Chapter 4

After the class got to the fields Deku said "Were going to do a little battles to see what kind of quirks you all have!" The class cheered because they thought it was going to be some kind of test. Then Kaminari said "Were also going to test your endurance during battle." Yami then said out loud "Should have known that there was a catch to this." while smirking. Then Deku says "I want you to draw a piece of paper and pair up with the person who has the same as you, they will be your battle partner." The class each draw a piece of paper. When Yami draws his it's the letter A like Kenji. Kaminari then says "If you have the letter A come up and get ready to battle." Kenji and Yami step up and then Kaminari says "First tell us your names and quirks." Kenji says "My name is Kenji Hiroshi and my quirk is called Strength." Deku says "Ok" Then Yami says "My name is Mitsuko Yami call me Yami pls and my quirk is call Half-Light and Half-Dark." Both Deku and Kaminari think 'A quirk like Shoto huh.' Then Deku says "You may begin!" As soon as he said that Yami instantly rushed at Kenji while creating a sword made out of Dark matter and striking Kenji in the chest. Kenji then used his quirk to give his punch extra power to do some damage to Yami. Yami realizes what Kenji is doing and turns his body into light matter so the punch will go through him. Kenji then pulls back his arm and goes to kick Yami but Yami catches his leg and throws him away. Yami then creates a black hole underneath Kenji, then Kenji falls into it and then Yami follows and creates a beam of light matter and shoots it at Kenji and making him go out of the black hole and making Kenji pass out. Realizing what he did he runs over to Kenji and takes him to the school nurse. While he was doing this the other battles went on and Deku was thinking 'What can Yami's quirk do completely and Kenji's quirk looks like it is under control better know.' End of Chapter four.