Chapter 66

"Tae Jin! Tae Jin-sshi! Hey!" called Eun gently and very softly. Tae Jin was in deep sleep. And as he was having a dream, he didn't listen to Eun. Eun was sitting beside him. They have a plan to go to the historical place of this village. Everyone was waking up without Tae Jin. Eun was looking at him and feels happy.

"Hey! Sleeping beauty? Oh, my sleeping beauty! Wake up!" Eun called him again. After some time, Tae Jin opened his eyes, and seeing Eun in front of him, he sit down quickly and hug her tightly.

"Oh! What happened? Do you have a bad dream?" asked Eun gently.

"Tae Jin shook his head affirmatively and hold her tightly.

"Okay, I understand. It happens. It's okay. It's okay. Now get up and wash your face properly. Do you forget about our plan? We have to go and visit the place. We have to hurry! And everyone is waiting for you." said Eun smilingly.

"Promise me that you will not leave me. You will stay always by my side," said Tae Jin slowly.

"Okay, I will not. What happened? Why you are acting like this?" said Eun and exceeded herself.

"Nothing. Just for be sure," said Tae Jin and get up from the bed. His face was looking so worried. Eun could not understand anything so she was very confused. Everyone was in the living room and when they saw Tae Jin's coming, they all shouted,

"Ooh! Our sleeping beauty is awakened! Come here and have a seat." Tae Jin tried to smile but he failed. Kang Min noticed that and he was not feeling good about him. But he could understand that he doesn't want to share his worries with anyone. So, he kept quiet. Tae Jin go to them and sit in the blank seat. Eun and her granny were bringing foods and arranging them on the table.

"Won't you eat with us?" asked Tae Jin to Eun.

"Yes, But I would like to serve you first," said Eun smilingly.

"Hey! We are not kids. Just come here and sit." said Kang Min and pull her to a chair.

"Fine," said Eun and sit beside Kang Min. "How far is the place from here?" asked Ha Joon.

"If you walk from here, you need one hour to teach there," said Eun.

"What? One hour?" shocked Chi Won. "Can't we go there by cars?" asked Young Soo.

"No, vehicles are not allowed," said Eun and smiled.

"Okay, now I have to think about it," said Young Soo.

"Don't worry. Once we go there, you will feel like you are in heaven. Just chill." said Eun. When they finished eating, all of them get up from there and went for clothing. Tae Jin was sitting and he was thinking something very deeply.

"What happened? Why you are so upset from morning?" asked Eun.

"Ah! It's nothing," said Tae Jin and stands up then he left from there. Eun feels bad for him. She took a long breathe and left from there.

It's been five days since they are here. And nobody knows about them. Fans want to see their performance and they want the answer from SBS headquarters. They gathered around the office building and start to strike. At that moment, the CEO of the HH Entertainment came out for going somewhere.

"We want to see them. We want to see them performing again!" said the fans loudly. When the CEO came out they all surrounded him and begins to interrogate him.

"Where are they? I heard that they are on vacation. Then why you didn't upload any moments of them?" asked a girl. "Yes, she is right. You are hiding something from us. What is that?" asked a reporter.

"Please move aside. I need to go." said the CEO and want to get rid of here. He could come out somehow and get in a car. He went to SBS house directly and found Jung Suk there. He was there with a detective. The CEO went to him and stopped.

"Ah! You! Why you have to suffer that much? You rather could call me and I will be there." said Jung Suk smilingly. The CEO was too angry on him that he slapped on his cheek hardly.

"Do you know where they are?" asked the CEO.

"I am trying to find them," said Jung Suk slowly.

"Trying? what do you mean by trying? Why you lied to me?" asked the CEO by shouting. Jung Suk didn't answer anything and stay silent.

"What do you answer to them now? That you can't find them?" said the CEO again loudly.

"I will find them," said Jung Suk gently. "Maybe I could help you," said Woo Jin and entered the home.

"Who permitted you to come here?" said Jung Suk being surprised.

"I don't need to be permitted," said Woo Jin.

"I know what have you done to my brothers. And you have to pay for this," said Woo Jin loudly.

"Okay, do you really know about them?" asked the CEO surprisingly.

"Maybe. If you let me, I will certainly find them," said Woo Jin.

"Okay, you got 24 hours." said the CEO. "But how could he, when I can't find them?" asked Jung Suk. The CEO was about to leave but he stopped and said, "Mr. Jung Suk! You are fired."

"What? But..." saying this he stopped. "Woo Jin! Do you have something to explain to the fans?" asked the CEO.

"Yes, sir," said Woo Jin.

"Then come with me." said the CEO. Both of them left together. Jung Suk was standing silently and become very worried. After some moments, he got angry with Woo Jin.

"I have to pay? You are the only one who have to pay. Just wait and watch." said Jung Suk angrily and left from there. Woo Jin come to the office building and saw a huge crowd in front of the building.

