Chapter 6


It's been just a little over a week, which means that there's around another week and a half to go until Yoongi gets his own room at the hospital, and I go back home. The whole time we've been here, he has been acting like a spoilt little shit, but then ends up sweet talking his way out of it. I can never help myself but give in. What he said was true_ I would end up falling for him.

"Minji-ah! I want to do something today." He whined with a mouthful of crepes.

"What do you want to do?" I asked, sitting in my down across from him.

"I want to meet your brother." he stated.

"Jungkook? Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I placed strawberries on top of my crepes.

"Because you talk about him all the time. I want to meet him." Yoongi shrugged, trying to find the last bit of crepe on his plate.

"Uh, sure. I'll call him and ask if he wants to come over." I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

"It's about time you called me, you walnut." Jungkook answered, as polite as ever.

"yah, do you want to come over? Yoongi wants to meet you." I sneered.

"Alright, but I'm with Jimin." He told me.

"Whatever. Bring Jimin along too, and tell him to bring the work he collected from Taewoon."

"OK. Bye walnut."

"Bye swine." And I hung up.

"You two are the sweetest siblings." Yoongi chuckled, still trying to find the crepe.

"Yoongi, there's no more crepes on your plate." I confirmed as he started pouting. "Here, you can have the rest of mine. I'm not hungry." I slid my plate over to him and he smiled in return, replacing the pout. He scoffed them down quickly and stated that he was going to have a shower. I helped him in the bathroom and set the shower up for him, then walked out, letting him do the rest. I received a text from jungkook telling me that he was downstairs. "Yoongi, jungkook is downstairs. I'm just going to get him quickly." I called out.

"I'll be fine." He yelled back. I quickly ran out of the room and took the elevator to the ground floor, spotting Jungkook and Jimin. I waved them over.

"Hey boys." I greeted, giving them each a hug.

"I have notes and news." Jimin smirked. "Do share!" I hyped.

"I asked Jiyoon out, and she said yes. She hesitated a little at first, but she ended up agreeing. We're going on a date tomorrow." His smirk turned into a humongous smile.

"I'm surprised, but congratulations. I'm happy for you two."

"I told you PJ charm would work." He rolled his eyes.

"PJ? Pajamas?" I slurred my voice indicating I was confused.

"Park Jimin." He looked at me like I was clueless, which I was in that situation.

"So, how's Yoongi?" Jungkook asked, completely ignoring the current of the conversation.

"You're about to find out." I said as the elevator door opened. They followed me to the room and made themselves welcome. I heard the shower turn off followed by a loud bang. I rushed to check what happened, and knocked on the bathroom.

"Do you need help.

"Um...yes. I don't know what I don't knows that I did." Yoongi Called out.

"I'm coming in. Don't worry, I'll close my eyes." I pre-warned as I opened the door. I closed my eyes and felt my way around. I picked up his towel and passed it in his direction. "Here's your towel." I stated and he took it. I heard him putting it around himself.

"It's safe to look now." He told me and I opened my eyes. I looked around.

"You broke the shelf." I laughed.

"My bad." He shrugged, stepping out. I handed him his white cane and he went to the bedroom. I went back into the lounge where Jungkook and Jimin were.

"He should be out soon. Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?" I offered and they both shook their heads. "Fair enough." I mumbled. "Oh! I should tell you that I kind of have a crush on him." I whispered. Jungkook rolled his eyes and Jimin let out a single hysterical laugh. I glared at both of them.

"I knew this would happen. As soon as you came home and told me about the 'cute new patient', I already guessed that you would fall for him." Jungkook explained his hypothesis.

"Yah! I'm not falling for him. I just have I just have a crush on him. It happens when you live with an attractive make the same age as you."

"You've only been living with him for a week and half."

"And you say male's are perverts." I picked up two pillows and threw it at them both.

"If you're going to continue judging me, then you can leave." At that moment, Yoongi opened the door and walked towards us. I got up and helped him to the couch.

"Hello. I'm Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you both." He introduced himself. They both shook hands with him.

