I wake up and go down to Saitama's apartment as usual. I see him in his kitchen brushing his teeth while also watching something on the news.

Cupid: "Morning, Saitama. What's on TV today? Anything interesting?"

Saitama: "Yeah, it looks like there is some group of lazy people who don't want to work. Apparently they stole some experimental cloths or something like that."

I look over to the TV to see a picture of Hammerhead and the news woman talking about his terrorist group, the paradisers, ridiculous demands for free food, clothing and shelter are given to people who don't want to work.

News Woman: "Also, the group members all have shaven heads, making them quite intimidating."

As she said this, Saitama froze up looking both terrified and mad.

Saitama: "What?"

Cupid: "HAHA! Looks like someone is copying your style! You gunna go take care of them?"

He starts to quickly put on his uniform.

Saitama: "It's not funny! Those guys stole my look! Come on, lets go take care of them!"

Cupid: "Nah, I have other plans to do today. I'm hunting a monster."

Saitama: "Fine, be careful!"

We both leave and start walking separate ways. I look at the screen next to me as I walk.

[Ability: Summon Death Knight]

[Summon Death Knight: Allows the user to create a creature out of mass. Living mass is more suitable, but nonliving mass can also be used. Strength of the Death Knight is proportional to the amount of mass used in extraction. Active Ability.]

[Cost: 100 SP]



I click yes. I've decided that the best way to get the attention of the association is to just make my own monster, let it rampage a bit, and capture and take it to the association. I activate my wings and quickly fly to a giant desert area with lots of plateaus. I flied up to it and created a barrier around it. I make the barrier close very quickly compressing it into a cube. I fly over to another plateau and do the same thing. I do this 20 times. I create another cube around the 20 cubes of rock. I undo the barriers inside and the cubes start to re-expand until they hit the outer barrier. I then close the barrier until I have what looks like a red hot cube. Finally, I think in my mind 'Summon Death Knight'. The cube starts to cool down and reform into a humanoid. It becomes clearer and starts to form armor over its rotting body, leaving its face uncovered. He stands up in the cube and look toward me.

Death Knight: 'Whaat iiiis your orderr master.?'

Cupid: "You can speak?"

Death Knight: 'No, masteer. I can only send thought into your mind to communicate.'

I try to... think? in his general direction.

Cupid: 'Can you read my thoughts too?'

Death Knight: 'Yes, but only when you want to send your thought to me.'

Cupid: 'Can you hear other people's thoughts?'

Death Knight: 'No, only yours master.'

Cupid: 'Ok then, you first order is to go out to the hero examination site six. I want you to start rampaging about a mile away from it. Then, I'll come and capture you to turn you into the Hero Association. Make sure not to kill anyone, but make the most damage possible.'

Death Knight: 'Yess, maaaster.'

I let him drop to the ground and he made a small crater. He starts running very fast back in the direction of the examination, each step creating a huge crater. I wait a few minutes and start flying after him. When I get there, I see tons of destroyed building and people running. I see a 20 story building falling so I fly over. I see the death knight destroying as much as possible while scaring people away without hurting them. I go up to him and encase him in a barrier.

Cupid: 'Do your best to break out and look desperate'

He starts flinging himself around the box trying o get out. I slowly start walking to the examination building. People see this and stop running. They make a path for me to go there. Everyone starts cheering and clapping for me. After a few minutes, I finally get up to exam building and someone walks out. He looks like a slim man with black hair and a stubble. He actually looks quite similar to Saitama before his training. He walks up to me very calm for the situation.

Man: "Is this that monster that was destroying the city?"

Cupid: "I think so. I did capture him in the middle of decimating a building."

Man: "Are you a hero? I don't recognize you, and to be able to so easily stop this thing, you should at least be an A class if not S."

Cupid: "I'm not a hero yet, but I'll be registering tomorrow."

Man: "Well, I hope you do well. This incident will be taken into account in choosing your hero class. Would you please bring this guy in? There is a place that should be able to hold him."

Cupid: "Ok, I'll leave him in you guys's hands."

