Stubbornness c***** people stupid teenagers that don't learn nothing worth a c***** ass teenager Thirsty for nothing... No one in this world gives a rat's a** rich or pobridgeport all they care about is themselves. All I could say is if I were this person and I was 14 and I was f****** around and with everything and my grandparents in neighborhood with some. Stubborn a** piece of s*** and I found and if I found out I was knocked up I wouldn't lie about it and squeeze it. Out in a bathroom over my neighbors and send it to the other side because I'm f****** guilty. Because i'm a terrible kid who wasted her time over Over this person oh but you? Know. I'm abuse or whatever I don't get what I want will when you put your parents through h*** expect to be put through h*** back because little girl you. Aint got seight no one ever gonna say that girl she can't save herself. She's better off dead...