I'm crazy

"Go on, I'm right here listening" this in turn got Chloe to grit her teeth harshly.

"No one would, they-you would think that I'm crazy" Chloe snapped without meaning to, however Miss Willows gave her a look.

"Try me" Miss Willows said with a challenging look as she frowned. "I am not a reporter or any of those heartless people who turned their backs or tried to ruin your life, I am someone who is willing to understand" Chloe bit her lip as she looked away.

"All we were doing was doing work, talking and I started to get a headache when he got close" Chloe admitted. "The next thing I knew he was screaming as he was attacked by something I couldn't see" Chloe shivered as she gripped the box and her teacher's hand tightly, Miss Willows however didn't comment as she listened. Her eyebrows did go up from the fact that the boy had been attacked by something they couldn't see. Chloe choked and bit her lip as tears now welled up in her eyes leaving Miss Willow's to see how this was tearing her up just from talking about it.

"Keep going, I am listening" Miss Willows said in a comforting voice as she nodded. Chloe looked at her weakly before continuing.

"I moved away and he… he tripped because he couldn't see, his face had so many cuts and blood was…" Chloe whimpered as tears soon soaked her face. "His face and fingers were covered in blood, I don't know how or why this happened. This shouldn't have happened, it's not suppose to happen right?" Chloe asked as she looked at Miss Willows with pleading eyes while the teacher remained uncertain.

"No… no it's not Chloe and yet it did" Miss Willows commented as she gestured for Chloe to continue, Chloe however choked and started to release small whimpers as she began to cry and used the hand that Miss Willows was holding to cover her eyes.

"He then tripped and went into the glass table" Chloe wept as she tried to push the pain that she was feeling away but no avail. "It happened so fast and I didn't know what to do, what could I do?" Miss Willows took Chloe's right hand away from her face and sighed at how much pain could be seen in Chloe's eyes, just seeing them tore at Miss Willows' heart knowing that this would traumatize anyone. After taking the box out of Chloe's left hand the teacher then placed it on the floor before she hugged the crying girl, who then immediately hugged her back not caring if her tears were wetting the teacher's top.

"There wasn't anything you could do Chloe, it was an unfortunate accident" Miss Willows said softly.

"They even said that they warned me to keep away, that I didn't listen. Now I'm too scared to even get close to anyone if this is going to happen again" Chloe admitted causing Miss Willows to pause and looked at Chloe after pulling her back.

"Who told you that?" Miss Willows asked with an alarmed look in her eyes, who would say something like that to Chloe? Chloe looked at her weakly before turning her head. "Chl-"

"You won't believe me, you'll think I'm crazy or something" Chloe's voice shook as she trembled violently, Miss Willows however didn't back down as she placed her hands on Chloe's shoulders.

"Chloe, I trust you so don't shut me out okay" Miss Willows said with a determined look. Chloe gnawed at her lip as she kept her eyes away. "Please, tell me who told you those things?" Chloe winced knowing that this wouldn't end well.

"The voices…" This left the hairs on Miss Willow's neck to go up, voices? From where? Who were they?

"What kind of voices Chloe? Who are they?" Miss Willows asked softly as she looked at Chloe with an expression that said 'I believe you, I am listening' which took Chloe completely by surprise. Should she risk it though?

"I don't know who they are, at first I thought they were imaginary friends when I was a child… but now they won't leave me alone and their voices! Their voices are really eerie as they whisper a lot. I'm not crazy am I?" Chloe asked with a pleading look on her face, hoping that she wasn't crazy. Miss Willows remained silent as she took in what Chloe had said, it did sound crazy but seeing the girl's terrified face as she spoke about this left her to believe otherwise. After all who was going to question the unknown? And maybe there was a reason for this and they just weren't able to see it.

"No Chloe, even though it does sound strange" Miss Willows replied only to stop Chloe from talking by placing her hand up "you're not crazy" this left Chloe completely stunned.

"R-Really?" Chloe asked hesitantly, Miss Willows shook her head.

"Yes, even now I don't see you as crazy or delusional" Miss Willows replied with a soft smile.

"But I can't tell anyone else because of what they'll say" Chloe mumbled weakly causing Miss Willows to frown.

"Have you told your parents though?" Chloe shook her head shocking her teacher.

"They wouldn't have believed me, they hated and blamed me for their reputation and for what happened. Even if they believe me about not hurting my friend I don't want to risk them being close since the voices attacked Harry for being really close" Chloe replied as she looked down not meeting her teacher's eyes. Miss Willows bit her lip as she listened.

"I see what you mean" Miss Willows commenting before standing up.

"However that was not your fault and I'm sure your friend would be really sad if you continued to blame yourself" Miss Willows said softly as she patted Chloe's shoulder, Chloe nodded grudgingly but said nothing as she grabbed the box.

"Okay…" Chloe replied faintly as she continued to look down leaving the teacher saddened as well.