Chapter 5

After the battles had concluded Kenji woked up Yami said "Sorry for making you pass out Mr.Kaminari made me bring you up here and he said when you wake up I was to take you to the dorms." Kenji just laughed "Bud I'm not mad we both know it would be Reverse if they had each others quirk." Then Kenji and Yami walk to the dorms and then they realize that Yami's Kanji's and Suichi's dorms are next to each other. Yami says good night to his friends and goes to bed. While he was sleeping he had a dream of his parents. His parents were villains and they were part of the League of Villains and since he was a child of villains everyone thought he would be a villain as well except for his adoptive parents even though they had useless quirks they made Yami feel at home. But then one day while he was at his father's job for Parents bring their children to work day his mother was attacked by a villain and died fighting him off. When his father and him found out it was less cheerful in their home. Then the sun raised and he woked up in a heavy sweat from his dream. Yami went to the boys bathroom and rinsed off. Then Yami Kenji and Suichi ate breakfast and went to class. End of chapter five.