Chapter 2

"...So with that, I'll need it a bit more spacious, so I've got plenty to work with. And plenty to have storage in." - Xia politely explained all the titbits of her home idea.

She bought a piece of land outside the city, quite recently, with that being 12 acres of land, where house and surrounding land is to be made Art.

During all the explaining - I had my phone recording the conversation, as well as me making notes on the tablet.

I somehow got into thinking about how the house of three floors and spreading out to sides, with extensions, conservatories, studies, shall also be the natural mingling piece to the landscape design.

As explained prior - landscape design is to be a minimalist garden, yet which will change colours with each season from all sides around. That's quite the large project.

"And is it possible to let you handle the garden?" - Xia asked.

"Yes, no problem." - I replied thoughtlessly.

"Oh! How great!" - Xia picked her phone to check time. - "How time flies. I must go to the office. Shall keep in contact, ok?"

I was glad that she left her business card next to her tea cup. As my head was too deep in working mode now.

Xia got her shoes on and walked out. That Audi roared, as it went away from my house. Gates opened and closed, the guest leaving my premises.

The silence commenced again, yet now my head was buzzing like a beehive - millions of ideas of how to create a home.

To my defence of why the buzz - she had stated that the amount of cost does not matter, yet with how she is, I felt that the house should be as modern and as sustainable as it can be made with tech we've got. She deserved it.

For some reason I did not get why she was like that, but somehow it felt refreshing.

When the evening rolled in, as the lights in my home were getting alive, I was trying to work on the projects I had to finish, for the new one to have more time. Damien called to verify that all went well, then proceeded with typical nagging about all the rest of the team in office.

I watched the movie today evening, although I had plans to go and visit some friends, as well as hang out in a bar… But the inside feeling did not add up for such things today.

. . .

The morning was tedious, the workload was pressing. I managed to persuade Damien to let me work from home for the time being. He did not really seem to mind it, as there were more serious problems at hand for him. One of the partner companies had created a large issue on social media and he was doing his best to show that our company had no partake in such matters.

Time and time again I wonder how the relations within the system work.

Sun seems to be playing hide and seek with the clouds, as it comes out for a moment, then goes away again.

Mind seemed to have fizzled out for a moment and I stared at the scenery outside. The trees, with all their might and beauty, just there, just being. The grass and occasional birds that fly by.

When was the last time I'd go out to enjoy something that's not work related?

So with that thought I crawled into my bed, trying to get some extra sleep, as sleep is something I seem to lack lately.


My phone decided to be a bit of vibrator on that table, dammit.

I get up and walk over, to see who's trying to get to me now. Well, that's the first time I see these digits. So, someone new.

"Hello" - I swipe the answer button and speak.

"Finally you answer! Could you come over to my office today? I have something to discuss and want to know if there are any developments on the idea." - Busy sounding voice of Xia picked my ears.

"Now?" - I ask.

"If you can manage to get here in the near hour, I'd appreciate that. I'll send you the address now. See you!"

She ended the call without waiting for my answer.

I was stunned. Was… Is… Audacity. Quite the audacity to boss me. That took me by a great surprise.

But the hell with it. The opened walk-in closet waited for me. After managing to find the right combination of jeans, shirt, shoes and jacket, I walked towards getting my bag. Tablet, phone, napkins, keys - all set.

Getting into my car, the one I got myself from the second pay check, the lovely Toyota that drove me for years and keeps on going. Yes, it's quite the jeep type, one that some call SUV. Though for me it's my aunty that takes me places.

Roads were swamped with traffic. That's the moment when I am happy I have a good navigation system. Rows of roads and narrow ways, people, people, people. Uff, when was the last time I was out to see so many humans at once?

The office of "HeySun" was in the posh, rich area. The one I do not like at all, as most of the company business dinners are in that goddamn area with pompous people that I don't appreciate much.

Greatest quest was finding that damn underground parking, which would be close enough to walk to the office of "HeySun".

Alas, from the time of the call to my arrival at the reception desk of "HeySun" it took 45 minutes total.

"How may I help you?" - A nice young lady was at the reception desk, politely making that face which looks you up and down with slight scorn. You know, the one that sort of means "what you doing here, if you don't really look like our customer?".

"I'm here to meet Xia. She called me." - I replied with a sigh.

"Did you make an appointment with her?" - She taps on her keyboard to check the schedule. - "What's your name?"

"Name's Ana." - I replied.

"Um…" - She checks away at the system. - "Sorry, no appointments with such name." - She gives that toxic high and mighty smile.

"Ok." - I let out.

I took out my phone and dialled the number Xia called me from. It took only a few rings and she answered.

"You here yet?" - Same bossy voice of Xia.

"I'm in reception. Waiting." - I replied.

"Ok." - Was the sole reply of Xia and she hung up.

The girl at the reception desk called out to me.

"Are you sure that you're here for madam Xia? It does not seem like she'll take you in any time soon."

I smiled and said nothing. I really hate toxic people.

Just as that young lady at the desk opened mouth to spout more things, the door on the right opened and Xia walked in.

"The heck you waiting for? Let's go." - Xia waved at me and held the door open.

I looked at the reception girl, smiled and walked towards the open door.

Down the hallway, to the very end - there was the office of the big boss - Xia. Inside were plenty of boxes with heck knows what inside. Xia took her bag, then looked at me.

"I need you to take me to dinner. And now would be the time." - She blurred out, then got right in my face. - "So, where are we going?"

Awestruck. It took me a few seconds to make head work.

"There's a restaurant near my place. Fine Korean food. Is that ok?" - I speak in defeat.

"Good one. You're driving." - Xia replied, as she pulled me by hand back towards the exit of the office.

On the way we were stopped by the team of three people, asking for the details about some delivery. Xia just waved hand and said that all was in the briefing, the documents on the table in the office and she has an important meeting right now, so she'll get back to them tomorrow morning.

I kept my mouth shut, but the whole ordeal made me smile. I held back the laughter until we reached my car. That's when I bursted out laughing.

"You seem like you've escaped your duties, my queen. Is that the way to lead your people?" - I speak through laughter.

Xia makes a face at me, pouting her lips. Then shakes her head, opens the car door and gets in the passenger's seat.

I get in, as I calm down. But the smile somehow does not leave my lips.

On our way to the restaurant, as we went through roads and traffic lights, I decided to pry into the why.

"So what made you run away in such a princess fashion?" - I ask Xia, as I watch the road.

She doesn't reply straight away, she just lets out a deep sigh.

"I was working non-stop for the past week every day. All I have seen is about work. I need to vent and I need to see something absolutely different for a change, before I go mad and start breaking things."

"That I can relate to." - I nod.

"Honestly, I just want to get food, get a bit drunk and enjoy NOT working and NOT thinking about work for a day. Even if it's for one evening." - Xia brushed her fingers through her har, then opened the window.

The light of day does not end easily this time of year. Late summer to early autumn - still warm, still light and you can go on some hikes and adventures in the countryside. The good time for the last bit of fresh air of summer scent and that mesmerising feel.