Eun have a whistle in her hand and when she will blow that, everyone have to jump in the river. They all jumped listening Eun's whistle and begins to swim. They have a fixed destination, and they have to return from there. They were also having a lot of fun and Eun caught their moments on camera. After the race finished, the winner was JE, the second was Chi Won and third was Young Soo.

"Well done, all of you. Now, let's go back to the home." said Eun.

"Ah! Come on! We are having fun! Please let us stay here for some time more!" said Chi Won.

"Okay, but come home quickly." said Eun and went away from there.

"Where they are?" asked the CEO to Jung Suk.

"They are on a vacation." said Jung Suk smilingly.

"Who approved them? Now, what about today's concert? What will you answer to the fan?" asked he again with a rush voice.

"Ah, I will manage. Don't worry." said Jung Suk smilingly again.

"When they will return? And why you didn't go with them?" asked the CEO. "There's a little problem but I will be there within very short time." said Jung Suk. Okay. But bring them home quickly and make sure you would capture their all moments so you can share it with fans. Don't delay too much. You have two days." said the CEO.

"Yes, sir. I understand." said Jung Suk and stand there quietly.

"Why you are still here? Leave!" said the CEO and look at some papers. When he left from there, he called someone and start talking.

"Are they truly on a vacation? Where they gone to spent vacation?" he asked the person whom he called.

"Not sure about it. But I don't think they are on a vacation." said from the other side.

"Why?" asked the CEO curiously. "Because he is finding them. If they were on a vacation, then why Jung Suk would finding them? And also nobody knows where they are." said the person.

"Okay. Then follow Jung SuK's every steps and inform me." said the CEO and hang up the call. He took a long breathe and was thinking about to get a way to catch Jung Suk.

"Where they could go? How they could go?" said Jung Suk in his mind. He entered to the computer room to check the footage. He watch the footage of that morning. He saw that they went out from home for jogging.

"That means, did Someone kidnapped them? If it's true then where is the girl? Aish! How could this happen? I need to find that girl as soon as possible. But how? I can't get her number yet." said Jung Suk irritatingly in his mind.

"Sister! Where are you! Thanks for your present. I need to thanked you." saying this Damien get into Eun's room. But she was not there.

"Okay, I better put it in her bag." said Damien and search for her bag. He found a very small bag in a drawer. He take that and put a piece of colourful paper. When he was gonna put it back, he found something in the bag. His eyes was sparkling like star. He need the thing, so he take it and put it in his own pocket. Then he put the bag back in the drawer and leave from there. After some time, he come back and keep the thing back to her bag and leave slowly. When Eun come back to her room, she saw something fishy in her room. The drawer was not closed properly. But she always closed the drawer properly because she put the pendrive in this drawer. She suspect something and start to check the drawer. She took her that small bag in which she put that pendrive. But she take a relaxed breathe after see that everything was alright. Then she saw a small piece of colourful paper inside the bag.

"What is it?" asked she in her mind and take the paper.

"Sister, a lot of thanks for being my sister and adore me like your brother. I never forget you. You are my sunshine. If you didn't come to my life, I don't know what happened to me. But you make my life happy and shiny. Thanks a lot for the phone. Always be there beside me. Love you a lot. From your Damien." reading these Eun have tears on her eyes but she smiled.

"You, little brat! You afraid me. Okay you are welcome. I will stay always beside you." said Eun and smiled again.

"But when he keep that in my bag? And he should not touch a girl's purse. Didn't anyone taught him? Okay, I have to taught him." said Eun and went outside. She come to Damien's house and faced his mother.

"Oh! Auntie! Where is Damien?" asked Eun to the lady.

"He is in his room." said the lady smilingly.

"Okay, I better go and meet him there." said Eun and went to his room. Damien was standing in front of his table. He was looking so worried.

"What are you doing?" asked Eun smilingly. Damien look back and stand like a statue. He was acting like, he is a theft and he just stole something from Eun and get caught by her. So, he turn around and want to hide the thing on table.

"What? Why you ate acting like this? Do you hide something from me? Let me see." said Eun and peeked.

"Ah! Nothing. But why you are here?" asked Damien with a weird smile.

"Oh! Can't I come here? To my brother?" said Eun surprisingly.

"No, I didn't mean that. You never come here without any reason. So..." said Damien and smiled falsely.

"That's true, but what is that?" said Eun and peeked again. She saw the mobile which she give him was takes on the table. But there was something more. He connect an OTB cable with the phone and there was a pendrive which looks similar to her pendrive.

"Where did you get that?" asked Eun curiously.

"I brought it." replied Damien.

"Oh! Okay. I came here to learn you a lesson." said Eun and hold his ear.

"Ah! What happened? What have I done?" said Damien.

"You don't know, huh?" said Eun.

"Ouch! No, I really don't know!" said Damien.

"Really? Then who put this paper in my purse?" said Eun and show him the paper.

"Ah! Why? You don't like it?" asked Damien with a painful voice. Eun leave his ear and said,

"No, I love it. You are welcome. I never thought you will love me that much." said Eun softly.

"But, you could give me directly. Why you touch my purse?" asked Eun loudly.

"Why?" asked Damien worriedly. "Because it's a crime. You should not touch any girls purse." said Eun.

"Why I will touch another girl's bag? I thought you as my own sister. I love you and so, I....." said Damien.

"Oww. How adorable! Okay, but don't do it twice. I never let my things be touched by anyone else." said Eun and hold his cheek.