Chapter 7


"Geparlys!" Yoongi whisper-yelled from the bedroom.

"What?" I simply groaned.

"I'm lonely. I can't sleep in here by myself. Can you come in here?" He asked.

"You've been sleeping in there by yourself for a week and half."

"Please?" He asked and I let out a sigh, getting of the couch. "I knew you would come. You can't resist me." he snickered. I stood at the foot of the bed and turned back around, making my footsteps loud and clear. "No, don't leave."

"Don't play around with me. You know how I feel about you." I snapped.

"Minji.." he trailed off.

"No. I'm just going to go back in there. It's wrong if I have any type of relations with a patient." I was obviously over tired. I wasn't in a playful mood.

"Yah, Jun Minji. Stay here." Yoongi demanded. His tone changed into the ugly attitude he had when we first met, and for some reason, I was attracted to it. I turned around again and got into the bed next to him, gradually moving closer to him every couple of minutes.

"You're beautiful, you know?"

"Please, your can't even see me," I let out a cold laugh.

"I don't have to. Your personality is enough for me to know how beautiful you truly are."

"Do you want to get hit? I said don't play around with me." I huffed.

"I'm not playing around with you. Can't you take a compliment?" he yelled. I laid there, facing the roof, just thinking about what would happen if we did start a relationship. We would have to keep it a secret from everyone at the hospital. If anyone found out, especially Jin, I'd sure be fired and Yoongi would be transferred somewhere different.

" you imagine me to look like?" I wondered aloud. It would be interesting to know what he thinks.

"Hmm, ok. Well, I imagine you to have large brown eyes, and jet black hair that's always tied up in a cute, slick ponytail. Your nose is small and squishy, and I just want to 'boop'it. You have large, place, pink lips and faded tan skin." he explained.

"Quite close.... My eyes are actually green, but everything else, you pretty much got correct." I smiled, amazed at his imagination.

"C-Can I.... Never mind."

"Tell me." I assured him that he could indeed say anything to me.

"Oh, can I...feel you? Not, like, sexually... I want to feel how you look." he stuttered. A blush formed on my cheeks, and I bit back an embarrassed smile.

"Um, sure." We both sat up and I grabbed hold of his hands so he knew where i was.

"Lay back down." Yoongi requested, lightly pushing me down by my hands and placing them by my side, sliding his hands down to my feet. He started stroking my feet gently, and I almost kicked him in the face as a reflex_I'm quite ticklish. I calmed down and relaxed my body, letting him touch me. He slowly moved his hands up my legs and towards my hips, tenderly rubbing circles with his thumbs. My breathing had changed every time he moved his hands somewhere new. He made his way towards my stomach area, and I lightly sucked it in, feeling self conscious.

"Don't suck in your stomach. Embrace your body. You must always love yourself, no matter what it comes to." Yoongi instructed, lingering his hands around my belly button. I gulped as I slowly let out the breath I was holding, releasing the tension in my stomach. He slightly smiled, seeming proud. He skimmed past my breasts, touching then, but not exactly feeling them. I mentally sighed in relief at the fact that he wasn't doing all this just to touch them. He glided his hands straight to my face as I started to sit back up. He was squeezing my cheeks as I tried to not giggle.

"Can you let go of my face?" I attempted saying, but it came out sounding like "Fan oo get go of ma fash." Yoongi started laughing with a large smile on his face.

"You are beautiful." His hands were still cupping my face, and in that intimate moment, I couldn't help myself, but give in to his lips. I wrapped my arms gently around his neck as I roughly kissed him. He was expecting it, because he was kissing back like he prepared for it.


I tried rolling over, but was trapped by Yoongi's arm resting against my back. I slightly opened my eyes and came face to face with the blind boy that has sour attitude, and I happened to fall for. He was still sleeping, and I was barely awake. I started closing my eyes to fall back asleep when I heard the front door creak open. I decided to stay in Yoongi's warm embrace, rather than go and see what's happening. It's probably a maid. Everything that's valuable is in here anyway. I heard the heavy footsteps walk towards the bedroom, and I shut my eyes tighter.

"Jun Minji!" A voice yells. I sprung up, breaking our hug.

"Jung Hoseok.." My eyes widened as I breathed his name. The noise seemed to startle Yoongi, because he woke up quickly.

"What's going on?" he mumbled.

"Why are you in bed with a patient Minji?" Hoseok asked.

"Well... I... Hoseok, I... um." I stuttered, my heart rate began speeding faster the I looked at Hoseok's disappointed facial expression.

"How could you? You do know that I have to tell Seokjin, right?" He stated shaking his head. I gasped, but started choking. Once I calmed down, I finally spoke.

"Please don't tell Jin! Please!" I begged, clasping my hands together.

"I have to. This is wrong." he scoffed.

"Can you at least wait until this job is over? Then you can tell Jin that you suspect a relationship between us, and I'll confess." Yoongi cut in and I looked at him like he was mad.


"Alright. I'll tell him in two weeks. You two enjoy your fun until then."

"Oh, we will." Yoongi's smart ass attitude has come back to say hello. Hoseok nodded before showing himself out. "As if he let himself in. Does he know nothing about privacy?"

"What a cock knob." I huffed, crossing my arms.

"A what?" Yoongi chuckled.

"A....cock knob.... Don't ask." I told him. "Are you really going to confess?

"Pfft no. I'll just throw another tantrum." He scrunched his face up as he stared in front of him. I let out a deep exhale and gave him a peck on the cheek.