One's True Potential

But first things first, it was time to see how his stats had progressed.

"System, open my status window"

[Derrick Tarlin, 17 years old (Body) & 37 years old (Soul) — Human]

[Class : Necromancer]

[Strength : 22 >>> 23]

[Agility : 16 >>> 17]

[Endurance : 20 >>> 21]

[Vitality : 15 >>> 16]

[Magic Power : 34 >>> 36]

[Spells : Banshee's Cry, Reaper's Blade, Veil of Darkness]

[Enslaved Subordinates : Eloise Tornomi (General - Human), William Enceworth (Scholar - Human), Fomamli Trollfall (Blacksmith - Dwarf), Merlin Trotz (Researcher - Human), Reyna Grandtree (Enchantress - High-Elf), Ylx (Researcher - Goblin)]