Caught Staring

"My mother seems to know my type than."

"Does she now, so you like girls who are open minded and make you cook your own food."

"Something like that..."

"Oh I'm sorry, are you gay?" His face darkened as he heard the words that came out of my mouth. "You sure are something else eh? Im not gay!! I just find it hard to believe that a girl of such status could be so..."

"So what?"

"So brutal. Now you shall take that as a compliment as I am very fond with my words. Brutal in my vocabulary is meant for Beautiful and stubborn. At first glance no one would guess your true nature."

No one could guess my true nature at first glance, but he did.

"I shall take that as a compliment, but let me tell you sir. Your vocabulary is not very up to date." I loved teasing him, the way he got made me giggle. But it seemed to make him laugh when I acted all stubborn.

We spoke no words after that. We only communicated with our eyes. I looked at him for what seemed like and eternity, not realizing he was looking at me too. I quickly came back to my senses and simply spoke the first thing that came to mind. "Stop staring at me would ya, and please continue cutting that tomato you've been trying to cut it for the past 10 minutes.

'What was that' Why had I just stared at her as if nothing else in this world mattered. As if I could give up my live for her as easy as 123. We barely just met and It seems like I've known her since I was in the womb.

"Honey come into the living area we have something to discuss." I quickly left my thoughts alone and rushed to the living area. Whatever I was feeling had to go away because I didn't like it. "Yes mother what would you like to discuss?"

"Mrs Peru and I have decided that you and Kaden shall move in together. That will give you guys the chance to get to know each other better." For the first time I finally heard Mrs Peru talk since she walked into my house. "Yes and seeing the chemistry you guys had in the Kitchen, you guys seem to have fallen in love already." She then stared at Kaden who was standing right beside me.

I turned to stare at him.

He was already staring at me.

He looked away embarrassed that I had caught him staring. "Wow Kaden falling for me so soon." To cover my tracks I quickly responded to him staring. And he quickly shot back "Oh please babe, we all know your the one falling. Im just simply following your foot steps." Did Kaden just openly admit that he believes he has fallen in love with me. I stared at him, for a few second before I heard the front door open.

My sister had arrived, and she was gonna be shocked when she finds out her sister is getting forced to marry a boy.