Chloe kept the paper in the sketchbook which remained in her bag, her mind now thinking about the lesson as she pushed what she had drawn earlier away from her current thoughts.
After all she had better things to do now than to think about pointless things like that picture.
Plus she learned from yesterday that making an effort to be friends or even be acquaintances was pointless, especially since they would try to backstab and use you the very first chance they get for their own reasons.
"I don't need friends" Chloe muttered as she wrote down the notes that their teacher was saying.
"Waste of time if you ask me" she looked up at the teacher and ignored some occasional glances, she had better things to do than to be distracted by useless things.
"Okay please remember that we have a test tomorrow so I want you all to revise what you've been taught and look on the text books you've gotten for notes, I also want to make it clear that I expect you all to get marks over fifty percent. Is that clear?" Mr. Williams said with a cheerful smile while the look on his students showed otherwise.
"Yes sir" some students replied in a dull tone as they all slowly packed up their stuff.
"Good, I'll see you tomorrow since it's half day and remember your art class is here since Miss Willows is planning to have a discussion with you all about a few things" Mr. Williams said with a grave smile before briefly looking at Chloe who wasn't paying attention.
His eyes then moved before she could notice that he had been looking at her.
As she faced the teacher he was then looked at the whole of the class who were also packing away for lunch.
"Okay, have a good lunch and I'll see you around nine am tomorrow" he said cheerfully before leaving the room.
By that time Chloe had her bag ready and was already out the class, her eyes almost rolling at how Jenny was talking to her new 'boyfriend'.
"That's not going to last" Chloe muttered to herself as she walked to the roof even though it was off limits.
"Ah Chloe" a cheerful voice caught her attention, turning slightly she spotted her teacher Miss Willows who was holding her bag.
Her hair almost messy from appearing as she had just arrived at school to Chloe's surprise.
"I was wondering if you could help me with a few things" Miss Willows asked with a sheepish smile, curious Chloe tilted her head to the side.
"I know I don't usually ask for help or talk to my students much but I was hoping that you could help me" Miss Willows asked, Chloe continued to look at her teacher before sighing heavily.
"Sure" Chloe replied weakly which had Miss Willows' eyes light up with relief and happiness.
"Thank you, thank you so much" Miss Willows cried with a wide but grateful smile.
Chloe however didn't smile at all and just followed her teacher to the art class.
Once there did Chloe watch Miss Willows go over towards her desk.
"I ended up oversleeping because I was working till really early in the morning" Miss Willows admitted to a shocked Chloe.
"Why? I-If you don't mind me asking" Chloe asked meekly as she looked down, seeing this made Miss Willows smile before she handed the shy girl a box.
"I had a lot of things that needed to be done, makes me think about never taking things like time for granted" Miss Willows said with a soft smile as she tied up her dirty blond hair into a high ponytail.
"No matter how bad things turn out, never let what they say and do put you down. You have a right to be happy and you've survived the worst so far" Miss Willows added with a warm smile that took Chloe by surprise.
"Um…" Chloe looked at the box, not saying much since she didn't know what to say.
"You didn't kill that boy did you?" Chloe tensed up which didn't got unnoticed.
"That boy… he meant a lot to you didn't he? To have let him in your home like that, am I right?" Miss Willows asks with a sympathetic look, Chloe bit her lip as her eyes remained down.
Instead of speaking she shook her head slowly confirming Miss Willows' suspicions.
"I see…" Miss Willows noted before walking towards Chloe.
"I believe you Miss Wilona-Chloe" she said with a gentle smile that took Chloe by surprise to the point that she looked up sharply, not believing what she was hearing.
"Ah-why? Why do you believe me when no one else does?" Chloe forced out before she could stop herself, Miss Willows placed her hand on Chloe's tensed up right hand.
"Because you have the look of someone who not only has lost someone dear, but you also have the look of someone who has suffered so much injustice that you've had to avoid people" Miss Willows said simply as she continued to smile at Chloe who wasn't smiling.
Instead her eyes felt like they were stinging from unshed tears that were trying to break free much to her dismay.
"That boy was right yesterday, although" Miss Willows paused as she now frowned.
"He had no right to behave like that with Miss Noes, it wasn't right and it won't be tolerated in this college" the teacher said with a determined smile that once again took Chloe by surprise.
This time stunned that someone was truly sticking up for her, even if she was still on edge in regards to trusting anyone thanks to him.
"And no unlike him this is not an act, as my student I have a duty to make sure that no one is treated in such manners that are deemed hurtful" Miss Willows commented as soon as she saw uncertainty in Chloe's expression, not that she could blame her.
It was a cruel thing to do.
Chloe meanwhile as the teacher spoke looked down feeling her eyelids grow heavy as she listened.
Was it worth the risk though?
"Okay" Chloe nodded meekly now wanting to leave the college, only Miss Willows held her right hand softly taking Chloe by surprise.
"Chloe, no matter what you know you didn't do it. It wasn't your fault so don't let them get to you, hold your head up high otherwise it'll just allow people to do more things to you and prove to them that you are guilty" Miss Willows said with a determined look while Chloe remained silent.
"Also I think it's time to put the past behind you, he knows that you didn't do it. I know that you didn't do it and so do you, so don't let what happened ruin your life" Miss Willows nodded as a way of trying to encourage Chloe despite how bad things were at the moment.
"I don't know what happened though" Chloe admitted, Miss Willows blinked before nodding.