Chapter 6

While Yami and his friends were walking to class every student just looked at them shocked. They were saying "Its them the only students to get recommendations and reject them and passed the entrance exam with high scores. And don't forget that one of them is a child of villains so we shouldn't be that shocked by him passing it I mean after all every single robot he battle still hasn't been found yet." Hearing this Yami said "So what if I'm a child of villains it doesn't mean that I will become one!" After saying this the principle, Principle Aizawa came out and said "He's right just because of his heritage doesn't mean he is like his parents." Yami said "Thanks" to the principle and goes to class. In class Kaminari starts saying "Ok for today were going to tell each other about our quirks, any volunteers?" there was dead silence so Kaminari then said "Mitsuko Yami please explain your quirk." Yami then steps up and says "My quirk is called Half-Light,Half-Dark: I can turn my body into either light matter or dark matter, Create objects of of either one or combine them. I can also go into the shadows to stay out of sight. Also during the day my Dark abilities are stronger while at night my Light abilities are stronger." Kaminari then says "Excellent, Who wants to go next?" Then Kenji steps up and says "My quirk is called Strength: It allows me to give my punches and kicks extra power to do massive damage to the people I'm fighting unless it's Yami then because he turns his body into light or dark matter." Then Suichi stands up and says "My quirk is called Thermal Creation: Using ice or flame or both I can make object, weapons and complex structures for any use." Then one by one the class explained their quirks but Yami didn't listen to their quirks because he was distracted by a person outside of the main gate of the school. Yami turned his head and looked back the mysterious man was gone. Yami didn't think much of it. Then the bell ranged for lunch instead of waiting in line Yami made a few black holes to get his lunch and to pay for it. While he was eating the food he just got the mysterious man he saw earlier was right out the window of the cafeteria then in a blink of a eye he was gone. When Kenji and Suichi came back from getting their lunch Yami told them what he say and Suichi said "That's impossible the security here is unbelievable and no one has broken in here since the days of All Might." Yami then said while grabbing some fries "I know what I saw I just don't know what is going to happen." Then a explosion happens and Yami Kenji and Suichi run to where the explosion happened at and they see a man. Yami then says "What did I say?" End of Chapter Six.