"What's happening here?" asked Woo Jin to all the fans. Fans start to shouting seeing Woo Jin.

"Woo Jin Oppa! You are back?" shouted the fans.

"Yes, I can't stay back from you because I know how much you love me," said Woo Jin smilingly.

"But where are our idols? Why they are stop performing?" asked some people. "They have gone to learn swimming. And nobody could learn swimming within one or two days, right?" said Woo Jin and show them a clip where they are enjoying inside a river. Actually, it was all Eun's plan. She send it to Woo Jin.

"When they will back?" asked some girls from the crowd.

"Soon," said Woo Jin and smiled. Then he went inside and see the CEO was just behind him and he was watching Woo Jin.

"Welcome back! And I am sorry." said the CEO smilingly and then went away. "What? Did he just say sorry to me?" surprised Woo Jin then he called Eun. Eun picked up the call.

"Hello! Ms. Eun! What's going on there?" asked Woo Jin.

"Everything is fine here. I think they are having a lot of fun. What about you?" asked Eun.

"Yes, everything is perfect here, as you planned. Now, it's time to come back home," said Woo Jin.

"Yes, We will come back soon," said Eun and hang up the call. She was so happy for him. She was standing beside the river all alone. It was night but there was not the darkness that much because the moon was shining with it's full power. There were a lot of stars in the sky too. The water of the river was also shining because of the reflection of the moon. It was an amazing sight. She was looking at the view. That time, Tae Jin come to her and hold her from her back.

"What? What are you doing? Someone will see us." said Eun softly.

"Then let them see us. I am not afraid of anyone. I can say it loudly that I love you and the whole world will know about us." said Tae Jin and put his head on Eun's shoulder.

"It's not the time, my dear. You could say when the right time came," said Eun.

"You are not romantic at all," said Tae Jin and leave her.

"I know," said Eun slowly and look at the sky.

"Look at the stars. How beautiful are they?" said Eun.

"Yes, as you are," said Tae Jin and look at her.

"No, no-no. I am the only one who should say that," said Eun and look at him.

"Do you know what I want?" said Tae Jin softly.

"What?" said Eun. Tae Jin put his hand on Eun's head and took the clip from her hair.

"Hey! What are you doing?" asked Eun. "You never let your hair opened. I want to see your long hair. You look so beautiful if you let your hair opened." said Tae Jin. Tae Jin was now standing behind Eun and hold her tightly. Eun put her head on Tae Jin's chest and stand silently. Tae Jin put her hand and kissed it.

"What if our story didn't end like this? What if we have to separate?" said Eun slowly.

"Don't say that. We have met by destiny. If destiny didn't want, then we never met with each other. Do you know why I kept following you that night?" said Tae Jin.

"Why?" asked Eun curiously.

"Because I saw you before," said Tae Jin.

"What? Where?" asked Eun.

"In my dream," said Tae Jin.

"Haha. What a joke," said Eun.

"No, it's true. I saw a similar face in my dream before. You were the queen and I was your king." said Tae Jin excitedly. "Really? Then what happened to us?" asked Eun.

"We live a happy life together," said Tae Jin slowly. He can't tell her the truth. He told her the false and he feels bad for her. Then he remembered about his all dream and get worried. He was thinking something very deeply that he didn't notice that Eun exceeded herself and look at him.

"What happened?" asked Eun.

"Nothing," said Tae Jin. Eun put her hand on Tae Jin's neck and said,

"You are hiding something from me. Isn't it?"

"No. Why I will hide something from you?" said Tae Jin and smiled.

"Your smile is fake. I could recognize that," said Eun. Tae Jin controlled himself and hold her cheeks with both of his hands. "It's nothing, believe me." saying this he kissed her forehead.

Ha Joon was talking with Ha Ni on the phone. He doesn't want anyone to know about him. So, he came outside and saw them from far. But he couldn't recognize who they were. He felt happy for the couple and said to Ha Ni,

"I could see a couple and they are enjoying the sight very much. Honey! I wish you were here!" said Ha Joon and took a long breathe. He was walking slowly while talking. When he came near to them, Eun noticed him and got afraid. "Hey! We have to leave!" said Eun whisperingly.

"Why?" asked Tae Jin surprisingly.

"Look at your back," said Eun whisperingly again. Tae Jin turns around and saw Ha Joon. He didn't notice them yet. He was talking with his full concentration.

"Let's go from here," said Eun.

"No, let's stalking him. I want to hear who's he talking with," said Tae Jin.

"Why? It's not right," said Eun.

"It is. I guess it's not his mother. He is talking too slowly." said Tae Jin and start walking behind him. Eun also go with him and said, "Maybe he is dating someone."

"I guess so," said Tae Jin whisperingly. Ha Joon could understand that someone was behind him so he stopped walking and turn around slowly but there was no one.

"Oh! My mistake" said Ha Joon and look in front. Actually, they ran when Ha Joon stopped and reached too far from him.