That Hurt Shall Not

I was not prepared for my sister to walk in. I never wanted my sister to believe I was weak enough to give in to an arranged wedding. She always looked up to me as the strong sister. What would she think if she found of about this. Well she was about to find out either way.

I gave my mother a glance. What I saw in her eyes told me she wasn't prepared to tell my sister about this either. "Hi mother Im home!" My sisters voice echoed through the room.

"Mother, sister, where are you-. What are the Peru's doing here?" She looked confused as she walked into the Living Area.

"Sister, why don't we explain to you. Shall we mother" I knew that my sister was looking for answers so I am going to give them to her. Because if I put myself in her shoes I know I would want answers too. "Sure, Mira why don't you tell her what Mrs Peru and Kaden doing here." Of course she's gonna make me say it, she can't even take responsibility for her actions.

"Well sister, mother here has forced me to agree to a marriage with Kaden." She was stunned, I mean I'm a tough girl so I'm assuming she's wondering how my mother convinced me to agree. "But how did she get you to agree?"

"Well she simply used you as bait. The whole 'if you don't do it I'll force your sister'. Any questions?"

I laughed, which made her even more confused. "Sister you've gone mad, did he drug you?" Now it was both Kaden and I who started laughing. "Sister you must be really confused if you think Kaden is smart enough to drug me. The man can barely cut a tomato." I had to sit down from all the laughing I was doing. I don't think I've ever laughed this much in my entire life.

"Babe please, I am smart enough to drug you. I just don't intend to do it." That stopped me from laughing as I looked up at him. "Shut up would ya, my heads hurting because of you."

"Why because I'm hot?" Now he was just getting on my nerves. But the look on his face told me he was challenging me, and I accepted. "No because you think your hot." I looked at my sister and she gave me this smile, this smile that told she approved of him.

Only your twin sister can see your true feelings for a boy or girl. She knows how I act around boys, I act cold and brutal. And no not Kaden's type of brutal. But around Kaden I show my true nature. Kind, soft and funny. I may say it's not easy to get on my good side. But may I say he is hot, although I might say he's not he is.

'What did I just think.'

'No I shall not love' And he shall not love me. Loving me is not an option.

And I shall not love him. For the sake of my future I shall marry him. But I shall not love him, nor shall he love me. Even if he does I do not know what I would do.

That hurt will not be experienced again.