Hypocrites Indeed

I had sat here calmly waiting for Mira to leave. I loved books, so I thought I might as well grab one since Mira has a whole library of them.

So when I followed her in here I hadn't expected her to grab the exact book I wanted. Maybe she even knew that I wanted that book since I had been eyeing it the entire time I was in there. At least I know she has good taste in book, or literature may I say.

In this relationship it seems she is more the man than I am. I give her plenty of chances to tease me. But once I start doing it, all hell breaks loose.

Them women really are hypocrites.

Hmm, Hypocrites Indeed....

I had started cooking, I wanted to toast some Garlic bread. I'm also making some white rice, for my little girls. Then I'll add some avocado on the side, for the Garlic bread.

I was also making some noodles, in case my little girls had second thoughts.

I've been thinking about my future lately. I wonder what I'll do with this situation. These little girls will hopefully grow up to be best friends. They will help each other through everything, no matter how deep. No matter if there is water under the bridge.

I just know that when I am gone, they will have each other, and I will not have to worry. I will leave them all of my things. I do not have long, But I have enough.

"Girls it's time to eat!" I shouted into the living room, where I believe the girls were playing. "And don't tell me no, you girls are getting too thin!"

Soon I saw 2 little dolls running into the room, on their little feet. I felt a smile grow on my face, I could be the happiest woman on Earth right now.


After Dinner, I told the girls to go wash their hands, and their teeth. As it was time for bed, I had realized that Kade had not went to dinner. I was not pretty sure where he was, but I made an educational guess and assumed he was in the Private Library.

I went over to the Library, the door was half open. I walked in, and The faint smell of cologne welcomed me. Surprising cause Cologne is so strong.

I walked deeper inside the Library, and then I see Kade's back. I call out to him, but I get no response.

So I decide to go over to him, and I find that is eyes are closed, and his steady breathing confirmed to me that he was Indeed asleep.

Oh if you could see the little look on his face, the book on his lap.

Wasn't that the same book I had been reading? Well that doesn't matter now, what matter is who is going to sleep with me.? Now this is my biggest problem,

Minus the fact that he has to stay here, now way will I be able to lift up his five hundred pound body *Exaggerated*

I walked to my bedroom, as I open the door, I see my room. In it's normal state, it looks so boring without Kade.

I walk to the Bathroom, as I start to undress I quickly turn on the faucet. Scorching hot water comes out, and I wait for the bath to fill.


The water has now filled the bathtub with its Glory, as I turn off the faucet. I'm preparing myself to face the hot water, Knowing this bath is well deserved.

But just as I am about to dip my toe in the water-

I hear footsteps behind me, and before I know it there's a hand on my stomach...