What happened before:
"Alright, what happened?" she stood up again, glaring at the avidly staring students and teachers.
"Miss Ravenwing, would you come up to the staff table for a minute?"
Ruby strode to the table. "Yes, Headmaster Dumbledore?"
"Ruby, my dear, do you remember what you did that is making all the students stare?"
Ruby barely refrained from rolling her eyes. "Yeah, which is why I stood up in the middle of breakfast on the first day of school right before we went to class with the mindset of causing trouble by asking the entire Great Hall why they were watching me alone eat my breakfast."
Ruby gave him an are-you-really-that-dumb look. The potions professor coughed, the transfiguration teacher choked on her pumpkin juice.
"Don't breathe liquid." Ruby absentmindedly reproved, still glaring at Dumbledore and ignoring the snicker.
"Well, Headmaster?" Ruby prompted when no reply came.
"You, my dear, are," He began.
"Miss Ravenwing, please. I don't know you." Ruby corrected, gesturing for him to continue.
Another snort, this time from a different teacher.
"Apologies, Miss Ravenclaw. As I was saying, I believe you might be a seer."
"You mean you think I have the gift of seeing the future? What makes you think this?" Ruby prompted him to elaborate.
"I believe you just made a prophecy."
This time it was Ruby who snorted. "You believe? Aren't you the headmaster, who just happens to have taken divination for four years? It's right on your chocolate frog, you know. If it's lying, you should have it changed."
"I did take it, many years ago."
"Pardon me, Headmaster, but aren't prophecies common knowledge? You would be the first person I'd guess would know."
"Alas, I am an old man, my dear."
"Is there anything else, Headmaster? Like telling me what I prophesied?"
"Call me Professor Dumbledore, my dear, and no, that's all for now."
"Of course, Headmaster." Ruby abruptly turned back to the students. "Hasn't anyone taught you it's rude to stare?"
Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, and Pomona Sprout were very good friends despite the house rivalries of Hogwarts, so it wasn't much of a surprise that the four heads-of-house met in the teacher's lounge before classes to talk about the startling event.
"What do you think the prophecy means?" Pomona asked, nursing a cup of coffee.
Severus answered. "Prophecies are generally vague, so it's hard to tell what the topic is. It says the dark and light are fighting, but we knew that from last year."
"Is it a real prophecy?" Minerva voiced her doubt. "Divination is, well, stupid."
"I believe so." Filius chimed in. "We could always check the Ministry."
"That's a good idea." Pomona nodded. "And Minerva, divination isn't stupid, there are real seers, you know."
Minerva frowned.
"Is she a real seer?" the question hung in the air as the all mulled it over.
Filius spoke first, answering slowly. "Many great seers have come from Ravenclaw, and Rowena Ravenclaw was a seer herself. She even passed this onto her daughter. I see no reason why Miss Ravenwing couldn't be one."
"Does anyone find the similarity to her last name and Ravenclaw's strange?" Minerva groused, clearly not going to admit seers weren't phoneys.
Severus ignored her. "She has a sarcastic side. Dumbledore told her to call him Professor, then called her 'my dear.' She called him headmaster again, almost as if she was rubbing it in."
Pomona smiled. "He had it coming. It's about time someone wasn't scared of him."
"Why didn't Dumbledore tell her what she'd foretold? She would've found out from the entire student population anyway?" Filius pointed out.
"Dumbledore doesn't share secrets."
Adrian and Luna pulled Ruby aside as soon as breakfast was over.
Luna recited the prophecy to her word for word, (turns out she had amazing selective memory) for which Ruby was grateful.
"I said that?"
"Yep." Luna bounced.
"Does that make me a real seer? Would I be able to predict the future?" Ruby curiously asked.
"If you are a real seer, you will be able to make real prophecies. There are different methods that can be used to predict the future like reading tea leaves and crystal-ball gazing, but only above-average seers can actually predict things correctly. It's something you have to be a natural at, it can't be taught." Adrian informed her.
Ruby looked worried. "Do you really think I'm a natural at it?"
"Time will tell." Luna dreamily smiled. "Should we go to class now? It might be fun to be late if you want to."
Ruby blinked. "Um, no, let's be on time."
"Okay!" Luna skipped to their first class, which was Charms.
Ruby, Adrian, and Luna arrived early for class, in fact, only Professor Flitwick was there when they got there.
Flitwick glanced subtly at Ruby every few minutes between noting the other students coming in, but Ruby's quick eye caught it.
"Ruby, why don't you guess who will get the spell first today?" Adrian suggested.
"Um, I guess Luna."
"Why me?"
"Er…" Ruby frowned. "I don't know, I was just guessing."
Flitwick began the class with a tutorial of the theory of charms, then moved on to wand movements.
"Good, good. One more time, swish and flick." He instructed. "Now, combine the wand movement with the spell, and float your feather."
Ruby incanted it with no results but didn't feel too bad when everyone else wasn't able to get it on their first try.
"Wingardium Leviosa." Luna sang, and the feather floated over to tickle Ruby's nose.
"Luna!" Ruby laughed, batting the feather away from the back of her neck, where Luna had levitated it to..
"Good job, Miss Lovegood, ten points to Ravenclaw." Flitwick praised. "Everyone, look here, Miss Lovegood has it perfectly. Second try, too."
"Ruby, how did you do that?" Adrian failed to keep his voice down.
Ruby blushed when everyone glanced her way.
"Do what, Miss Ravenwing?" Flitwick asked.
"Erm, Adrain asked me to guess who would learn the charm first, and I said, Luna." Ruby ducked her head.
"What made you choose her?" Flitwick dug for information.
"I think her name was the first to pop in my head, so I just said it." Ruby thought aloud.
Flitwick looked intrigued, but the bell rang before he could say anything else.