What happened before:
Taking out her quill, she wrote the following words:
-This is now the property of Ruby Ravenwing, Hogwarts student, house of Ravenclaw.-
-Hello there, Ruby. My name is Tom Riddle.-
Ruby stared in shock as her ink faded and the diary wrote back.
What was happening? Mrs. Osward said she was a witch, did this used to be a wizard's diary? Did diaries in the wizarding world write back?
What 'Tom' had written disappeared, but more words were taking their place.
-Did I startle you?-
Ruby picked up her quill again. -A bit. Do normal wizarding diaries write back?-
-No. I am the only one. I was trapped in here by an evil wizard.-
-I'm sorry. Is there any way I can get you out?-
-No, but thank you. There is nothing you can do to free me from this. My imprisonment is permanent.-
-I'm sorry then.-
-Don't be, you didn't trap me in here.-
-I was going to use this as my diary, but since you're in there, I won't bother you.-
-That's very thoughtful, but I don't mind. I would love someone to talk to, anyway.-
-Okay. What should I talk about?-
-Anything you want. You said you're in Ravenclaw, what year?-
-First-year, this is my first day too. I was just sorted less than an hour ago.-
-Thanks! Okay…- Ruby paused, thinking of what to write. -I'm a muggleborn, and I only learned about my magic a week ago.-
-How do you feel about it?-
-I always knew I was different, but I'm glad there are others like me. Before I felt like a freak or something.-
-You're not.- Tom firmly stated. (wrote?) -Your parents don't say that, do they?-
Ruby blinked away a tear. -They don't know. They died when I was one.-
-I'm sorry. That was insensitive of me.-
-You didn't know.-
-I was an orphan too.-
-Yes. I grew up in a poor orphanage, we struggled a lot. I don't know how they are now. They weren't doing so well when I got sucked in here.-
-How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?-
-I had just turned fifteen when I was sucked in here. The diary works so I can have a conversation, but after we stop talking, the time in between is dull. I technically fall asleep, but I'm aware of time passing. The downside is I can't think, I can only be aware of the time passing.-
-That's terrible. If I write to you more often, would that make it more bearable?-
-I don't want to burden you. Please, you should just ignore what I wrote.-
-It won't burden me. Besides, I think you're the only person who truly understands what it's like to have no parents. Well, Potter lost his parents too, but he's not sympathetically inclined.-
-Who's that?-
-Harry Potter. His parents were also killed when he was one.-
-But you say he's not sympathetic?-
-No. I can read people pretty well, like their emotions and stuff. When I told him, I could tell.-
-You read emotions?-
-Yes? Most of the time it's on accident.-
-That sounds like legilimency.-
-What's that?-
-You wanted to know what he was thinking, correct?-
-Well, Ruby, you used something called legilimency to read Potter's surface emotions. I think it was accidental magic.-
-Cool. Hey, did you go to Hogwarts too?-
-Yep. I am a fourth year, would-be fifth if I was a real person.-
-You are a real person. What house?-
-Slytherin.- Tom wrote slowly, as if hesitant to tell her.
-I said 'cool.'-
-Do you not hate Slytherins then?-
-Should I?-
-No, it's just a rivalry thing. All the houses against Slytherin.-
-Why did you tell me then? You could have made something up and I wouldn't know the difference.-
-I don't want to be friends with people who can't accept who I am?-
-A worthy reason, Tom. Me too, I guess.-
-Do you have any friends yet?-
-Can I call you a friend?-
-I'd be honored.-
-Then you, Slytherin Astoria Greengrass, Slytherin Draco Malfoy, (2nd year) and Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood.-
-I'm glad. Okay, let's see. What's your wand?-
-Ashwood and unicorn hair, eleven inches.-
-Do you like it?-
-Absolutely. Can I ask you questions too?-
-Go ahead.-
-What are some important wizard things I should know?-
-Have you heard about the code of respect?-
-Yes, Draco told me.-
-How about Quidditch?-
-I've heard about it, but I don't know what it is.-
-It's a game we play on a broom…-
Tom explained the basics of Quidditch to Ruby, who quickly grasped the idea. Apparently, it was a popular sport in the wizarding world, and it intrigued Ruby a lot. She was surprised to learn that it was the only sport played in the wizarding world but reminded herself Muggles and Wizards are very different. Thankfully, with the mind of a Ravenclaw, Ruby remembered everything Tom said, so he didn't have to repeat anything.
-Do we learn to fly in Hogwarts?-
-You should. Also, unless they changed the rules, you can play starting your second year.-
-They didn't change the rules, they announced only second years and up at the start-of-term feast.-
-Are you thinking of playing?-
-I haven't thought about it yet. I only just learned about the game, so I'm not sure.-
-Ah, I understand. What time is it there?-
-10:17, September 1st, 1992.- Ruby wrote after glancing at the clock.
-Wow. That means I'd be sixty-six years old if I wasn't trapped in a diary.-
-What do you mean?-
-My mental and physical age is actually fifteen.-
-So if you were to come back, your life would time-skip from the end of your fourth year to now?- Ruby asked.
-Yes, that's right.-
-Is there any way at all that I can free you?-
-I'm sorry.-
-Again, not your fault.-
-I know, but I'm still sorry. I should probably go to bed, would you be okay?-
-It's not pleasant to be incapable of thought, but you have a life too, and you'll certainly need your sleep for your first day of school.-
-Okay. I'll write back as soon as I can.-
-Thanks, Ruby. Goodnight.-
-Goodnight, Tom.- She wrote, then closed the book, falling asleep in minutes.