Chapter 8

Yami exclaimed "I figured out your quirk!" Sirius said "Oh did you know? Then what is it then you puny kid!" Yami quickly said "Vampire: It allows you to do anything that a vampire can but in makes you thirsty for blood and you can walk in the sunlight but it irritates you like hell!" Sirius was actually shocked because no one has ever guessed what his quirk was before he joined the League. Then Yami said "Since your quirk is Vampire your stronger in the dark so is my quirk so let's see who's stronger!" then Yami fires the strongest beam of light matter he has ever made before. Sirius gets hit by the attack head on and says "Not bad but we both know that I am stronger than you." Yami disappears from Sirius sight and attacks from behind him but Sirius dodges the attack and grabs Yami. But Yami turns himself into light matter to get away from Sirius's hold. Sirius then says "Ok I'm done playing around with you!" As Sirius said this he began to grow in size and his skin became the color of light grey. Yami who was shocked by this rushed to get out of the black hole. As soon as he got out of the black hole he took a breather and then came out Sirius laughing "Did you really think that you could lose me that quickly?" As soon as he said that Yami said "No but I didn't want to fight you where you would be more powerful since you gave yourself a power boost." Sirius then chuckled while saying "That's some smart thinking little boy!" Then Sirius went to attack Yami. Yami being a tired since he kept the black hole open for so long couldn't turn himself into light matter or dark matter in time so he took the attack head on and he went flying across the room and hit a wall and Yami slowly got up. Breathing extremely hard he thinks 'Maybe this will work or maybe it won't' Then Yami makes two orbs one made out of light matter and the other made out of dark matter and combines then and fires it at Sirius, knocking him out cold and then Yami passes out as soon as Help came. End of chapter eight.