Ch 95: More pranks!

*breath in*

Kyra suddenly flips the table.

"Mom you okay?" Naruto asks glancing at the destroyed table.

"Yes everything is fine. I am just really, really annoyed." Kyra says.

'How!!! I want a refund! How does it come with a bent pin!' Kyra screams in her mind while holding a processor with a bent pin.

"So mom? What are you making?" Naruto asks

"A computer, so we can play games at home or watch stuff. Since Sandstorms only a shout away, and she could hook it up to the internet on earth for us." Kyra says with a smile.

"Games? Like the time you put Loki on a inflatable mattress in the middle of a pond?" Naruto asks

"No, video games, trust me you will enjoy them." Kyra says with a smile while cursing in her mind for needing to buy another 200 cap processor.

Kyra puts the processor in the slot and it fits in.

"Yeah well let's talk about what your clones are doing right now?" Kyra says

"Um, definitely not painting the tower pink." Naruto says

Kyra looks out the window towards the Tower of Babel. She sees several people clinging on to it with suction cups and have paint tied to their waist.

"You used the transformation technique on the clones good idea. Sadly you didn't make them look like suction cup man." Kyra says

"So how will you surpass my pranks this time?" Naruto asks with a teasing smile.

"Hmm, I would need to do something with Loki cause whenever I prank her that makes it so much better." Kyra says with a smile and a dangerous glint in her eye.

"So mom what will you do?" Naruto asks

"I just realized I'm a horrible influence to you." Kyra says

"Doesn't matter mom it's fun." Naruto says punching up into the air.

"I got it! A talking hat she can't take off." Kyra says with a smile.

"Where do you plan on getting one of those?" Naruto asks

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

"From her of course." Kyra says with a smile going to open the door.


Opening the door Kyra sees a little girl with red hair and golden eyes.

"So what hat did you bring?" Kyra asks

"You're going to love this." Sandstorm says pulling out an amazon box from nowhere.

Kyra opens it to see possibly the ugliest hat alive.

"This is Neville's gran's hat." Kyra says pulling out the ugly thing with a taxidermy vulture on top.

"Yep it is fugly." Sandstorm says

"That's a word I haven't heard since junior high." Kyra says

"Well I can't exactly curse in front of Naruto can I?" Sandstorm says patting the blondes head.

"You do know your not much taller than him right?" Kyra says

"Meh, I like this form. Cute is justice. Believe it!" Sandstorm says in the cutest way possible.

"Be careful of people with white vans. They would probably freak out more once you said you were legal." Kyra says looking down at the red head.

"So, can I stay for dinner since I brought the hat?" Sandstorm asks

"*sigh*, of course... you just wanted food. When was the last time you ate?" Kyra asks Sandstorm.

"I don't remember, I don't need to eat so I find myself forgetting to." Sandstorm says

"Fine but you need to enchant the hat to sing the more annoying the better. It would be amazing if it sounded like the sorting hat. You must also make it so you can't take it off for a few hours." Kyra says

Sandstorm quickly grabs the hat.

"Done. So what's for dinner?" Sandstorm asks

"Well we have about two hours. That's enough time for me to make whatever you want. I have premade stock and bread in a modern oven won't take that long." Kyra says putting on her shoes.

"Um where are you going?" Sandstorm asks

"Well this hat won't find it self on Loki's head itself." Kyra says.

"I got it!" Sandstorm says grabbing the hat as it disappears from her hands.

"I forgot you're such a broken character." Kyra says

"I just really want your food." Sandstorm says with a smile.

"Can't Shirone make better food than me?" Kyra asks since Emiya is famous for his food.

"She is good, but for some reason my intuition is telling my to try yours." Sandstorm says

"Got it... so what do you want?" Kyra asks

"Pizza?" Sandstorm asks

"Consider it done." Kyra says