"Hello. I'm Jeon Jungkook. Minji's half brother. Same mum, different dad."

"I'm Park Jimin." He simply said. Everyone seemed to be getting along well. We were laughing the whole time they were there. I especially loved watching Jungkook and Yoongi bonding with each other. I loved watching Yoongi smile his signature gummy smile, because he doesn't do that often.

My phone started ringing unexpectedly, ruining the perfect moment.

"I'll be back." I excused myself and answered my phone in the bathroom. "Appa?" This was the first time that he called me without me calling him first.

"Minji! I'm not coming to South Korea anytime soon. I can't." He replied. It would have been nice if he answered with something more pleasant.

"Oh...ok." I lowered my voice.

"I'm sorry, young one. Love you." And he hung up.

"Why do I even try with him?" I sighed to myself before going back to the living room.

"I've had a great time, but we should be leaving. I don't want to get home too late." Jungkook looked at the time on his phone and his eyes widened. He gave me and Jimin a certain look of fear. I already know it's something to do with our mother. I knew that look all to well. I used to wear it.

"Oh, Minji. These are yours. Taewoon isn't.... very happy with you." Jimin opened his bag and gave me the notes from class.

"Right. Thank you. Tell Taewoon to fuck his own face." I sold in the most cheerful tone I could manage. Although it didn't sound too convincing. The boys still laughed, even though they could tell something was wrong. No one bothered to ask.

I walked them out to the door and sent them a show as they left. I closed the door with a sour groan and turned around to see Yoongi looking towards my direction.

"What's wrong?" He asked bluntly.

"What? Nothing. Why do you ask?" I lied.

"Your sudden mood change... Who was on the phone?" he continued to pry.

"It... It was my father. He promised me that he would be coming back to South Korea soon, but he called me and told me that he wasn't. But what really hurt me is that when I answered, he did say anything except 'Minji! I'm not coming to South Korea anytime soon' and that made me so angry." I vented out my feelings. "Oh, hi appa. I'm great, thanks fur asking. Work is good and I've almost finished university." I said in a mock tone.

"He was probably busy. You never know..that may have been the only time he could have called you. "Yoongi brought to my attention. I stopped and thought.

"Oh, you're right...but still." I huffed. He got up and found his way over my, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't stress over it too much. He'll come around when he came around when he can." I pulled him into a hug. "Why are you touching me?"

"I'm sorry. I just need some comfort." I mumbled into his neck. He stood frozen for a few moments before responding and wrapping his arms around me. He squeezed tightly and we stayed in this position for a few seconds.

"Do you like Jimin?" He whispered and I pulled away.

"What?" I choked.

"Do you like Jimin?" He repeated.

"He'll no! He's just a really good friend of mine and Jungkook's." I let out a chuckle.

"OK, good.... But I think he likes you." He shared his opinion.

"Yoongi! You have it all wrong! Jimin likes my best friend, and I like You..... Yongjae. From B.A.P. Yes, Yoo Yongjae." I quickly saved my foolish mistake blushing with wide eyes. I hope he didn't pick it up... But it was kind of obvious.

"Yoo Yongjae? He's your only crush?" he tried to hold in his laughs.

"Yeah.. I'm not one to-"

"Save it, Gerparlys. I heard you talking to Jimin and Jungkook about your little crush." he cheekily smiled, raising an eyebrow. My mouth hung open and I stood there, motionless. "Don't be embarrassed. I knew this would happen." he shrugged.

"Min Yoongi! Sometimes I wonder where you get this confidence from." I gently slapped his arm.

"I just do whatever I want. I don't give a fuck. I'm too blind to see the haters." he waved is hand in the air as he turned back around to find the couch.

"You're the true walnut in this hotel room. Not me."

"You know, I can smell your fear."

"Oh yeah? And what does that smell like exactly?" I challenged, crossing my arms and slouching onto one leg. I don't know why I put so much effort in my attitude... He can't even see it.

"Gerparlys sweet sensation.....and sweat."