I take him in and head down some stairs, hitting my head on the ceiling on the first step. We get down with me crouching the whole way. I see a few cells, none of them having any monsters. I guess most monsters aren't captured and are just killed on site. There are four guards, two at the entrance, two at the end.

Cupid: "I could just kill him if you want."

I hear someone behind me.

???: "No, please, I want to study it alive."

I look behind me and see a tall man in a suit.

Cupid: "Who are you?"

???: "I won't tell you my real name, but you probably know my hero name. You can call me Metal Knight."

Cupid: "Oh, I see. I'll just leave him in the cage so you can study him."

I put him in the cell and a very scared looking guard come up and lock it. He quickly retreats back to the corner he was guarding. I let go of the barrier. The moment the death knight touches the ground, he dashes for the door and starts trying to claw his way out, but the bars don't even get a scratch on them. What are these things made of? I'll ask after I become a hunter. I start to leave, but the guy with black hair says something to me.

Man: "What's your name, so we don't have to search for you tomorrow?"

Cupid: "It's Cupid Styll. Styll spelled S T Y L L."

Man: "Ok, Mr Styll. I thank you as a representative to the Hero Association for your cooperation."

I turn around and leave without saying anything else. I leave and start flying back to the apartment.


[Your ability 'Pixie Wings' has leveled up due to continuous use.]

I open my stats to see how much faster I am.


[Name: Cupid Styll]

[Age: 24]

[Race: Pixie Human Hybrid (CHANGEABLE)]

[Hero Class: N/A]


[Health: 100,000,000 (AH: 10)]

[Stamina: 100 (AH:10)]

[Regeneration: 99,999,999 every second (AH: 0.1)]


[Health: 100,000,000 (AH: 10)]

[Stamina: 100 (AH:10)]

[Regeneration: 99,999,999 every second (AH: 0.1)]


[Strength: 1000 (AH: 10)]

[Agility: 1200 (AH: 10)]

[Durability: 500 (AH: 8)]

[Intelligence: 500 (AH: 15)]




[Barrier: The ability to summon near invincible barriers that can be any shape and size, and can be moved with your mind. Active Ability]

[Level: MAX (100/100)]

[Regeneration: The ability to regenerate any part of your body extremely fast. Can regrow body parts. Passive ability]

[Level: MAX (100/100)]

[Eidetic Memory: The ability to remember anything you have ever seen. Also enhances brain processing speed and problem solving. Passive Ability]

[Level: MAX (50/50)]

[Consciousness Replication: The ability to create a separate mind with the ability to think separately and share thoughts between minds. Each level increases the amount of consciousnesses can be created and the complexity of of it. Active Ability]

[Level: 1/100]

[Adapt: The ability to force your body to adapt to survive in any environment. Passive Ability]

[Level: 50/100]

[Pixie Charm: Increases charm to your preferred gender for partnership. Makes you look more handsome and appealing. Passive Ability]

[Level: 1/10]

[Pixie Wings: Allows you to grow pixie wings from your back. Can fly at 90 mph. Speed increases with level. Active Ability]

[Level: 3/50]

[Pixie Size: The ability to change your size from normal to two inches tall. Does not impede with strength. Active Ability]

[Level: MAX (1/1)]

[Summon Death Knight: Allows the user to create a creature out of mass. Living mass is more suitable, but nonliving mass can also be used. Strength of the Death Knight is proportional to the amount of mass used in extraction. Number of Death Knights increase with level. Active Ability.]

[Level: 1/100]


[SP: 899.9]

I'm faster by another 10 mph, and my agility increased by 100. Pretty good work for today. Anyway, I get back to the apartment and see Saitama and Genos looking at the hero association website.

Cupid: "You guys planning to get your hero license tomorrow too?"

Genos: "Yes, master. Will you be getting yours too?"

Cupid: "Yep. I plan on getting a high class so I don't have to climb the ranks. It would just be too bit of a hassle. You should probably aim high too. I mean, if you get stuck climbing the ranks, how will you have time for hero work?"

Genos: "Your so wise master! I must record this!

Cupid: "Ok then, I'll be going up to my apartment. Don't leave without me tomorrow."

I head upstairs and go to sleep on the abnormally long bed.