What happened before:
-Goodnight, Tom.- She wrote, then closed the book, falling asleep in minutes.
As the new first years were being sorted, Dumbledore subtly scanned them for their magic levels as they came to be sorted. They were all average, as he'd expected until he reached a raven-haired girl near the front.
Minerva had called for a 'Ruby Ravenwing,' who was sorted into Ravenclaw. Her magic levels were like a river of magic, while the others he'd tested had a small stream.
Dumbledore was worried she might be or become a potential threat, even though she was in Ravenclaw.
Just because she wasn't in Slytherin didn't mean she didn't have some of the tendencies, the most harmful being one Tom Riddle had, a likable personality combined with the ability to lie with a straight face.
Dumbledore watched as the students filed out the Great Hall, the start-of-year feast having just ended.
The Ravenclaw girl had gotten along quite well with the students around her, only furthering Albus's worries.
Coming to a decision, Albus turned to Professor Snape.
"I need to speak to you, in my office, thirty minutes so you can welcome your new students."
Receiving a nod in return, Dumbledore headed straight for the Headmaster's office as the last students left.
Half an hour later, Dumbledore was sitting at his desk in deep thought when he felt the wards tell him Severus was coming.
"Come in." He called as Snape was about to knock on the door.
Severus sat down in his quiet manner, no emotion as usual.
"Severus, so good of you to come." Dumbledore cheerfully greeted.
"What do you need, Albus."
"What makes you think I need something?"
"You only call me when you do." Severus pointed out sarcastically.
"Well thought, my boy. I need you to add a potion to your first-year curriculum."
"Which one?"
"The one which gives information on a witch or wizard's family line."
"The only one at a first-year's level is the Close relative potion, Albus."
"What does it do differently?"
"It only shows the basics. Mother, father, uncle, aunt, grandparents, cousins, and such."
"That will work. Can I have the results?"
"Why?" Severus asked, not expecting a clear answer.
"I have my reasons."
"How am I supposed to justify taking the paper they've poured the potion on? They have every right to keep it, and it's not like I can just make a copy!"
"I'm sure you'll find a way, my boy. I'd like the results as soon as possible, and I'm sure you have things to do, so I won't keep you any longer."
Ruby woke up feeling excited and awake.
She wrote a quick good morning to Tom before heading to the Great Hall for breakfast, which was nearly empty due to the early hour.
Luna was already there, however, so Ruby sat next to her.
"Good morning, Luna. Did you sleep well?" Ruby asked, sensing the tender stage of budding friendship they were currently in.
"Hi, Ruby. I slept really well after the Wakens left." Luna dreamily answered, buttering some toast.
"What are they?"
"Oh, they're like pixies, but are invisible most of the time and keep you awake."
"Hence the name Waken. That makes sense. Have you seen one?"
"Not yet, but I'm going to try and catch one tonight if you want to help."
"Yeah!" Ruby grinned. "Maybe we can order a camera, and take a picture as proof?"
"Could we charm it?" Luna looked delighted.
"I think so. We could ask Professor Flitwick." Ruby thoughtfully replied.
"Yay!" Luna clapped her hands, accidentally mashing some of her eggs. "Whoops."
Ruby laughed, then grabbed a napkin to help.
"Here comes everyone else, I think," Luna commented.
Ruby glanced around. "All the teachers are here, but twelve Gryffindors aren't yet, along with two Slytherin, three Hufflepuff, and four Ravenclaws."
"Did you count last night?" Adrian asked in surprise. He'd come up just in time to hear their last comments.
Ruby ducked your head in embarrassment. "I couldn't help it. I can't forget things, either. I already know how many are in each year per house, I just don't know their names. Except for the first years." Ruby added as an afterthought.
"Wow." Adrian looked impressed. "Does that mean you have an eidetic memory?"
Ruby nodded. "Blessing and a curse."
Luna loudly crunched on two pieces of toast, one stacked on the other.
"Why would it be a curse?" Adrian directed the question at Ruby as he raised an eyebrow at Luna, causing her to giggle.
"I can't forget stuff." Ruby nearly whispered, a far-off look in her eyes as she viewed a memory.
"Shouldn't that be good?"
Ruby winced. "It should, but I'm an orphan. I remember my parent's death."
"How did they die?" Adrian asked softly.
"They were murdered." Ruby shuddered.
Ruby jumped, looking to the noise. Luna had an enormous bowl of pudding in front of her now and was eating small but rapid spoonfuls.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Adrian looked mortified.
"Did you kill my parents?" Ruby asked pointedly.
"Then you have no need to be sorry. You didn't know."
Adrian grinned, looking sheepish. Before he could say anything else though, something happened that surprised them all.
Ruby stood, her eyes glazed over. Her tone was serious and commanding as she began to speak, bringing all the occupants of the hall's attention to her even as she was unaware.
"The fight between the dark and light rages on,
Twists and turns, riddles and clues,
Cloak and dagger, false pretenses,
Two are one, both the same,
Opposite sides, yet not,
A path divides, a decision to be made,
Choose the wrong path, hope will flee,
Neither is easy, both are hard,
Truth is hidden, lies everywhere,
The fight between the dark and light rages on."
Ruby shook her head to clear it before noticing something.
Everyone else was gaping at her, including the headmaster, and the two stern professors who taught transfiguration and potions respectively, and the students.
Ruby frowned, sat down, and continued eating her breakfast.
Everyone continued to whisper after she sat down, and Ruby finally lost her patience.
"Alright, what happened?" she stood up again, glaring at the avidly staring students and teachers.