Ch 94: Loki at the door.

While Kyra is training chakra in the backyard with Naruto.

"So mom? How long till I can go to the dungeon?" Naruto asks

"Well, I wanna say 5 years at least. But since we are leaving in about a year. We could have you graduate from an academy in Remnant before we go back to your world." Kyra says

"Awe I wanna see the dungeon." Naruto says

"Maybe if you practice really hard we could sneak you in when we go to the lower floors." Kyra says

"Really!" Naruto says excitedly.

"Sure." Kyra says

"Mom! Let's prank Loki!" Naruto says

"What are you going to do?" Kyra asks

"I'm thinking of dying her hair lime green" Naruto says

"How?" Kyra asks

"Hmm, I will prove to you I'm the best at pranking so I can tell you." Naruto says

"Okay, if you managed to do that. I will do something equally crazy." Kyra says remembering the movie called the parent trap.

'Well we should be close to the expedition.' Kyra thinks.


A few hours later.

"Say Naruto what do you want for lunch!?" Kyra shouts to the practicing Naruto in the backyard.

"Can I have ice cream!" Naruto shouts back from somewhere in the trees.

'Half an acre of back yard was quiet a lot.' Kyra thinks to herself looking at the tree line.

"Why are there so many trees Naruto!" Kyra shouts

"I learned wood release mom!" Naruto shouts back.

Kyra just sighs.

"You can have ice cream but you need to eat the baked chicken first!" Kyra shouts back.

'I wonder how everyone is doing. I feel like a stay at home mom.' Kyra thinks to herself.


Meanwhile in the dungeon.

"Which one is the red one!" Yang yells

"I don't know just smash them both!" Ruby shouts back.

"Yang smash!!" Yang shouts as she punches a hole in the dungeon wall.

"Why did you do that again?" Weiss asks

"Hmm?" Ruby asks

"Did you have to break the lunch box?" Blake asks

"I mean, using her lunch boxes for skeet shooting are the best." Yang says with a smile.

"But you clearly punched it." Weiss says

"I wonder how Kyra's doing. She is kinda like a stay at home mom watching our son." Ruby says


Kyra suddenly sneezes.

"Maybe I should work on their lunch for tomorrow." Kyra says as lunch boxes color coordinated lunch boxes are made with her magic that are advanced enough to be able to cool down and heat up food.

"Blake probably wants something with fish again... I'm running out of fish recipes. Yang she seemed to enjoy the burrito last time." Kyra says as she fires up the 6 burner stove, oven,and deep fryer.

"Then Ruby, Weiss, and Osaka. Hmm Ruby should like chicken tender sub lets make that. Weiss I could make chili?" Kyra wonders as she's using her two arms, tail, and her magic to cook.


A bit after cooking.

"Naruto! Lunch is ready!" Kyra shouts out the widow.

"On my way mom!" Naruto shouts back.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

Kyra shifts to her super Saiyan form and goes to open it.

"Hello?" Kyra says to the Lime green haired goddess of trickery.

"Hey Sun, we have the expedition coming up in two weeks just after Monster Feria." Loki says

"Ah yes my my familia is all level 3 now except for my captain who is level 7." Kyra says with a smile trying really hard not to laugh at the hair.

"Um what happens to your hair." Kyra asks

"Some blonde girl with whisker marks on her face wearing an orange jumper happened." Loki says

'He still learned it. My son is a pervert.' Kyra thinks to herself getting kinda depressed.

"Any way, my familia is making a trip to the 25th floor right now." Kyra says with a smile knowing they are probably in the 50s again. Last time they said Yang can punch through the floor so they can descend faster.

"I was hoping to meet them." Loki says with a smile.

Suddenly a clone of Kyra pours them both tea.

"If you or Apollo get any ideas. I can't guarantee you walking away alive got it." Kyra says releasing enough killing intent to make Loki flinch.

"Hahaha, I wouldn't dream of it." Loki says sweating a little.

"Oh it's currently lunch and we should have some left over chicken if you want any." Kyra says with a smile.

"My familia has their own cook." Loki says

"So you don't wanna try my cooking." Kyra says

The words my cooking seems to echo through Loki's head.

"You made it?" Loki asks

"Yes I did." Kyra says with a smile.

"I must stay then to try the legend." Loki says with a glint in her eye.

'Hmm? Was there a part to my backstory that made me a heavenly cook or something?' Kyra wonders as she briefly shows Loki around the mansion before leading her to the kitchen table.