Chapter 9

When Suichi returned with help it was too late because Yami successfully knocked out the villain. Then principle Aizawa used his quirk on Sirius and took him to the police station. Afterwards Aizawa stated "Since the league has you three targeted I'll have Deku keep a eye on you and I'll find a new teacher for the hero course training." Then Suichi said "Can I talk to you in private." Aizawa agreed to talk to him. The next day everyone looked at Yami and would say "I heard that he took down a member of the League of Villains yesterday by himself." Yami ignored them and kept walking to class only to be stopped by Deku. Deku said "I want to talk to you in private for a few minutes." Yami surprised by this "Sure thing Uncle." Then they went into a office. Deku then said "Yami I'm surprised by what you did yesterday. So I decided to make you my successor." Yami confused asks "Successor of what?" Deku said "You will be the successor of my quirk!" Yami then laughs "Its like your saying you can transfer your quirk to someone else!" Deku then sighs and says "I can transfer my quirk to you." Yami then stopped laughing and said "Wait your serious, You mean you can actually transfer your quirk to me?" Deku then says "I can but I want you to think about it, I have to go meet up with Suichi at the front gate to greet your new hero course training teacher." Yami then went to class and then the new teacher who would replace Deku since he will be protecting Yami and the others from now on. As soon as Yami saw her he said "Aunt Momo is the new teacher?!?!" Momoayo then said "Its good to see you as well Yami." The class was shocked by the fact that Yami called Momoayo his Aunt except Suichi and Kenji since he's been calling her that for years now. Then Deku said "Okay Yami,Suichi and Kenji come with me,the rest of you will go train with Mrs.Todoroki." The class does what he said to do. While the class was practice with Momoayo, Deku said "Okay you three, Today is going to be the first day of your secret training with me. So I want the three of you to come at me with full force!" The three kids all said at once "You got it!" and they all went at him. End of chapter nine.