Chapter 8


"Thank you, once again for dinner. You continue to spoil me." I grinned as I had my arm wrapped around Yoongi's.

"It's my pleasure, Gerparlys. I'm glad you enjoyed everything." He dryly chuckled. He didn't seem to be the life of the party tonight lol.

"What's the matter? You were quiet tonight." I pried as we got into the taxi.

"Nothing is the matter. I just didn't get much sleep last night, and I'm not the friendliest person when I haven't slept." Yoongi shrugged, folding up his white cane.

"Compared to when you have slept?" I raised an eyebrow and he clicked his tongue, staying silent. I decided to stop asking questions and instead cuddle close to him. He stayed frozen and seemed discontent. I quietly sighed, hating seeing him like this. I contemplated saying more, but feared he would get annoyed with me. I didn't want that to happen when we have just started experiencing new things with each other.

We arrived at our hotel and Yoongi payed the taxi our fee. I helped him find his way to our room, and mentally sighing to myself, wanting him to start a conversation. I didn't like silent Yoongi. I felt uncomfortable and it seemed as if his mind was working the opposite way.

He went into bedroom to change while I waited in the kitchen for him to say that I could enter. His call came later than I expected, and I walked into the bedroom to change myself. I noticed on the bathroom door, his Military uniform hanging on the knob. I furrowed my eyebrows and decided to ask about it.

"Why is your uniform hanging on the knob?"

"It helps remind me that I was once useful in the world. Even though I can't physically see it, I know it's there and the energy gives me confidence." I buy my lip and nodded slowly, understanding what he was saying.

Yoongi found his way to the bed and made himself comfortable inside it. I soon joined him and scooted my body closer. It was quiet a child night, and his body heat kept me warm. I felt safe.

"Goodnight Yoongi. Sleep well tonight, please" I whispered, looking at the small details of his facial features.

"Goodnight, Minji. Don't let anything disturb your sleep." He felt around for my face and relaxed when he found it. He rested his hand on my cheek and gently caressed my cheek bone. I leant in closer and rested my lips on his for a small goodnight kiss, hungry for the love. The color crimson had made it's way onto my cheeks, where he was still caressing. I slowly pulled away from the kiss, our lips parting the same way you remove a sticker from its backing. I dug my head in the crook of his neck and sighed.

"Tonight our last night together before you have to go back to the hospital. I'm really worried about the Hoseok situation." Yoongi removed it around me instead, holding onto me tightly. I shut my eyes, ready to fall asleep.

"Don't worry about that now. Just enjoy this peaceful moment...  I-I love you." He stuttered. I snapped my eyes open and moved my head to look at him. His facial expression seemed sincere, so I took it.

"I l-love you, took, Yoongi." I placed my head back down and rested my eyes closed, letting sleep take over


My body jolted awake as I woke up in fright from a mild nightmare. I turned over to the side table and looked at the time. It was around 2am. I started to close my eyes to fall back asleep when I noticed Yoongi wasn't in bed. I sat up, confused as to where he could've gone. I looked towards the bathroom to see if there was light coming from under the door.


I then took notice of his uniform. It was missing from the doorknob. I sat in thought for a few moments until I heard the squeaks from the old balcony doors open and close slowly. My body fully awake as I put pieces together.

I cursed myself as I rushed out of the bed and into the main room. I looked towards the glass doors and saw Yoongi standing on the balcony in his military uniform. He slowly started raising his right arm to his head, before I realized there was a gun in his hand. I bolted for the doors and roughly pulled them open, trying to stay calm.

"Yoongi, don't do it." My breathing was heavy and it was difficult to find air in the think cold. He unhurriedly turned around and faced me. Tears were dried against his face, but new ones were washing them away. I didn't question where he got the gun from.

"Please just leave me to die. I don't want to live anymore. I can't do it. I can't live on." His breathing was unsteady and kept getting g caught in his throat. I walked closer to him and was about to place my hand on his face. "D-Don't touch me, or I'll pull the tr-trigger." He stuttered, trying to back away from me. He looked so different from his usual approach. He looked vulnerable.

"You don't want to do that." I tried convincing as tears fell from my own eyes. I caught hold of his arm and out it back down by his side, the engulfing him in a tight hug, locking down his arms. He struggled against me and finally pushed me away. I stood back, hurt.

"Get away from me!" Yoongi screamed. He quickly put the gun back up to his head and I leaped to try and snatch it away from hi. We were fighting against each other, both wanting the gun, both for different reasons.

"Drop the gun! You need to live! I love you!" I cried, yelling.

"I'm pulling the trigger." He sighed, defeated.

"No!" I squealed at the same time I heard a loud gun shot ring through my ears. I turned to the opposite way, slapping my hands over my eyes.

I stopped.

I froze.

I didn't move.

The only moving I was doing, we're my shaking hands and trembling knees.

"N-no..." My voice also shook as I fell to the ground. I sat there in shock, my hands still over my eyes. I wasn't ready to face the sight behind me.

I loudly sobbed, feeling angry with myself and disappointed in Yoongi that he would so easily take his own life. I cried and cried and cried, not moving for around a minute.

"You know, you sound really ugly when you cry." That voice, it was his. I stopped crying hysterically and removed my hands from my eyes. I turned around and looked up seeing Yoongi standing there, alive, healthy, no injuries. I stood up, grabbing onto him for support because I was still trembling.

"You, you're..." I kept touching him to make sure this was real.

"The bullet didn't hit me." I looked at his face and wanted to slap it.

"You... You.. Fuck you!" I screeched. "How could you do that? You piece of Shit! I fucking-" I was cut off by his lips on mine. I melted into the kiss, holding onto him tightly. I didn't want to let go, because who knows what could've happen if I did. He pulled away and I immediately removed the gun from his hold. "I'm not even going to ask where you got this, but your not getting it back." I confirmed, placing it into my bra.

"That's ok..... Keep it away from me." Yoongi  mumbled.

"Why the sudden thought change?" I queried.

"Because I remember a promise that I made you at the restaurant, our first night here." He told me.

"And?" I questioned.

"I do love you back, and I told you that before we went to bed. Plus, I don't think Taehyung would be very happy with me if I killed myself because of him, and left you here on your own. And even if I killed myself, you can end up in jail for murder." he chuckled.

"You so easily changed your mind just then?"

"Yes. I almost got hit by my own bullet... It makes you think quicker than the bullet travels, and I'm glad I didn't get hit, because then I'd never be able to taste your lips again, or hold your arms, Minji." He seductively whispered around my ear. I sadly sighed.

"Let's go back to sleep."